GE korea 항공기엔진수리엔지니어(정규직)
- GE Aviation 사업부소개
GE Aviation 사업부는 민간 및 군용부문의 엔진시장을 선도하며 항공기엔진, 체계 및 종합유지보수 서비스를 제공합니다.
하위사업부로는 민수엔진 및 서비스사업부, 전투기 등의 군용엔진사업부, 통합 항공전자 체계를 제공하는 항공체계사업부,
비즈니스 및 일반 항공사업부, 엔진정비 및 수리서비스를 제공하는 OWS(On Wing Support)가 있습니다.
- Provide quick-turn aircraft engine maintenance, repair and field services.
- Provide engine troubleshooting, field repairs, and line maintenance while developing positive
relationships with customers through outstanding customer awareness.
- Role involves frequent and long periods of travel to job sites.
- A&P or equivalent license를 필수로 보유하셔야 합니다. (한국혹은미국 license)
- 일의특성상 mobility가 자주 발생하기 때문에 유창한 영어실력을 필요로합니다
- GE90, CFM, CF6, JT8 experience가 있으신분은 이력서에 필히 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.
- A&P or equivalent license.
- Flexible to travel to job sites with very little notice for extended periods of time.
- Proficiency in English
- Fresh Graduates are acceptable, will need to demonstrate practical skills
- This individual is willing to learn and is team oriented
- Takes ownership for and follows through on full scope of work tasks and projects.
- Approaches work with a "can-do" attitude and a sense of commitment to both team and customer
objectives. Constantly keeps informed of and focused on the needs of customers.
- Builds customer relationships through good communication skills and understanding of customer perspectives. .
- GE90, CFM, CF6, JT8 experience.
- Line maintenance, engine changes, module removal & installation, or LRU removals and installations.
Level II NDT (FPI, Ultra Sound) experience.
- Demonstrated quality, compliance and customer satisfaction skills. Fluency in English
- 근무지역: 인천국제공항
- 서류심사 ->실무진면접 ->임원면접
- 국문이력서, 자기소개서 / 영문이력서
- 원미영대리( 으로 제출
- 제출순으로 수시면접 진행되며 채용시 조기마감 될 수 있음
- 제출기한: 2013년5월6일
- 기타 증빙서류는 면접시제출
첫댓글 감사합니다 ㅋ