<ver. 2.0> This is a continuation of dea paladins. With permission by Adea paladins All dea paladins units are included in this mod aswell.
attention!!!!!!! when you start new campaign with my mod, you have to delete map.rwm file just once this mod is compatible with 1.2patch. but if you do not start new campaign, you can not meet heroes.
And here , the credits :
KK (for mod where we can put him in) DG ( rhun faction horse model) BANZAI (original chariot model) Original creators of M&B (for chest part and tunic) CA (game and vanilla models and textures) Oblivion (for "dale" modders resource) RUSHICI (for face resource)
recommand mod - majestic map mod 2.1 !!!]
team member - Sgawara84 (modeling, texture making, unit description, concept art) - Saladin (unit stat balancing,) - Crusader Knight ( 2d arts) - Evan Frayling (2d arts) - Ceasar Gubius (construct AOR system, unit description) helper -dea paladin (addtional unit mod)
recruiting team members!!!! who can make outsdanding 2d arts who skilled in script, good writer.
next plan retextured dunedain veteran reworked dunedain swordmen half trolls divided silvan esgaroth units
2.0 beta change log fixed dol amroth pikemen weapon texture eriador reworked add on add or fixed ui anduin regional units ! guards of minath_ithil black guards of barad_dur chariots did not include hero model.
ANDUIN UNITS (AOR units for silvan, dale,dwarves)and Khandish chariots
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silvan elves
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Galadrihim Court Guard
dale kk aleady made new models of dale kingdom, but 1.3 is not realeased now. if he realease new patch, i will change or remake model's name and description ^^ or will make new region units
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phase 1
Beoring Dale Axemen Dale Swordsmen Dale Spearmen Esgaroth Town Guards Dale Militia free archers and noble swordmen dale men at arms dale archers nobles of rhovanion
we can recruit only in dunland region dunlending axemen (very huge company, and i will change thier weapon style just like uruk) dunlending fighter (can throw javelin and more stronger than snaga skir) dunlending clansmen (aleady exist) dunlending pikemen (less stronger than uruk_pikemen and more cheaf) dunlending chieftain slayer (like a berserker)
1.3 change log - increased movement point (X3) - fixed high elve unit ui - adjusted tatw 1.2 hotfix (about evil faction destroy) - House of Golden Flower Warriors (rivendell region) - Glorfindel model and Goldenflower footmen bodyguard - warriors of green hills(Pinnath Gelin) - fixed building tech (elve 2H swordmen and rivendell pikemen)
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Glorfindel and House of Golden flower
lamedon 2 hand swordmen Lamedon was a region and fiefdom in southern Gondor; a series of valleys through which the Ciril river flowed south. It was one of the most densely populated regions in Gondor. At the time of the War of the Ring its lord was Angbor. During that war, Angbor did not send any soldiers to Minas Tirith during the initial assault, as he chose to defend instead the southern city of Linhir, which rested near the mounds of the river Gilrain. He held off the Southron assailants coming from the Harad and the Haven of Umbar for a long while. The only men Minas Tirith received from Lamedon were some scattered hillmen without a captain. At the time Aragorn passed through Lamedon with the Grey Company, the Army of the Dead drove forth the assailants from Linhir, though the staunch defenders fled as well. But Angbor alone remained and braved the fear of the Dead. Then Aragorn bade him gather his folk and follow them. But the Grey Company departed first, and by the time Angbor joined them with all the horsemen he could muster, the Corsairs of Umbar had been driven forth, and the Dead released. But many of the men of Lamedon, as well as soldiers from Lebennin and various other southern fiefs, came on the Corsairs to Minas Tirith, where they bore themselves bravely in battle. But Angbor, leading four thousand, went by land, coming to garrison Minas Tirith after the hosts departed for the Black Gate and the ensuing Battle of the Morannon. Retrieved from "http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Lamedon"
complete warriors of green hills(Pinnath Gelin)--gondor region unit 1
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Hirluin the Fair or Hirluin of the Green Hills was the leader of the people of the Green Hills during the War of the Ring. He was one of the many leaders of Men who brought companies to Minas Tirith. He brought three hundred gallant green-clad men. A week later, he fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, rushing to the aid of Eomer and the Rohirrim, in the van with Imrahil of Dol Amroth, Hurin of the Keys and Forlong of Lossarnach. He was slain on the fields before the City.
The Pinnath Gelin or Green Hills was a fief in the far west of Gondor, bounded to the west by the River Lefnui, and to the east by the Morthond.
1.2 change log
added heroes aragorn footman version (with dunedain rangers) thranuill mirkwood king dale king bard theoden face dwarves king dain fixed legolas weapon fixed gimli mesh fixed iron hill axemen motion
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DAin .................finished!!
ARAGORN .................. finished!!
BARD ...................FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Arrow! Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. You have never failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old. If ever you came from the forges of the true king under the Mountain, go now and speed well!" Bard served as a soldier in Lake-town, and was one of the most skilled archers among Men. He was the heir of Girion, the last king of old Dale. Bard was able to slay the DragonSmaug with a single arrow after a tip from the old thrush (who had overheard Bilbo Baggins' description of Smaug) revealed an unarmoured spot on the Dragon's underside. Because of his miraculous shot he was given the epithet "the Bowman". Bard claimed a twelfth of the treasure amassed by the dragon, which he subsequently shared with the Master of Lake-town to rebuild the town. However, the Master stole the money and ran off into the wild where he died. Four years later, after the rebuilding of the city, Bard became the first King of restored Dale.
thranduill ................. FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!
1.1 Ironhills axemen (only can recruit in ironhills)
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Ironhills axemen (only can recruit in ironhills)
In the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien (in particular The Hobbit), the Iron Hills are a fictional range of mountains in the north of Middle-earth, east of the Lonely Mountain, that are home to a Dwarf mining community. The Dwarf warrior Dain II Ironfoot of the Iron Hills led an army to the defence of Thorin Oakenshield which then joined in the Battle of Five Armies.
1.0 we can recruit only in dunland region dunlending axemen dunlending fighter (can throw javelin and more stronger than snaga skir) dunlending clansmen (aleady exist) dunlending pikemen (less stronger than uruk_pikemen and more cheaf) isengard mine (altered building file) fixed des paladin building file (deathbringer <-> berserker and elves swordmen tech)
attention!!!!!!! when you strt new campaign with my mod, you have to delete map.rwm file just once
2.0 link (fixed) http://www.filefront.com/14784401/sgawara2.0.zip alternative http://rapidshare.com/files/297325971/sgawara2.0.zip 그리고 빌어먹을 KK 와 싸워서 포럼의 글을 닫아버렸습니다. 저희 카페를 위해서만 모드를 만들겁니다. ^^ . 아 놔 민감한 자쉭들.
첫댓글 오오.. 드디어 전차를 볼수 있는건가요.. 근데 이번 버전은 RR+RC랑 호환되나요?
???? 그렇다고 호환안된다는 말도 없는거 같은데요?? 그래서 혹시나 해서 물어본것일뿐...
음 진정들 하시구요. 일단 제 유닛 전체가 들어가있는 rc/rr버전은 point_blank 씨가 만들고 있습니다. 제 모드를 위한 버전이죠. 그리고 유닛의 일부가 들어간 버전은 그쪽에서 알아서 만들거구요. 아마 다음 rc버전엔 전차가 포함될듯.
역시 멋진님임..
삭제된 댓글 입니다.
반지모드의 제작자인 KK 와 그의 오리지날 유닛모델에 관련해 문제가 좀 생겨서 토탈워 센터에선 활동을 안하게 될지도 모르겠네요. 역시 외국인은 저작권에 굉장히 민감합니다. 이거 원 습관이 안되있다보니까.. 금지당하면 뭐 여기서 만들면 되죠.
Korea kensai님 수고하셨읍니다~^^;글구 힘네시길.홧팅 ㅋㅋㅋ 커스텀배틀할때 Dale에 Mirkwood Hunters유닛넣으니 팅! 함니다
컴이 구려서 못하는 슬픔이여~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ctd 발견이군요 원인을 알았으니 링크 픽스해서 올리겠습니다 감사.
발록도 만들어 주세요
twcenter에 새링크 올렸어요.
2.0 link (fixed) http://www.filefront.com/14784401/sgawara2.0.zip alternative http://rapidshare.com/files/297325971/sgawara2.0.zip 그리고 빌어먹을 KK 와 싸워서 포럼의 글을 닫아버렸습니다. 저희 카페를 위해서만 모드를 만들겁니다. ^^ . 아 놔 민감한 자쉭들.
왜 악의 세력은 진화를 안할까 ..모르도르 이센가드 ㅠㅠ
왜 악의 세력은 진화를 안할까 ..모르도르 이센가드 ㅠㅠ
글쎼요 제 모드를 안써보신듯. evil faction 에도 꽤 많은 유닛을 넣었는데요. 2.0엔 던렌딩들을 안넣었죠. 리모델링 하는 중이거든요.
지우라는 map.rwm 어느 폴더에 숨어있나요? 못찾겠는데요 ㅠ
커 안드로스인가... 미나스트리스 동쪽의 섬 요새에서 모르도르와 방어 전투 중에 튕겨버리네요. 두번해서 두번 다 튕겼습니다. 에러메세지만 달랑 뜨고 튕기니... 뮛때문인지 모르겠네요. 모두 성문이 깨지고 난 직후에 튕겼습니다.
궁금해서 여쭙는데요. TAT 1.3 깔구나서 겐사이님꺼 1.3 깔아도 되는건가욤? 아님 TAT안깔고 겐사이님꺼 까는건가요?