As a part of lexical
knowledge, the present study attempted to develop an English collocation
proficiency test to measure the size of second language learners' collocation
knowledge. The existing collocation tests, such as DET (Eyckmans, Boers, & Demecheleer,
2004), CONTRIX (Revier, 2009), and COLLEX/COLLMATCH (Gyllstad, 2009), were
developed as achievement tests or could only test some specific types of
collocations (e.g. Verb + Noun collocations). To address this deficiency, a new
Collocation Size Test (CST) was developed using the recently constructed
General Service Collocations (GSC) (Shin, Chon, Lee, & Park, 2017) which
was first extracted from the large-scale Corpus of Contemporary American
English (COCA) and then refined by comparing 8 representative reference
corpora, such as Freiburg-Brown Corpus, Freiburg-LOB Corpus, and Australian
Corpus of English. The test of so-called GSC CST is based on the first 10
levels of GSC with 10 items at each level. Five of the items measured meaning
recognition while the others assessed the learners' ability to recognize the
correct form of collocations. Each item could be considered as representing
knowledge of 50 collocations within the collocation band. In the validation
process of GSC CST, the test showed a reliability of .91.