임상환님 ! 동창명부까지 확인해 봤지만 얼굴도 이름도 너무 생소하네요. 10년전인가.. 미국 동해안을 여행했을때 팩소주, 막걸리, 담배, 양말등 등의 위문품까지 준비(이 통에 여행가방의 절반이 소주팩 상자등의 술이었지요) , 샌프란시스코에서는 김종수 김충순 원서성. 강신향을 만나봤고 LA에서는 틈이 나질 않아 김용배 문창배등 몇 친구와 전화 통화만 했지요. 당시는 인터넷 전화를 많이 할때여서 이들은 물론 미국 동부에 사는 성인영, 노관, 전희중, 그리고 플로리다의 안춘길(시카고의 고1때 서울대법대 들어가고 한전간 친구는 소식만)까지 통화를 여러번 했지요. 그리고 아이디의 본명은 정회원 신청란에서 찾아보면 알수 있지요. 06.12.10 20:47
Sorry that I missed you when you came by San Francisco Bay area you wrote a decade ago?
As you might have learned when you came by here a decade ago, our classmates in this area used to meet quite often playing golf together, or doing the money contract (계) ending the meeting with a sumptuous dinner served by the winner of the month' contract. But having married a Chinese wife, I attended our classmate meetings only a few times over the last 3 decades.
I have been one of those who assimilated into American culture (especially deep into Christianity -I served 17 years of my youthful life at a Christian ministry...) so deeply that has had very little need of Korean ties, living like American, thinking like them in every way.
But Ronald Ahn (안 일웅) somehow has kept in touch with me all these years and it was he who introduced me recently to the sfkorean.com where I have been somewhat active there. You see I have been a loner all my life, and a workaholic as well, and thus have kept myself quite busy with works and internet witnessing as a follower of Jesus Christ.
So I am taking this occasion to tell you all ahead that when I open my mind, it will be all about ways of Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers, for that's all I know...
Thanks for leaving a comment to my post....
I see that you managed to put your photo with helmet on as an avatar? How did you do that?
Would you share with us how you made your avatar appear? I uploaded my photo as my avatar but it does not appear....
In case when you did not see the photo I uploaded (this site has, in my opinion, too many rooms to visit for an alumni board...) I uploaded here again the photo I uploaded at the photo section that you may know for sure that I was one of your alumni...
오 세현, 최남식, 이충구, 이준범, 권동렬, 전석재, 이원섭, 임상환, 조일웅, 이경배, 전세봉. (from left to right)
Thanks all once again for putting aside your busy schedules to come out to see me who came unannounced...
첫댓글내노라하는 거물급 인사들 사진은 이미 봤고.. 긴 사연 보내줘서 고맙소. 내 얘기는 개인 홈피 http://home.megapass.co.kr/~bae106/index.html 에 다 있지요. 맨 아래의 오른 쪽 삼각형표지가 10년전쯤에 만든 한글 페이지와 영문 페이지와의 링크입니다.
So you are the man of Mountain Bike... I enjoyed visiting your website.. Still riding Bike, I presume? I used to bike with my kids when they were young... I have one Dahon (Japenese) foldable one to ride occasionally. Nowadays I rather WALK for exercise. Thanks again for leaving your comment and your website address... Keep in touch...
좌우지간 마치 우주인 처럼, 그리고 혜성처럼 갑자기 나타난 이야 덕에 다시 영한사전 다시 꺼내 뒤늦은 영어 공부까지 하게 되네요. 진작 등장했다면 공부 많이 될뻔 했구먼요.:-) 무엇보다 모처럼 열정있는, 그리고 시체지수가 한 없이 높은 동문만 보다가 아주 낮은 동문을 만나니 무척 반가우이..
Happy to hear that my English comment challenges you to dig into your English dictionary... Didn't they say that as we get older, better challenge ourselves with new projects so that our brains may remain active?? And glad to hear that you are as happy as me to meet this way a man of same caliber as you are ...
첫댓글 내노라하는 거물급 인사들 사진은 이미 봤고.. 긴 사연 보내줘서 고맙소. 내 얘기는 개인 홈피 http://home.megapass.co.kr/~bae106/index.html 에 다 있지요. 맨 아래의 오른 쪽 삼각형표지가 10년전쯤에 만든 한글 페이지와 영문 페이지와의 링크입니다.
So you are the man of Mountain Bike... I enjoyed visiting your website.. Still riding Bike, I presume? I used to bike with my kids when they were young... I have one Dahon (Japenese) foldable one to ride occasionally. Nowadays I rather WALK for exercise. Thanks again for leaving your comment and your website address... Keep in touch...
좌우지간 마치 우주인 처럼, 그리고 혜성처럼 갑자기 나타난 이야 덕에 다시 영한사전 다시 꺼내 뒤늦은 영어 공부까지 하게 되네요. 진작 등장했다면 공부 많이 될뻔 했구먼요.:-) 무엇보다 모처럼 열정있는, 그리고 시체지수가 한 없이 높은 동문만 보다가 아주 낮은 동문을 만나니 무척 반가우이..
Happy to hear that my English comment challenges you to dig into your English dictionary... Didn't they say that as we get older, better challenge ourselves with new projects so that our brains may remain active?? And glad to hear that you are as happy as me to meet this way a man of same caliber as you are ...