Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (133) Book 8. The Reunification of Korea and World Peace CHAPTER 2. May Our Homeland Shine Forth
5. America is the central nation of God’s providence
When the days of the Second Advent come, God will need to choose one central nation from Christianity, the worldwide Second Israel. What does this mean? Since the ultimate ideal of the kingdom of heaven on earth is to be substantially realized on the earth, it needs to start at a particular central point and then spread step by step to the world. That is to say, there should be a nation adequate to serve as a model. The nation that was predestined and chosen long ago, and which is capable of carrying out God’s central providence in the Last Days, is the United States.
Now for a short time I would like to look back on the formation of the United States. In spite of being such a mighty continent, North America did not enter world history until the sixteenth century. We can explain this by thinking that God planned to use it in a special way during the Last Days and therefore hid it away in secret.
The United States is a nation that began through immigration. That is to say, it had no owners. The original inhabitants, the Native Americans, lived there, but they did not consolidate their rule over the continent as the owners of one nation. Because there was no one owner, we can say that God was the owner.
Therefore, America was a place to which God could send His special people, whom Hq had chosen. On the European continent people called America the New World. The first people who immigrated to North America came with hopes to serve God. They were seeking freedom of religion.
These early immigrants living under the tyranny of the Old World had so completely lost hope that, even knowing they might lose their lives, they left their homeland and crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
They possessed heroic determination and sailed for fifty-seven days on the tiny ship called the Mayflower, with their lives constantly in peril on the rough seas. After a difficult voyage, they finally landed in the New England region of North America. These people were the Pilgrims. They were America’s forefathers.
During the voyage two of them died, and fully half of them died during the first winter after they landed. They were people who thought God and faith were more important than their lives. It cannot be called accidental that they became America’s forebears, and that their spirit became the founding spirit of America.
The founding spirit of America is expressed in the motto, One Nation under God. This is clear proof of God’s Will to establish it as His nation and make it the central Christian nation for receiving the Messiah at his return. People that believed in God gathered together in this fertile land that God had hidden away and built a religious nation of all races. This is the model of the future kingdom of heaven on earth.
Now, centering on God’s Will, America has become the flag bearer to save the world. Through the cooperation of religion and the nation, America is accomplishing God’s historical wish for the salvation of the world, a one world family with a universal culture. America has taken on the burden of this central task to accomplish God’s historical vision of world salvation.
Out of a virgin land, God gave birth to the United States, the most powerful nation in the world, in just two hundred years, in order to prepare for the struggle against communism, the final evil power that would appear in the Last Days.
The American people must realize that God’s blessing, which they are enjoying today, is not only for America. They need to realize clearly that their blessing is for the world, and that it brings with it the responsibility to fulfill God’s Will.
The American people ought to be burning with determination to save the people of the world, even if they have to suffer martyrdom. Armed with the spirit of Christianity, they need to be willing to go the way of the cross. From God’s point of view, the paramount task for America is to protect the free world from communism and become the driving force that can eventually liberate even the communists.