.Online Bible Study on Mondays 1/6
Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM
Korea Time: 11:00 PM
New Life Church in Seoul, Korea
Throughout human history, many people who preached the gospel of life were martyred.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand " . This words that the Lord preached are the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.
John the Baptist shouted, I baptize with water, but the one coming after me will baptize with the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11).
Those who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit no longer need to be baptized in water.
Through the words of the Bible, we must realize Jesus. Those who follow the doctrines of men cannot meet Jesus.
All fleshly minds and thoughts are corrupt.
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we run to God, but when the fullness of the Holy Spirit is gone, we go back to following the desires of the flesh.
The thoughts of the flesh are greed, covetousness, and the desire to have worldly power. This leads to destruction.
Heaven is not visible to the eyes of the flesh.
Through the word of God, our spirit sees heaven.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see(Hebrews 11:1)
When we look at reality with faith, that reality is realized as it is.
In the Old Testament, the prophets believed in Jehovah, prayed, obeyed His words, and carried out all of God's will.
When Moses commanded according to the Lord's instructions, the Red Sea split into two.
"Moses, take your staff and stretch it out toward the sea." The Lord said to Moses (Exodus 14:16).
If Moses had not done so, the Red Sea would not have parted.
On the other hand, Moses was worried, "If I stretch out my staff and the Red Sea does not part, I will be killed by the Israelites."
At that time, two thoughts and feelings coexisted within Moses.
At that time, Moses abandoned human thoughts and boldly followed God's voice and obeyed it.
When he did so, the Lord's work actually took place.
The Egyptian army that followed Israel was blocked by a pillar of fire and a cloud, so they could not approach the Israelites.
(Exodus 14:19, 20).
The Israelites could only hear the sound of the horses and chariots of the Egyptian army.
There was light on the Israelite side, and darkness on the Egyptian side.
While they were in confusion, Moses stretched out his staff toward the sea, and the Red Sea parted.
Moses was a man who received extensive training to accomplish God's work.
When he was born, he was put in a reed basket and set adrift on the Nile River, where he was rescued by Pharaoh's daughter (Exodus 2:2-10).
When he saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite, he got angry and killed the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11, 12).
Then he fled to the land of Midian, where he met Jethro, married his daughter Zipporah, and had a child (Exodus 2:21, 22).
The fact that he lived this way was a process of God training him.
When God trains us, various hardships come to us.
The Lord gives the crown of victory to those who overcome and pass these trials.
When trials come, the Lord gives answers and salvation to those who pass them.
We must endure the discipline and trials of the world until we die.
Even when we are martyred, we must overcome the trials of death.
The ability to overcome all trials is something that only those who believe that heaven really exists can have.
Those who do not believe that heaven exists cannot overcome these trials.
Many pastors in Korea were martyred during the Korean War and the Japanese colonial period.
However, many among the martyrs went to hell. The reason is that they believed in human doctrines and forced themselves to be martyred in order to gain the approval of others.
They were martyred by force with fear in their hearts. Those who fear will go into the second death (Revelation 21:8).
They did not believe in heaven, and they were so afraid of death.
They went to hell because they did not believe in the Lord and died with great fear.
When we die for Jesus, we must pray to the Lord so that we can be martyred without fear.
Pastor Ju Ki-cheol also suffered many tortures before he was martyred, such as electric torture and water torture, and he overcame it with faith until the end.
He who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13).
for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:9).
Those who keep their faith until the end will receive salvation of the soul.
However, those who believe in human doctrines say that they already received salvation of the soul when they first believed in Jesus.
These people do not believe and deny the words of the Bible.
Many pastors have mixed these false doctrines into the words of the Bible.
We must completely remove human doctrines and thoughts from our hearts.
A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds. The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31, 32).
When a person with weak faith or an unbeliever hears and obeys the word of God, he will experience the power of the Lord.
As he continues to experience the Lord's words being fulfilled, his faith grows.
A mustard seed is smaller than all seeds, but when it grows, it becomes larger than all vegetables.
Birds will come and nest on its branches and find rest.
This is when those who were despised and poor hear the gospel, obey it, and become rich.
Then those who despised him will come to him and live with his help.
When the poor become rich, they must be extremely careful not to become arrogant or corrupt.
If those who have received the Lord's blessings become corrupt, they will be judged by the Lord.
Daewoo Group Chairman Kim Woo-joong grew up in a very poor family.
When he was a college student, he held on to the words of Matthew 7, "Ask, knock, and it will be opened to you."
He went to the bank with these words and asked for help.
I have this business idea and good skills, but I don't have real estate that can guarantee a loan.
But please trust my skills and lend me business funds. He asked for help all the way.
The bank president refused for a long time, but later, seeing the young man's will and sincerity, he allowed him an unsecured loan.
The Daewoo Group was born through the persistence of a young man.
He first ran a sewing factory, and then expanded into many fields such as Daewoo Construction and Daewoo Shipbuilding, and became successful.
Whoever listens to someone becomes a disciple of the one who instructs.
Whose words should we listen to in order to succeed? We should listen to Jesus’ words.
Because Jesus’ words are the truth.
In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Only Jesus is the way to heaven and the door to heaven (John 10:7,8).
Through Jesus, the way to heaven opens up for us.
Jesus is the new way to heaven (Hebrews 10:20).
The reason I talk about this so much and emphasize it is that everyone should realize this truth, obey it, and succeed.
Those who do not realize the truth of the Bible become discouraged and do not obey the Lord’s words.
In the Old Testament, the people offered sacrifices, and the mediators between God and the Jewish people were the priests.
Through the priests, the people offered the blood of animals as a sin offering, and only the priests entered the Most Holy Place once a year.
When Jesus was crucified and died, the veil separating the Most Holy Place was torn.
The veil of the Most Holy Place was torn at the moment Jesus' body was torn.
When the veil separating the Most Holy Place was torn, the Ark of the Covenant, which was inside the Most Holy Place, was revealed to the world.
The Ark of the Covenant symbolized the presence of God, spiritually signifying heaven.
When we believe in Jesus, the blood of Jesus washes us clean,
If we keep this faith until the end, we will enter heaven at the moment of death.
This is the newly created way to heaven (Hebrews 10:20).
In this age, those who call on the name of Jehovah cannot enter heaven, we can only enter heaven through the name of Jesus.
The Jehovah of the Old Testament came to the world with a new name.
That new name is God's new covenant (Revelation 2:17).
In the Old Testament, the people were saved in the name of Jehovah.
However, after Jehovah came as Jesus, we are saved only in the name of Jesus of the new covenant.
Only in the name of Jesus is our salvation predetermined (Ephesians 1).
However, many pastors and church members do not believe in the words of the Bible, but in the doctrines of men.
God's children must realize that all human doctrines are false based on the words of the Bible.
Those who believe in human doctrines have created heretical research institutes, and they are condemning those who believe in the words of God as heretics.
Now, an absurd situation is unfolding.
These people run heretical research institutes as a means of making money; they are thieves.
They do not fear sin even when they commit sins,
because they think that past, present, and future sins have completely disappeared.
They claim that salvation is only by faith and ignore the act of faith.
However, those who abandon the act of faith have a false faith.
Those who abandon the act of faith have a life of faith that is too easy and simple.
It is too easy for them to enter heaven, and if they confess Jesus as their Lord once, there is no need to go to church.
Those who follow human doctrines all have a false and dead faith.
When we hear the word of God through the servant of the Lord, we must realize the spiritual secret.