Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (147) Book 9. The Role of Nations in Realizing World Peace CHAPTER 1. America in Crisis—Answer to Watergate : Forgive, Love, Unite
2. America’s crisis is God’s crisis - 1
We were all witnesses to the assassination of America’s president, John F. Kennedy, in 1963. However today, without many realizing it, America is in the process of slowly killing her president once again. A bullet killed Kennedy, and the nation united in a common feeling of sorrow and repentance.
This time the “bullet” of hatred and accusation is capable of destroying not only the president, but the nation with him. In a war of hatred, no one is the winner.
All thoughtful Americans feel grave concern for the future of their country. Some even believe America has been struck a fatal blow. However, at this critical moment in American history, it is disappointing and inexplicable that no one is asking, “What is the Will of God?” If America was conceived as “One Nation under God,” then the answer must come from Him. Have we stopped asking?
I bend my head and place my ear to hear the heartbeat of America. But I detect no one seeking the solution from above. We keep on criticizing, and the nation sinks; we criticize some more, and the nation falls even further, deep into greater peril.
Now is the time for America to renew the faith expressed in her motto, “In God We Trust.” This is the founding spirit that makes America great and unique. God blessed America because of this spirit. Furthermore, America is fulfilling a vital role in God’s plan for the modern world.