If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, please turn UAC off. See the Vista FAQ Sticky thread in the main SS forum for details.
Using the brilliant work of the Rusichi: Total War team, BftB2 features all new revised unit rosters for the two Rus factions. This means that the two rosters are more similar to each other but more unique in the context of the whole game. Because of Novgorod’s proximity to the west, its roster is geared towards heavy infantry and cavalry. Kievan Rus, being closer and more influenced by the peoples of the steppe, will tend towards infantry and mounted archers.
Again, thank to the Rusichi team, Kievan Rus and Novgorod have all new strat map models for all armies and agents on the map.
From left to right:
Top row: Faction leader, heir, general, captain.
Bottom row: Assassin, princess, diplomat, merchant, spy, bishop and priest.
The Teutonic Order also has new strat and battle models for it’s leaders.
New Faction: Sweden
For the first time in Stainless Steel, BftB2 features the Kingdom of Sweden. Playable in all campaigns, Sweden makes Scandinavia a lot more interesting. Their unit roster centres around strong infantry and archers. Cavalry is rare and weaker than other factions’ mounted troops because the terrain of Scandinavia is unsuitable for cavalry tactics.
Not only does Sweden have unique strat and battle models for it’s leaders, these models will swap between early and late variations at appropriate times.
New Unit Roster for The Mongols
Again making use of the work by the Rusichi team, included are new models and textures for the Mongols. These are some of the most beautiful units I have ever seen!
New skins for Poland
Thanks to MadTAO and the Lithuania Mod team, Poland will receive new skins for some of it's units
Updated Roster for The Teutonic Order
BftB2 includes all the changes to the Order’s roster made by Firebat in the first BftB. In BftB2, the Prussian auxillary units have new skins thanks to MadTAO. Also, Teutonic Sergeants replace Order Spearmen and Diende Brudern replace the Dismounted Halbbruder (and now wield maces).
New Battle for the Baltic Campaign
Featuring an all new map by EarendilElenthol,BftB2 includes a whole new campaign centering on the Baltic Sea. Included factions are Denmark, HRE, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Teutonic Order, Lithuania, Mongols and Novgorod.
Features of the new campaign:
Improved Hanseatic League
The Hanseatic League is now a proper guild with three distinct levels like all guilds. However unlike other guilds, the League buildings only become available after 1253 (the historical founding of the League) and the headquarters are pre-placed: Lubeck in the new BftB campaign and Hamburg in the other SS campaigns.
* Lord_Calidor for his weapon models and textures
* MadTAO and the Lithuania Mod team for their awesome Poland and Lithuania units
* ArgentUsher for the use of his horse textures
* Agart for his fantastic new settlement strat models
* EarendilElenthol for his awesome Baltic map.
* Stephan St de Omer for information and suggestions about the Teutonic Order, Greve Af Goteborg for information about Sweden and everyone else in this thread who have provided info, suggestions, feedback and support during development
And finally, but no means least, Firebat11 for his Teutonic Order mod and (of course) the original Battle for the Baltic
Versions for SS6.2 and RR/RC to follow in the near future
이걸로 1주일분 게임은 해결되어따(...)
첫댓글 정보 감사합니다... 덕분에 모드 하나 건지고 갑니다... ^o^
오.. 북부유럽 모드인가요?
음 근래에 rr+rc에 편입되어서 뵙죠라..히힛 깔피료가 없쿤.
로스케모드가 합쳐져있네요.. 근데 ss모드는 여러 팀들이 만든걸 모은거라 각각 색이 너무 강한것 같군요
해본신 분들 버그같은거 없나요?? 전아직 6.1하는데 너무 오래해서 갈아탈때가 된거 같군요.. 근데 베타버전이라..망설여짐
저 이거 설치하니까 추가된 스웨덴 유닛등 선택해서 하니까 다운되는데 어떻게 해야되죠?
일단 제가 위에 걸어 놓은 링크로 가셔서 최신 버젼설치해 보시고, 안 되면 모드 재설치, 그래도 안 되면.... 이 모드 정식 버젼 나올때까지 기다리시라는 말 밖에는 못 하겠군여.
킹덤즈1.5에 ss6.1까지 설치되어잇는데요 6.1 핫픽스도 설치해야되나요 저는 6.1까지만 딱 설치되있거든요 그거때문인지다운되는게...저기 링크된거로 들어가보니까 핫픽스랑 뭐랑 설치해야되는걸로되있떤데요
아 이제 됐씁니다~! 제가 sstc1.0, 1.2, 핫픽스를 안깔았네요 자세히 안읽어봤습니다. 감사합니다 저 세가지 를 까니까 이제 되요^^
아무 도움도 못 드린거 같은데;;; 하여간에 되신다니 다행입니다.