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회원 알림


회원 알림

  • 방문
  • 가입
    1. S, J ,Patric..
    2. 서보경
    3. Shauchen
    4. Jinny
    5. 수수
    1. 세안
    2. 짱구는목말라
    3. 실버타이거
    4. 이성민
    5. HAYDEN
카페 게시글
English Questions born out of marriage ..
EQ(Equality) 추천 0 조회 32 04.08.14 07:29 댓글 7
게시글 본문내용
  • 04.08.14 11:01

    첫댓글 do tears of emotion...가슴밑바닥에서 나오는눈물을 흘리다.....복받치는슬픔의 눈물을 흘리다....아주슬픈마음이 일어나다..... 이런 슬픔을 느꼈던 기분만큼이나 즐거움도...그렇게 많이 나누었다...라는 뜻같습니다.

  • 04.08.14 11:08

    be born out of marriage.....혼외정사로 태어나다.......이정도의 의미아닐까요?.

  • 04.08.14 14:32

    They cried because of emotion(좋은 감정) but were not remorseful or angry over their past(they were abandoned) . In the second 'paragraph' the sentence means that nowadays most of the children who are abandoned are born from women who are not married. The men who 'seduced' the women refuse to take

  • 04.08.14 14:34

    responsibility for the children.// It is a very sad thing that young men and women have sex before getting married. They have children and abandon them...

  • 작성자 04.08.16 01:56

    Thank you 하얀구름, hyunook. By the way, hyunook, you seem to have been away for a while. So, the job you're taking has not been over yet ? I hope I could see you often.^^

  • 04.08.16 16:25

    Hello EQ. Had the reporter used the expression "born out of wedlock", you would not have been confused. Look up the word "wedlock" in your E-K dictionary.

  • 작성자 04.08.16 20:55

    I looked up my E-E dictionary which defines 'wedlock' 1. the state of being unmarried 2. out of wedlock : of unmarried parents - children born out of marriage. Thank you 로빈.^^ So glad to meet you as well.^^
