- 호두, Walnut(black / white / english)
. 학명 Juglans nigra / cinerea / regia
. 개요; 가래나무과의 활엽수. 유라시아원산. 높이 27미터내외. 지름 2미터. 수명200년.
. 효능; 류머티즘, 통풍, 잇몸, 음낭, 여드름, 비듬, 정력저하에 효과
. 사용법; 잎이나 녹색열매껍질 4티스푼을 1컵의 물에 우려 하루 1컵을 한모금씩 음용
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Juglans nigra / cinerea / regia
- 약용부위
. Bark, leaves, rind of the fruit. / Bark. / Leaves.
. 껍질, 잎, 열매껍질 / 껍질 / 잎
2 통명
- 영어; Black walnut / Butternet, lemon walnut, oil nut, white walnut. / English walnut, caucation walnut, Circassian walnut, Persian walnut.
- 한글; 흑호두나무 미국호두 / 백호두나무 캐나다호두 / 호두나무 페르시아호두 영국호두
3 개요
- 미동부 / 캐나다 / 유라시아 원산의 온대수
. 수명 200년 / 75년 / 200년
- 껍질; 거칠고 어두운 편
. 잎; 난형 깃꼴 겹잎
- 꽃; 암수동체나 5월전후 개화시기 상이
. 열매; 구형 / 럭비공형 / 구형
Black walnut is a Temperate Zone forest tree found in the eastern U.S. Its bark is rough and dark; the leaves are pinnately compoind, with ovate lanceolate, serrate leaflets. The fruit is a deeply grooved nut inside a spherical rind. Blooming in May, the male flowers appear in axillary catkins, the female in terminal spikes. The fruit is the common walnut.
4 효능
- 껍질; 수렴성
. 잎; 세정제
. 열매껍질; 대상포진, 백선증
- 껍질우림/다림; 지사나 모유중단 효과
. 세척효과; 백반증, 편도선, 구강
- 다림; 외용
. 류머티즘/통풍/잇몸/음낭/여드름/비듬용 목욕첨가
- 열매껍질; 정력저하개선
Bark; astringent. Leaves; detergent. Rind; herpatic. An infusion or decoction of the bark can be taken for diarrhea and to stop the production of milk. Use it also as a douche for leucorrhea and as a mouthwash for sorenesss in the mouth or inflamed tonsils. The leaves can be used to make a cleaning wash, and the green rind of the fruit makes a good poultice to get rid of ringworm. The decoction is more commonly used externally as a wash or bath additive for rheumatism, gout, glandular swelling, gum problems, scrofula, sweaty feet, acne, danduff, other skin problems and even for excessive milk flow after the child is weaned. A decoction of the green shell surrounding the walnut has been recommeneded for faling virility.
5 사용법
- 다림; 1컵의 물에 4티스푼
. 하루 1컵, 한모금씩
- 목욕첨가제; 1.5리터의 물에
500그램의 말린잎을 45분간 끓여 첨가
. 족탕; 적의 감량
Decoction; Use 4 tsp. leaves or chopped green shells with 1 cup water. Take 1 cup a day, a mouthful at a time.
Bath Addictive; Boil 1 lb. dried leaves in 1 1/2 qt. water for 45 minutes, and add the liquid to the bath water. For a footbath, reduce the amounts proportionately.