그다지 어렵지 않고 쉬운 영어라 한 번 올려드리겠습니다. 단지 약간 교과서적인 영어라 그다지 재미난 슬랭이나 표현은 없지만 기본적인 회화구문이니 이 정도만 암기해서 자주 사용하셔도 모임(특히 영어엠티)이나 어디 가서 영어를 쓰는 데에는 큰 지장이 없지 않나 싶습니다. 항상 기본에 충실(Back to the Basics)하시고 그 위에 여러분들이 살을 공부하시면서 하나씩 하나씩 입혀 나가시길 바랍니다. 내용이 쉽기 때문에 일부러 해석은 뺐습니다.
▶▶ 화장실 가는 길 묻기
A: Can I get some directions? 길을 물어볼께요.
B: Sure 예, 그러세요
A: Tell me how to get to the ladies room(gentlemen room)/ rest room / john(俗).// Could you show me the way to the rest room/ Could you direct me to the rest room? 화장실 어디에 있죠(Where is the rest room?)
B: Yes, go straight ahead. It's on the right side of the XXX. You can't miss it. 예, 곧장 가세요. XXX건물 오른편에 있습니다. 찾을 수 있을 겁니다.
****Turn right/left..........Turn to the right/left..........Turn/Go back(뒤로 가세요)....
.......It's only a one minute walk. 걸어서 1분이면 됩니다.
▶▶ 아픈 경우..
A: You don't look good. What's wrong (with you)? What's the matter (with you)? 몸이 안 좋아 보이는데, 왜 그러세요?
B:。 I have an upset stomach. My stomach is churning. I have a stomachache. 체했다
。 My leg are asleep = I have a cramp in my leg = My legs have gone to sleep. = I have a charley horse 다리에 쥐가 났다.
。 I was beaten by mosquitos. 모기에 물렸어요 Can I use your liquid Bengay 물파스? * mosquito coil 모기향
。 I feel like throwing up. (vomiting/barfing) 토할 것 같아요.
▶▶ 의사소통
。 Let's play[have] a game. 게임을 하죠.
。 Face each other. 서로 마주 보세요.
。 Divide into two groups. (두팀으로 나눕시다.) // We're going to work in pairs[threes, fours]. 두[세, 네]명씩 짝을 짓겠습니다. // Everybody, work individually; Work on your own(by yourselves.) 각자 하는 겁니다.
。 That's all for today. That's it for today. 이것으로 수업을 마치겠습니다.
。 What's the antonym (↔ synonym) of Big? Big의 반의어(↔동의어)가 뭐죠?
(=What's the opposite(↔ same) word of Big?)
。 Have another try, Try it again.
。 Very good= Excellent= (You have done a) Good job. =You did a good job. That's very nice. 잘 해셨습니다.
。You are right(↔wrong), Your answer is correct(↔wrong), You have(got) the correct(wrong) answer.
▷▶ 되묻기:
Sorry? What did you say? / What? ('뭐'라는 의미보다는 약간 신경질적이고 짜증나는 어조로 반말투이기 때문에 공식석상에선 안 쓰시길) / Pardon (me)? / I don't follow you. / I missed that. What did you say? / Sorry, I can't hear. / Excuse me? / (Would you please) come again? // I beg your pardon. /Could you say that again, please/ Would you mind repeating that?
** I beg your pardon: 。 '죄송합니다//실례합니다' (사소한 실례) and '실례지만 ∼' (말을 걸거나 답할 때) 끝을 내린다. 。 '죄송하지만 다시 말씀해 주십시오. (올림조)
▷▶ 인사
-만나고 헤어질 때의 인사하기
△ Hello! (Hi!)
△ Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
△ Good bye (Bye-bye)/ So long/ Take it easy./ See you later./ Take care./ Have a nice day.
△ Long time, no see= I haven't seen you in ages.
▷▶ 안부 묻기
△ How are you? How's going (with you)? How's your family? How are things? How's everything? How are you doing? How have you been? What's up?
--안부 묻기에 답하기
△ Fine/Terrific, thanks. / I'm ok, thanks./ Not (too/so) bad, thanks/ Not (too/so) good, thanks. / Nothing to complain about, I'm fine. / I can't complain/ Can't complain. / Not bad/ keeping busy/ So-so/ I'm feeling under the weather. (I am/feel out of sorts/shape. 몸이 안 좋아요)
▷▶ 소개
--자기 소개하기
△ Let me introduce myself (to you), My name's 누구.
--다른 사람을 소개하기
△ This is my friend, Minho. I'd like you to meet my father. I'd like to introduce my friend to you. Do you guys meet each other?(서로 인사 나누셨나요? Have you met each other?)
My friend Minsu is enterprising[진취적인, 모험심이 많은/ My friends Minsu is a promising person. 전도 유망한
--소개에 답하기
△ Nice to meet you./ I'm glad/ pleased to meet you, Mr, Kim.
= I am happy to know you. It's pleasure to meet you.
△ It's a pleasure meeting you. Nice meeting you.
△ I've been looking forward to meeting you.
→ I'm an office worker. 사무직원입니다.----Same here. (저도요.)
→ I'm a bum/ I'm goofing around. 지금 백수입니다.
。 Let's keep in touch. How do I keep in touch with you? I want to keep in touch with you wherever you may go. 연락하고 살자.
。 Can I reach you by phone? Can I get in touch with you by phone? 전화로 연락을 해도 괜찮나요?
A: Hi (there). I'd like to introduce myself. (I'd love to give my introductions to you,) guys. I am Sangmin, Kim, the eldest son I am from North Cholla Province. But I live in Seoul. I work for Hongik Publishing House. I am an editor for EBS Radio Toeic textbook. I like reading English novels. ∼∼∼ blah, blah, blah....
B: I've heard a lot about you. (말씀 많이 들었습니다.) Nice to meet you. My name is Linda Kim at the Dongdeok Women's University. ∼∼∼ blah, blah, blah...
**the eldest son/daughter(장남, 장녀)= eldest// the youngest son/daughter(막내아들, 딸)= youngest= baby(막내).........// I am the second son/daughter. (차남, 차녀)
A: Glad to meet you, too.
A: Jack, have you met Judy?
B: No, I haven't met her.
A: Why don't you meet each other now, then? Jack, this is Judy.
B: Hi, how you doin'? Judy.
C; Hi, Jack? Let's sit down and talk over tea.
B: Good, thank you. You are very kind/ familiar to me(낯이 익은데요)/ happy/ blue/ down/ depressed/ You look like a teacher(a soldier......)
A: Where are you from? (=Where were you born?)
B: I am from Suncheon, South Cholla Province.
A: What's the purpose of your visit to Seoul/Korea? What brought you here/to Korea?
B: Just sight-seeing. (for joining the summer retreat.)
A: Are you homesick?
B: No, but I missed my family.
A: Enjoy your stay in Ui-dong, Seoul.
▷▶ 헤어지기
So long, Good bye, Bye-bye, Take care, Be careful, Take it easy, Good night,
See you later, See you again, See you around, I'll see you, See you, See ya, Catch you later, I hope to see you again,
Have a nice[wonderful/fantastic/good] day, Have a good time, Have a nice party,
▷▶ 질문하기
-- What do you call 엠티/ 홍차 in English? 엠티[모꼬지]/홍차가 영어로 뭐예요?
== How do you say 엠티/ 홍차 in English? 엠티[모꼬지]/홍차가 영어로 뭐예요?
--How do you spell it(the word)? 그 단어 스펠링이 어떻게 되죠?
--How do you pronounce it(the word)? 그 단어 발음을 어떻게 하죠?
--A: How do I address you? (=What do you want me to call you=What should[shall] I call you?) B: Call me Sangmin for short. 그냥 상민이라고 불러주세요.
A: That's easy/hard name to remember. / It's hard[difficult] name to pronounce. /It's typical Korean name.
---What do you do in your spare time=What do you do for fun[enjoyment, relaxation]= How do you spend your leisure time? 취미가 뭐죠?
A: What's your hobby?
B: Reading and listening to music.
A: What's your favorite music?
B: My favorite music is classical (music) [클래식]
---What's your favorite music, subject in high school, season, flower,
color, singer, actor, comedian, politician? → My favorite (singer...) is .................
---What's your major? What are you majoring in?
▷▶ 감사
--감사 표현하기
△ Thank you (very much)./ Thanks a lot./ I am very grateful./ I appreciate your help./ It was very nice of you to help me. / I can't thank you enough, I don't 'know how to thank you/ How can I ever thank(repay) you?
--감사 표현에 답하기
△ Sure. Your (very/ quite) welcome. (It's) my pleasure. Don't mention it. I was delighted to be able to help. Think nothing of it
▷▶ 사과하기
--I didn't mean to offend you. I din' t mean to hurt you feeling/bruise your ego. No hard feeling. (나쁘게 생각하지 마세요. 별로 악의가 있었던 것이 아니에요. 일부러 맘 상하게 한 것은 아닌데.) I hope you don't mind it/ (I beg you,) Please forgive me. / I'm sorry if I hurt you. / I owe you an apology./ I am sorry to bother[trouble, disturb, bug, tease] you
▷▶ 주의 끌기
Excuse me.
Pardon me.
Hello, can I help you?
You know what? (거 왜 있자나...)
▷▶ 칭찬, 축하, 감탄
-- 칭찬하기
△ (Very) good (for you)!
△ Well done! Terrific! Excellent! That's neat. (You did a) good job.
△ Happy Birthday (to you)!~
△ Congratulations! (노력해서 성공한 경우, 졸업, 승진 등에 쓰세요.....생일과 여자 분의 결혼에는 사용하지 마세요.)
-- 칭찬, 축하에 답하기
△ How nice (of you)!
△ You're so kind. (It's) Nice of you to say so. I'm glad you like it.
△ How pretty she is! What a nice bag!
△ Good luck!
△ Don't worry. Cheer up. I'm sure you will do better next time.
▷▶ 음식, 권유, 응답
--음식 권하기
△ Go ahead/ Help yourself to Kimchee stew.
△ Do you want some more rice?
△ What will you have? What would you some drink? What would you like to drink?
--승낙, 거절하기
△ Yes, thank you./ Yes please.
△ No, thanks. (I've had enough.)/ No, thank you. (I'd rather have some water/soda[coke/ 7-up].)
How about a drink[nightcap] (술 한잔 [자기 전 딱 한 잔])?
How about (a cup of) coffee? How about dinner tonight?
→ That sound good/ tempting/ exciting/ funny/ strange/ interesting/ sad/ ridiculous.....
▶▶ 대화의 시작, 끝맺음
Excuse me. Are you Mr. Kim?
Excuse me. Haven't we met before?
Sorry, but I have to go now.
Nice talking to you, but I'm afraid I must be going.
▷▶ (사실적 정보 교환)
。 사실적 정보
△ How many chopsticks [ (are there)?
△ Do you have a pen for leaving some message on the feedback note?
△ What time is it?
△ Does he live around Ui-dong?
△ Whose portable stove [버너] is this?/ What time do you usually get up in the morning? Could you tell me where English4U's Retreat room is?
。 사실확인
--확인하기, 확인에 답하기
△ Is this your book? -- Yeah, that's mine.
△ Aren't you Mr. Lee?
△ No, it's on the third floor.
。 사실묘사
△ She has a big brown eyes.
△ My mother is a teacher. He is wearing a blue shirt. There are many children in the park.
。 습관
△ I get up at seven everyday. He takes a walk every morning.
。 경험
--경험 묻기 및 말하기
△ What did you do yesterday? Have you ever seen a rainbow?
△ I met Sumi yesterday. I had a good time at the party. I've never seen such a beautiful film. My brother has told me about it.
。 계획
△ I'll play baseball tomorrow.
I hope to visit Hawaii next summer.
I'm planning to take a math course.
。 수정
That's not quite right./ You've made a mistake./ I'm afraid you are wrong./ Sorry, you're mistaken./ Let me put it this way.
。 비교
△ I'm taller than you./ She's your age.
▷▶ (지적 태도 표현)
。 동의나 반대
--동의를 묻거나 말하기
Do you think so, too?/ Do you agree?/ Me, too./ Same here. / That's right./ That's a good idea. / That's a good point./ I couldn't agree more./ That's just what I was thinking.
△ Can you join us?/ Would you like come?
△ Will you help me with my homework?
--제의, 초대 수락하기
△ Ok/ Yes, I can/ Yes, I'd love to/ (That) sounds good. / That's very kind of you.
--제의, 초대 거절하기
△ (I'm) sorry, I can't/ Not this time, thanks (=Give me a rain check), maybe next time/ I'd love to, but I've got another plan
。 제안
△ Let's go swimming. / Shall we spend the weekend in Seoul? / How about going to the park?/ Why don't you see a/the doctor?
△ Great / Sounds good / Sure, you can / Of course, (you may) / Why not? / Yes, that's a good plan / That's fine with me.
△ Sorry, I can't / I'm sorry, but I have another plans. / No, I'm afraid you can't
。 제안
-- 기억 여부 묻기 및 답하기
Do you remember your first day at school? / Don't I know you? / Did you forget that? / Yes, I remember it well. / I forgot about that
。 가능, 불가능
-- 가능성 묻기 및 표현하기
△ Can you join the Summer Retreat(여름 영어 엠티) to Ui-dong? / Will be able to go to the Summer Retreat next Sunday? / Can I use your cellphone?(→ Be my guest. 예, 그러세요)
△ Sure, I can. / He can join. / I might be able to go with you.
--불가능 표현하기
△ Sorry, I can't / That's impossible. / I'm not sure if I can do that.
。 확신하기
--확신 여부 묻기
△ Are you sure/positive? Are you sure that our team will win? Do you think our team will win?
--확신, 불확실 말하기
I'm sure(positive[파쥐립], confident) that we will win. He will probably come. Yes, it is likely.
△ I am not sure/negative[네기륍] (about that.). I doubt if he will. Well, I don't think it's possible.
You must talk to her in English right away. She has to study English now. You're supposed to speak English aloud.
。 허락
--허락 요청하기
△ May I go now? Can I have some more Ramyeon or instant noodle? May I see your feedback note? Is it ok for me to fumigate/smoke/smudge the mosquito coil? (=Is it ok if I fumigate/smoke/smudge the mosquito coils?) 모기향 피워도 되죠? Would you mind if I smoke here? (Do you) Mind if I smoke here?
。 지시, 금지
△ Open your handouts. 프린트물 펴세요. You should be come to the Gate by Six.
-- 금지하기
△ No, don't do that. You shouldn't go down to the waters.
。 의견 표현
--의견 묻기
△ What do you want (to do)? What do you think of this out-of-this-world(기상천외한) retreat? Did you find the retreat interesting(exciting, hilarious) 영어 모꼬지 재미있으셨나요? ( = How did you like the retreat?)
--자신의 의견 말하기
I think it's a very nice backpack. To me (As for me), it's the best in the world. (=out of this
△ I have no (slightest/ faintest) idea. I really don't know what to say. I have nothing to say right now. Dunno. Don't know. Search me. Beats me. ( I have) No clue.
▷▶ ((감정표현))
。 좋아함, 싫어함
--좋아하고 싫어하는 것에 대해서 묻기
△ Do (Don't) you like kimchee? You don't like bananas, do you? What's your favorite song? What do you like doing on Sundays?
--좋아하고 싫어하는 것 말하기
△ I (don't) like apples. I like to play 3·6·9 game. I hate tomatoes. I like radish kimchee (총각김치)most. There's nothing I like more than soccer. Playing cards is as good as it gets. (카드놀이 너무 좋아요.)
。 희로애락
--기쁨, 슬픔 표현하기
△ I'm happy. I am sad/blue. (I'm) Glad to hear that ↔ (I'm) Sorry to hear that.
。 슬픔을 위안하기
Cheer up. Don't take it so hard. Look on the bright side. ( = Every cloud has a silver lining.)
-- 화난 것 표현하기
△ He is very upset angry. I'm very unhappy about this. It really makes me mad. It really drives me crazy/angry/upset.
--놀람 표현하기
△ What a surprise! What a nice surprise! It's surprising. I just can't beli
eve this. (That's) incredible. I'm surprised you feel that way about it.
▶▶ 원하는 것
--원하는 것 묻기
△ What do you want? Do you want to eat out? Would you like to go home now?
--원하는 것 말하기
△ I'd like to go to sleep. I want a new spoon? He wants to get a good rest.
▶▶ 동정
--동정 표현하기
△ That's too bad. It's a pity. What a pity. **Pity on times 시대유감*** We're sorry to hear that the bad news. Our thoughts are with you. I know how it feels.
▶▶ 소망, 의지
--소망, 의지를 묻고 말하기
When are you going to get married? Do you intend to join the retreat? I hope she likes their present. I'm dying to see the movie, Pearl Harbor [진주항(珍珠港←중국식한자어), 진주만(珍珠灣←일본식한자표기)]
▶▶ 기대 표현하기
It would/will be nice to have a summer vacation around Ui-dong.
I'm sure/certain that we'll have a quality time(오붓한 시간).
I'm looking forward to the party in August on 15th.
▶▶ 불평
That's not fair. I want to complain about this program. This is most unsatisfactory. I find this program unfair/unsatisfactory.
▶▶ (도덕적인 태도 표현)
。 사과, 변명
△ Sorry (about that). Excuse me. It's all my fault. I owe you an apology. I can't tell you how sorry I am
--변명하기 I'm (terribly / awfully) sorry, but it wasn't my fault.
--사과, 변명에 답하기: That's ok, That's all right. Don't' worry (about it). Never mind. No problem. No prob. Don't mention it. It really doesn't matter at all.
。 후회 I wish I'd have a preview on this. I wish I'd acted differently. I should have been just on time.
。 관심
--관심 묻기
Are you interested in Korean history? What are you interested in?
--관심, 무관심 말하기
I enjoy swimming. My main interest in collecting stamps. I'm not interested in sports. I'd don't have much interest in Japanese pop music.
(설득과 권고)
。 설득
Let's do it this way. / Let' s not waste time. / Please let me try. I think I know how it works.
。 요청
△ Help me, please. Mail this letter for me, will you? Could you open the window, please? Would you do me a favor? Could you give me a hand? Would you please help me move the backpacks/
--요청에 답하기: Sure, I can/ I'm sorry I can't
I'm afraid I can't because I have to leave now.
。 충고
--충고 요구하기
Do you think I should buy it? What would you advise me to study English? What would you do if I were in my place/shoes?
I think you should see a/ the dentist. If I were you(If I were in you shoes/place), I'd walk to the destination. You'd better not go there. I suggest you go find the water.
。 경고
△ Be careful! Watch out! Watch back! Stay away from that! Neve
r do that again. Make no mistake about it. I'm warning(telling you) that ∼
▶▶ 이것만은 알아두자! 요리 용어 A-to-Z
○ Acid : 시큼한(sour and sharp) 맛을 가진 성분으로, 오렌지 주스나 식초, 와인 등이 가미된 음식을 통칭해 Acidic이라고 말한다
○ Bake : 굽다
○ Beating : 반죽에 공기를 들어가게 해서 부드럽게 부풀리는 조리법을 일컫는 말로, 이 때 사용되는 조리 기구는 Wooden spoon(나무로 만든 숟가락), hand whisk(거품 내는 기구), electric mixer(전자 믹서)가 있다
○ Blending : spoon, beater(혼합기) 또는 liquefier(액화기) 등을 이용해 재료를 골고루 섞는 과정 ○ Boil : 삶다. 'Bring to a boil'은 '팔팔 끓이다'라는 뜻 ○ Broil : 석쇠에 굽다 ○ Burn : 태우다 ○ Chop : 토막내어 자르다 ○ Dissolve : 녹이다 또는 해동하다 ○ Entree : 정식 코스에서 생선 요리 다음으로 나오는 요리로 불어이다. 때때로 소스를 끼얹고 고명을 얹어 장식한(garnished) 후식이나 푸딩을 일컫기도 한다
○ Fry : 튀기다, Deep fry는 기름을 듬뿍 붓고 튀기는 방법이다
○ Ginger : 인도에서 유래된 말로, 톡 쏘는 생강 (cf. 파 green onion, 마늘 garlic, 양파 onion,
○ Grate : 강판에 갈다 ○ Mince : 잘게 다지다 ○ Mix : 섞다
○ Pinch : 아주 적은 양, Pinch of ○ Preheat : 예열하다
○ Skewer : 꼬치 구이, 일본식 요리로 '닭 꼬치'일 경우 'Chicken Skewer'라고 쓴다
○ Simmer : 약한 불에 지글지글[부글부글] 끓이다, (밥을) 졸이다
○ Soy sauce : 콩(
***My mouth is watering. 이거 군침이 도네.
My stomach is growling. 배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 나요. (=I'm hungry=starving=famished, ravenous 배고파요)
***Help yourself to watermelon, yellow melon(참외)......
***Let's take a super break. 저녁식사 시간을 가집시다. What's for brunch/ dinner? 아점/저녁식사는 뭐죠? (What do you have for brunch/ super?)
▶▶ 알아두면 요긴한 식생활 영어 상식
한국 전통 음식인 떡국을 소개하고 맛을 보이려던 한 한국인의 이야기이다. 'This is a rice cake soup'라고 설명하고 한국에서나 먹을 수 있다고 강조했으니 구미도 당길 듯 한데, 미국인의 반응은 영 신통치 않았다는 것. 예의 상 고개만 끄덕일 뿐, 이상야릇한 표정을 지으며 한 술 떠보기를 힘들어했다고 한다. 이유가 무엇일까? 케이크라면 생크림을 얹고 과일로 장식한 것을 생각하는 미국인의 입장에서 더운 수프로 만들어 먹는다니 엄두가 나지 않았던 것이다. '떡'을 일컬어 곧잘 'rice cake'이라고 표현하지만, 상대방의 이해를 도모하려면 'It's rice cake soup, sliced sticky rice cake put in beef broth'라고 풀어 설명해야 옳았다(註 broth ⓝ수프).
김치의 경우도 마찬가지이다. 'It's Chinese cabbage seasoned with salt, red hot pepper powder, garlic and so on'이라고 말하고, 불고기도 'It's sliced beef marinated in soy sauce and spices'라고 설명하는 것이 적절하다. 즉, 요리에 들어가는 재료인 Ingredients를 세세하게 설명해야 외국인들의 거리낌이 줄어든다(註 cabbage ⓝ배추, marinate ⓥ담가서 연하게 하다, spices ⓝ양념). '상추'는 영어로 'lettuce'이므로 '상추쌈'은 'coked rice wrapped in lettuce'라고 해야 정석이며, 여기에 추가하자면 'You put a spoonful of rice on cabbage leaf and on the rice you can throw in some beef with vegetables. On the top, you put the spicy bean paste before you wrap the whole thing with the leaf and eat it'라고 설명할 수도 있다(註 spicy bean paste ⓝ된장).
결국 우리 나라 요리를 억지로 영어로 옮겨 말하기보다 요리 재료와 방법 등을 설명하는 것이 외국인의 식사 대접에 도움이 된다. 가령 '밥에 뜸을 들이기 때문에 다른 나라의 밥과 맛이 다르다'라고 말하고 싶다면 'Rice tastes best when you let it simmer for a while after you bring it boil'이라고 말하면 된다. 이 때 일단 끓인 다음에 불을 줄여 다시 끓이는 방법을 뜻하는 'simmer(ⓥ서서히 끓이다)' 대신에 'let it thoroughly cooked'라고 표현할 수도 있다.
▶▶ 부록 Appendix
1) Cat got your tongue? 왜 말이 없죠?
2) Over my dead body. 죽어도 안돼. 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전에 안돼..
3) Brace yourself. 정신 똑바로 차리게, 기운내게
4) We can work it out. 잘해 봅시다.
5) (That's the) way to go! Go (for it)! Gungho! 파이팅..
6) Right on (=Bingo 찬성이요) Bingo for super.(저녁이요? 좋습니다.)
7) What are friends[members] for? 친구[회원]좋다는 게 뭔가?
8) Face it! 그래 한 번 부딪혀보는거야.
▶▶ 엠티에 필요한 장비들을 영어로 뭐라고 할까?
'등산이나 캠핑용으로 고안된 휴대용 조리기구'를 가리키는 '코펠'은 '삶는 도구' 혹은 '끓이는 도구'를 뜻하는 독일어 'Kocher'의 잘못 보급된 표기이다. '코헬(콕헬)'이나 '코허(콕허)'라 해야 옳다. 영어로는 '쿡킹 세트(Cooking Set)'라 하면 될텐데 긴 단어가 번거로워서인지 잘 쓰이지 않는다. 이미 '코펠'로 통용되고 있더라도 참고로 알아둘 필요가 있겠다.
Let's take backpacking or camping.
Food Preparation/Kitchen: 엠티용 취사도구
__ (Backpacking) Stove /Fuel : 버너, 휴대용 가스
__ Bottled (Drinking) Water : 생수
__ Cooking (Utensil) Set (=Cookware Sets/Kit) : 코펠, (여행용) 취사도구
__ Plates 접시 ------pot 냄비
-- Spatula 밥주걱 ...(disposable) chopsticks 1회용 젓가락
-- Paper cup 종이컵.......instant coffee 1회용 커피..........ground coffee 원두커피
-- Dish soap 퐁퐁(세제: 한국식과는 약간 다른 걸로 알고 있습니다. 한국 군대에서 식사 후 비누 거품을 내보시는 분은 약간 상상이 가실 겁니다.)
-- dipper 바가지, 국자
-- ladle 국자
첫댓글 다시 출력해서 나도 공부 좀 해야겠네요. 다른 분들도 남은 기간 동안 공부하시고, 엠티 때도 출력해서 가져오시면 도움이 쏠쏠하제~ 그렇다카이~
이거 하나면 그래두 걸리진 않겠네여~~우하ㅣ히
이거 참고하겠습니다..역시 울 레오아찌는 ㅉ ㅏㅇ ㅏㅇ ㅏ앙~
Wonderful! You must be praised for your good works.