2.09.24 | Prayer That Rises Up to God - Hebrews 9:3–5 | Pastor Jim Cymbala
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Did you know that God treasures your prayers?
The book of Revelation says that [the prayers of God’s people] are like incense /kept in bowls.
Don’t let [anything] [stop you /from pouring out your need /to God],
even if you don’t have the right words.
God’s ear is open to your cry.
He delights /in hearing and answering the prayers of His children.
* 형역 과분사구 /kept in bowls. 과분사의 수동 주체인 incense 수식 ; 그릇에 보관된
* 사역동사 5 형식, 목적이 목보하게 동사하다
Don’t let [anything] [stop you /from pouring out your need /to God],
* 보어인 형용사구 open to your cry. 너희의 외침에 열린
* 전목인 동명사구 pouring out [your need] /to God, hearing and answering [the prayers of His children].