. Online Bible Study on Mondays 11/16
Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM
Korea Time: 11:00 PM
New Life Church in Seoul, Korea
No one can be saved by the works of the law, but only by the works of faith can we be forgiven and saved.
The act of faith is to love God and our neighbors with all our heart and strength, and to receive forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings through repentance.
Jehovah God came to this earth in the flesh (John 1:14), shed blood and died like a lamb to forgive the sins of mankind (John 1:29), and ascended back to heaven (Hebrews 6:20).
This is the new way to save mankind (Hebrews 10:20).
In the Old Testament, through the blood of the lamb and the priests, God's people could go to the Ark of the Covenant, which symbolized God's presence.
When Jesus died on the cross, the veil separating the Most Holy Place was torn, allowing the Ark of the Covenant to be seen from the outside (Mark 15:38).
This means that God has been revealed to people.
Inside the Ark of the Covenant were the Ten Commandments, which are God's word and God's presence.
Also inside the Ark of the Covenant were Aaron's budded staff and a jar of manna, which testify to God's word and presence.
Manna came down from heaven and they ate and lived (Exodus 16:4,5). The Ark of the Covenant testified to the fact that God had done this for generations.
The Jews only boasted about this and did not obey the word of God.
The legalists practiced a formal religious life and increased the Lord's commandments to 613.
No human being can keep all of those commandments, and those who opposed human doctrines were unconditionally branded heretics and put to death by them.
Jesus rebuked the legalists as whitewashed tombs or a brood of vipers (Matthew 23:27-33)
What does a brood of vipers mean?
A viper bites people to death, meaning the devil.
When God came to the world as a human, they did not accept Jesus as their savior, but instead killed him.
This means that they bit and killed their God.
Those who do not walk with the Holy Spirit will not realize the truth and will eventually die.
Those who only follow knowledge do not repent, so they do not receive the Holy Spirit and do not understand the word of God.
Those who graduate from famous universities but only follow knowledge and do not repent will not receive the Holy Spirit.
No matter how smart or well-educated they are, Jesus does not dwell in their hearts.
The Apostle Paul graduated from Gamaliel Theological Seminary, which was the best theological school at that time.
It was a theological school that taught the law, and there was no Holy Spirit and Jesus did not dwell in them.
There are many theological schools in Korea that teach human doctrine. All theological students must repent of their sins and meet Jesus.
If you live a life of unrepentance and only study the law, even the little faith you had will disappear completely.
Nowadays, large churches want to appoint pastors who are good at preaching human doctrines as their pastors.
This leads to a very scary result. Pastors and church members are cursed together and go to hell.
Pastors must preach only the Creator God, teach repentance to the congregation, and have them abandon idols.
Who is blocking the gospel of the kingdom of heaven? It is human doctrineists, charismatics, and those who prophesy human thoughts.
When the Apostle Paul preached the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to the world, Satan severely persecuted and hindered him (1 Thessalonians 2:18).
All who preach human doctrines are blocking the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.
This is the situation now. In order to be saved, everyone must be honest before the Lord.
Recognizing one’s own mistakes and repenting is the way to receive forgiveness and salvation from the Lord.
Those who follow human doctrines believe that future sins will automatically disappear without repentance.
and say that one salvation is eternal salvation, and believe that all their past, present, and future sins are automatically wiped out.
They think that even if they do not repent of their sins, the blood of the Lord will automatically wash away their sins.
Because they believe in these false human doctrines, all pastors and church members follow them endlessly.
Even on this earth, those who commit sins must go to prison as the price for their sins.
Those who go to prison, realize their sins, and repent are forgiven, receive salvation for their souls, and walk again on the path to heaven.
Our flesh is like a tent that we can stay in for a while.
When the tent of the flesh falls, our spirits will receive a new resurrection body and live forever.
When we repent, our souls are cleansed, and the purified spirits enter heaven.
All flesh is unclean.
When the tent of the flesh falls, the repentant spirits will receive the resurrection of life and ascend to heaven,
but the unrepentant spirits will receive the resurrection of judgment and descend to hell.
Those who repent and receive the Holy Spirit will enter heaven and rest forever.
This is the core message of the Bible. Pastors must preach the Bible and never preach human doctrines.
The Bible that God spoke is the fundamental truth.
We must never give up the truth and never follow man-made doctrines and knowledge.
Those who have much knowledge become arrogant, more important than knowledge is carrying out the will of the Lord.
Understanding and obeying the Word of God is the way to obtain life, human knowledge is against the will of the Lord.
Do not be one who judges the word of God this way or that way based on human thoughts and experiences.
Many pastors abandon the Word of God because it does not fit their thinking.
Human doctrines have become legalized, and they ignore the Word of the Bible.
We must throw away the doctrines created by humans and live by the Word of the Bible as our standard.
The Word of the Bible should be the standard that governs the church and leads the believers.
However, Satan has placed human doctrines above the authority of the Bible.
Many seminaries today do not teach the Word of God, but human doctrines.
Those who consider human theology more important unconditionally treat us as heretics when we point out the errors in the doctrines of the church.
In the New Testament era, there is absolutely no other savior besides Jesus (Acts 4:12).
A human emperor cannot be God. However, many emperors idolized themselves.
Many Christians who did not worship the emperor as God were brutally murdered.
All those who worshiped the emperor as an idol received 666, which is another name for Satan.
Those who joined the WCC are pluralists and received 666.
The Bible says that we should not worship the dead, because the dead body is unclean.
If the bodies of the dead are good and clean, why bury them in the ground?
Do not deify the dead. The corpse is unclean (Numbers 19:11).
It is best to bury the corpse on the same day that a person dies. The sooner the better.
We must remember that Jesus was buried on the same day that he died (Matthew 27:57-60).
When Ananias and Sapphira died, the apostles told them to bury them in the ground immediately.
All human corpses are unclean.
It is more important to obey God's word than human traditions.
The purpose of the Ten Commandments given to us by God is to make us love God and love our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-40).
Jesus came to the world and made the Ten Commandments into two.
The Lord of the Sabbath in the Old Testament was Jehovah God.
Jehovah God came to the world as Jesus. That is why Jesus said, I am the Lord of the Sabbath.
The Lord of the Sabbath is not two, but one, that is why Jehovah is Jesus and Jesus is Jehovah,
There is only one God.
God came to the world in the name of his Son, and that Son is Jesus Christ. Jesus is absolutely not the son of man who belongs to the world.
So we should learn only through the Bible and not through human thought.
Pastors should not teach anything other than the Bible.
The believers should also read the Bible and discern all sermons with the words of the Bible.
When a pastor preaches a sermon that does not fit the Bible, the believers should abandon the pastor's words and follow the Bible.
Do not be deceived by the words of charismatic or prophetic pastors, but discern only with the words of the Bible and follow the Bible.
When helping the poor, you should help them in the name of Jesus, and not boast about yourself.
Giving and receiving in the name of Jesus is acknowledging God as the owner of all things.
Donations are not given to the pastor, but to God.
When you understand the word of God well and put it into practice, you become humble.
Humility is lowering yourself. Putting down your own thoughts before the word of God and following the word of the Lord is true humility.
Submit your thoughts to the will of God.
Those who obey the word of God are victorious in their fight against Satan.
When those who repent, are filled with the Holy Spirit, and obey the word command in the name of Jesus, demons are always cast out.
When demons meet such people, they tremble in fear.
Even demons know that God is one and are afraid. They fear the Lord very much, but they do not obey the word of God.