The theme of the conference is "Envisioning Challenges": Changing Approaches for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) through Technology and Humanities". IcoTECH 2018 aims to provide a good opportunity to share and exchange technology and applications in Computing for professionals, engineers, academics, Social Sciences and Humanities for solving several complex real-world problems.
The 2018 International Conference on Technology and Humanities (IcoTECH2018) highlights the latest research and applications of algorithms, theories, applications within the fields of Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, Management, Finance and Hotel and Tourism Focusing on a variety of methods and systems as well as practical examples, this conference is a scaled resource for postgraduate-level students, decision makers, and researchers in both public and private sectors who are seeking research-based methods for modelling uncertain and unpredictable real-world problems.
Selected papers in Technology track will be published in SCOPUS indexed Journals which will be subjected to publisher's Terms & Condition.
Selected Social Sciences and Humanities papers will be submitted to SCOPUS indexed Journals.
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Computing: Artificial intelligence Architectures, Image Processing, Network Security, Energy grids, Prediction, Data analytics, Colour, Motion analysis, Computer vision, Computational steering, Computers in Human behaviour, Cryptography, Data mining, Deep learning, Global Information Systems techniques, Intelligent tutoring, Intelligent adaptive educational methods, Intrusion detection systems, Evolutionary computing, Optimization, Internet of Things AI applications, Smart Home, Financial Analysis with AI, Machine learning and Big data, Probabilistic methods, Recommendation systems , Visual analytics systems.
Engineering: Mechanical and manufacturing engineering, Computational Engineering, Modelling and Simulation, Electrical and electronics technology, Engineering Mathematics, Data mining, Dynamics and Vibration, Applied Mechanics, Material Science and Engineering, Civil and structure Engineering, Chemistry Engineering, Electrical and electronics technology, Image processing, Renewable energy and power system, Biotechnology, Manufacturing system, Geological Engineering, Nanotechnology, Engineering design and applications.
Business and Accounting: Business Critical Management Studies, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Innovation, International Business, Leadership, Management Information System, Marketing, Operation Management, Organization Theory, Organizational Behaviour, Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs), Strategic Management, Supply Chain, Management, E-Commerce in Accounting, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Forensic Accounting, Islamic Financial Management Islamic Investment Islamic Philosophy on Business and Finance, Marketing of Financial Services, Personal Finance Public Finance Regulation in Islamic Finance and Banking Risk Management .
Hospitality and Tourism: Tourism, hospitality, and leisure marketing; Consumer behaviour in tourism and hospitality settings; Human Resource Issues in hospitality, Hospitality finance, Health and safety issues in tourism and hospitality; Legal issues in tourism and hospitality; Emerging markets; Tour Operation, Technological issues in tourism and hospitality; Sport Tourism, Health, medical, spa, and wellness tourism; Tourism planning and development, Tourism economics; Food tourism and food tourism marketing; Community-based tourism, Future trends in tourism and hospitality marketing and management.
Registration and Submission
a. Registration and submission of Full Paper must be done electronically through the online submission system.
• Click on the "Registration" menu to create ConfBay Account and proceed for conference registration by logging in the system.
• Click on "Online Submission" menu to submit your abstract(s) / full paper.
b. Abstract and Full Paper Format - Strictly follow the template which can be downloaded at "Download menu"
Submission guidelines:
-Regular papers should be up to 6-8 pages in length.
-Papers must be written in English.
Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review.
Centre for Research & Innovation (CRI),
KDU Penang University College,
32, Jalan Anson, 10400 Georgetown, Penang, MY
Conference supported by

University of Lincoln, UK
Campus Way, Brayford Pool,
Lincoln, LN6 7TS
United Kingdom