The definition of industrial management is 남궁은
1. Definition of Industrial Management
Integration is a technology involved in designing, improving, and installing systems that organically integrate humans, materials, and equipment
Engineering analysis technology is used to specify the expected results of the system and to predict and evaluate the effectiveness
It uses specialized knowledge and skills such as principles or techniques of design technology, mathematics, natural science, and social science.
A Study on the Design of Comprehensive and Economic Production Systems
another name for industrial management
Industrial engineering, business engineering, management engineering
the essence of industrial management
A Study on Management from a Value-Centered Perspective
A direction to study management from the perspective of efficient production
the direction of focusing on human problems in management
2. Origins of Industrial Management - Taylor's Scientific Management Act
Analyzing the causes of organizational malaise
Solutions for organizational tasks: equitable daily workload = task setting and management based on this
Content of task management
1. task setting
2. Standardization of working conditions
3. Introduction of Discriminatory Performance Pay System
- High wage at the time of achievement of the task
- Low wages in case of under-work performance
four fundamental principles of scientific management
1. Scientific research on jobs: the most economical method
2. Selection and training of appropriate workers for new work methods: Scientific training and guidance to develop capabilities
3. Intimate cooperation between managers and workers: Close coordination and cooperation to increase production
4. Division of work between managers and workers: Appropriate division of work
3. Ford System
Henryford : Moving Assembly Method by Conveyor
Conveyor system, simultaneous management
Standardization of production carried out in Ford System
1. Simplification of products
2. Standardization of Parts
3. the specialization of machinery and tools
4. Simplifying your work
Sublimation to General Principles of Mass Commerce 3S
1. Simplification
2. Standardization
3. specialization
3. Taylor and Ford's Comparison
Taylor: Focus on improving individual tasks/high wages, low labor costs (workers, managers)
Ford: Seeking rationalization of the overall work system / Low prices, high wages (consumers, workers)