.Online Bible Study on Tuesday 1/7
kenya Time: at noon / korea 6:00pm
India Time: 10:30 PM / korea 10:30pm
New Life Church in Seoul, Korea
If we live according to the Lord's words, we will go to heaven, be blessed on this earth, and receive God's power.
we all must believe in God with this kind of faith and purpose.
That is why God's people gather in the church and worship.
Do not participate in human seminars. The purpose of going to such places is to learn human thoughts.
Learn the truth only through the Holy Spirit. We must become those who act in the truth with the power of the Holy Spirit.
There are many believers who once received the Holy Spirit but then live according to the desires of the flesh and end up perishing.
Among the members of the Galatian church, there were those who started with the Holy Spirit but ended with the flesh (Gal 3:3).
We must realize our sins through the law (Rom 3:20) and come to Jesus, repent, and obey. Do not become legalists who are only holy on the outside.
Legalists disobey the will of the Lord in their hearts but pretend to obey only with their outward appearance.
Such people practice circumcision, keep the Sabbath, and diligently observe the festivals,
but they have no love in their hearts and disobey the will of the Lord.
These believers have returned to the religious life of the Old Testament era.
The reason churches try to keep the Old Testament laws and various festivals is to collect a lot of money from the believers.
The purpose of the Lord creating the offering system in the church is for the rich to donate money and help the poor.
When we do this, there will be no one hungry in the church, and we will become people who practice God's love.
There are those who claim that there is no need to give tithes or offerings in church. This is not in accordance with the Bible.
The reason we give tithes to the Lord is to thank the Lord for giving us our daily bread and all the blessings.
This is like giving taxes to the Lord with a willing heart.
Tithe is giving one-tenth of our income to the Lord with a grateful heart.
There may be very poor people who cannot give donations to the church and who must survive on the church's help.
The land of Israel was to be farmed for six years, and the seventh year was to be rested. The income of the land that was produced naturally was to be eaten by the poor.
The Lord's heart and concern are not for the rich, but for the poor. This is the Lord's love, and this is the role that the church must fulfill.
We must voluntarily carry out God's will and established plan.
Acting the work inspired by the Lord is being a faithful steward to the Lord.
The Lord's stewards are servants who carry out the Lord's will. The Lord gives His stewards these tasks to do.
The Lord entrusts His stewards with their families, servants, and livestock.
Many stewards who should have fulfilled the missions they received from the Lord fail to fulfill their missions and become drunkards and debauchers.
When the Lord returns to his house after many years, He judges the wicked and lazy servants and casts them into hell (Matthew 24:44-51).
If a pastor fails to fulfill his role as a steward of the Lord, he will go to hell.
If you walk down the street and say "pastor" loudly, at least a few people will look at you, which means that pastors have become very common.
Those who become pastors must lay down their lives to accomplish the Lord’s will.
Pastors must sacrifice their lives to protect the souls of the church members entrusted to them.
God’s sheep must be raised with the Word of God, not led by human doctrines.
If we become pastors and men of God, we must make the decision to be martyred for the Lord.
2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.
Pastors must rebuke the sins of disobedient members. This is what saves souls and practices the love of the Lord.
And the Bible says that those who do not abandon their evil lives until the end should be thrown out of the church.
When the pastor does so, he can lead all the congregation members according to the Lord's will.
If the wicked continue to remain in the church, their evil influence will spread throughout the church.
Everyone wants to take the easy way out rather than the hard way out, and to walk downhill rather than uphill.
However, in order to go to heaven, we must choose the narrow path that the flesh does not enjoy.
It is through trials and difficulties that we can truly meet God.
When we are sick or poor, we must become those who desperately rely on the Lord and hold firmly to His word.
Those with vicious personalities act like Lucifer, so it is very difficult for them to voluntarily obey the Lord's words.
However, when they go through severe tribulation, their stubborn hearts are broken and softened.
The mission of pastors is to lead the souls entrusted to them by God to heaven.
How can pastors lead their congregation to heaven?
The only way for everyone to go to heaven is to follow the words written in the Bible.
When our sins are pointed out through the words of God, we must repent and turn from those sins.
Some church members do not repent when they are rebuked for their sins, but instead criticize the pastor who rebukes them.
It is so difficult for these people to go to heaven because they do not repent.
Those who repent when they are rebuked for their sins are forgiven and enter heaven.
The pastor's sermon is for the entire congregation, never focusing on an individual.
When Jesus preached to a crowd of four thousand or seven thousand, he spoke to the entire congregation.
He did not preach to anyone except for a specific person. Since everyone has a sinful nature, the Lord wanted everyone to listen and repent.
If your sin is caught in the sermon, you should be thankful and quickly repent of your sin. You are blessed.
Who is the one who tempts people? He is an evil spirit. We must overcome the thoughts that Satan gives us.
Satan makes us angry, prevents us from receiving grace, and tempts us.
Even if such a person goes to church, he is separated from the Lord. He does not boast of the Lord, but boasts of himself.
The Bible says, If you think you are already upright, take care not to fall.
Do not boast about yourself. Such a person has fallen and will fall even harder.
The glory that men have is like the flowers of the grass, which after a while disappear (Psalm 103:15).
Solomon's glory was like the flowers of the grass (Matthew 6:29).
In spring, beautiful flowers bloom in abundance, but after a while they all fall. This is the glory that comes to us.
John the Baptist preached the gospel while eating wild honey and locusts as food.
Repent! Repent! King Herod, repent! Give back your brother's wife to him (Mark 6:17, 18).
When we preach the gospel of repentance, we must risk our lives.
We never know when we will be martyred, so we must always be prepared to be martyred.
When we are martyred, it seems like being shot would be the best thing.
However, all martyrdom is in God's hands, not according to man's will.
We are binding Lucifer, revealing to the world his true identity and the reality of heaven and hell.
Lucifer hates us doing this very much, he wants to kill us.
A spiritual person may feel a headache when a new believer enters the church, because the power of Lucifer can enter the church through that person.
Those who cannot overcome the temptations given by Satan will eventually fall away from the path of salvation.
People who have fallen into Satan's temptation find worship time too long and difficult to endure.
Such believers should go to a church that pleases the flesh. There are many churches in the world that offer humanistic worship.
These believers do not feel tired at all when watching worldly entertainment programs.
Such believers are so tired of hearing the living words of God, because there is darkness and the power of death within them.
The first human being ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and became defeated by the devil.
So all flesh came under Satan's dominion.
Our flesh belongs to Satan, and our spirit belongs to God.
Therefore, we must not be people who just cry out “Lord, Lord” with our mouths, but we must be people whose hearts truly believe in the Lord and obey His words.
Preach the word of God, preach it in season and out of season (2 Tim. 4:2).
This is the Lord’s command. We must practice this command in our lives.
There are many Christians in Korea. Most of them have been to church.
But everyone thinks that their souls have already been saved.
We preach to them. Everyone must believe in Jesus, repent, and obey.
They answer, we are already saved, so even if we drink and smoke, we will not go to hell.
We have been forgiven of all our sins, past, present, and future.
Preaching the gospel to these people is more difficult than preaching to unbelievers.
No matter how much we preach and emphasize the sound of life, these people do not accept our message at all.
Just as those who do not eat food die, those who do not accept the word of the Bible, which is the food of the spirit, will ultimately go to hell.
A doctor must examine and treat a person to live, but if his body does not want to be examined and treated, he will die.
Legalists and charismatics do not go to the hospital even when they are sick. If they go to the hospital, it will look like they do not have faith.
These people are so foolish, trying to cure their illnesses only with faith.
If they persist in this stubbornness, they miss the time for treatment, and many die.
If you are sick, you should go to the hospital and get treatment, and take medicine. This is the Lord's will.
The Lord did not come to this earth to cure illnesses.
The Son of Man came to call sinners to repentance (Luke 5:32).
The sick need a doctor, but the healthy do not need a doctor (Mark 2:17).
(Kenyan Language Interpreter)
(Indian Language Interpreter)