한국인구학회에서 2009 전기학술대회에서 내놓은 연구결과랍니다. 개중 외국인노동자에 관한 연구는 한국인노동자와의 관계에 대한 연구임에도 영어로 작성되어있습니다. 한국인구학회 이것들이 저출산포럼이라는 놈들입니다. 그리고 김대중이 노무현이 동안 보건복지부에서 연구를 용역받아 해온 것들입니다.
"저출산고령화 대책 방법이 없다. 나도 모르겟다. 이민을 받아들어야 한다. 그래서 한국의 생존력을 높여야 된다"고 헛소리를 찌껄인 놈이 이 연구학회의 회장이라는 한양대교수놈이지요.
이 연구결과라는 것을 보면 끝없이 떠들어온 다문화란 외국인노동자를 끌어들이는데 대한 한국인들의 반발을 억제하기위한 수단으로 하고잇는 것임을 시사해주고 잇습니다. 일종의 우민화 트릭이라고 할 수 있을 것같습니다. 짧은 영어실력으로 대충 포인트를 번역해보았습니다.
Attitudes towards Foreign Workers: Focusing on Korean Workers
(외국인노동자에 대한 태도: 한국인노동자에 촛점을 맞춰서)
V. Conclusions
The major goal of this study is to identify a general overview of Korean workers' attitudes towards foreign workers. 이 연구의 주요목표는 한국인노동자들의 외국인노동자들에 대한 태도를 전반적으로 보기위한 것이다. The analysis focuses on Korean workers at the companies which employ foreign workers in order to understand sources and mechanisms underlying the attitudes with more realistic and valid data. The findings reveal that Korean workers show slightly different attitudes depending upon the kinds of foreign workers' rights; on the one hand, a little more than half of Korean workers agree to give foreign workers the same labor rights as Korean workers and to allow them to bring their family members into Korea; on the other hand, a little less than half of them do not agree to grant residentship or citizenship to foreign workers. Contrary to theoretical expectations, a considerable proportion of Korean workers do not view foreign workers as posing a threat to their wages and jobs and the economy of society. To some extent, a positive view of multiculturalism is seen extensively among Korean workers.
In predicting multiculturalism and feeling of threat, wage plays a significant role though the directions of its effect on them are opposite; the increase in wage leads to more acceptance of multiculturalism but to less feeling of threat. As discussed in theoretical background, the negative effect of wage on feeling of threat proves the expectation that the level of threat is more pronounced in people of low socioeconomic status. The data also indicate that the most important determinant of attitudes towards foreign workers is the perception of multiculturalism. 연구자료는 외국인노동자에 대한 태도의 가장 중요한 결정요소는 다문화주의를 인식하는 것 임을 보여주고 잇다.
The greater the multiculturalism the more likely Korean workers to express favor and to recognize foreign workers' rights. 다문화주의가 커질수록 한국인노동자들은 외국인노동자의 권리를 인정하고 선호하게 된다. While multiculturalism is the most important determinant of attitudes towards foreign workers it only partially intervenes between individual characteristics and attitudes towards foreign workers. As multiculturalism is included, the effects of age and wage on attitudes towards foreign workers become insignificant, suggesting that the associations between age, wage and the attitudes could be spurious. 다문화주의가 들어가면 외국인노동자에 대한 태도에 있어서 임금,연령이 미치는 영향은 중요하지않게 된다. 외국인노동자에 대한 태도와 임금,연령이 연관되어있다는 것은 사실이 아닐 수 있다.
Period of working experience with foreign workers and education, however, continue to exert a direct effect on attitudes towards foreign workers even after considering multiculturalism. Consistent with previous studies, attitudes towards foreign workers tend to become positive with period of working experience with foreign workers and education. The longer the period of work experience with foreign workers and the more education, the more favorable opinion Korean workers have towards foreign workers. The positive effects of period of work experience with foreign workers and education on attitudes towards foreign workers indicate that attitudes towards foreigners would improve considerably if people were more well-informed about foreigners as well as multiculturalism.
Although perceived threat has influence on attitudes towards foreign workers, the level of its effect on the attitudes decreases sharply when multiculturalism is taken into consideration. 비록 외국인노동자의 위협이 인식되어도 다문화주의가 들어가면 외국인노동자에 의한 위협이 외국인노동자에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향이 급격히 줄어든다. The relatively weak impact of perceived threat on attitudes towards foreign workers, which differs substantially from the previous arguments and results, as well as low level of perceived threat among Korean workers can be partially explained by terms and conditions of employment for the foreign workers in Korea. Their jobs, stay duration and numbers are restricted by laws and regulations; most works available and open to them are confined to so-called 3D jobs that Korean people are reluctant to take; they cannot stay in Korea sequently for more than 3 years; the Korean government controls the number of foreign workers to import considering the conditions of demand and supply in the domestic labor market. The foreign workers situated in marginal status and insecure employment thus cannot compete Korean counterparts in job market and workplace, and are not likely to give rise to feeling of threat among Korean workers against them.
Whereas this study finds an association between feeling of threat against foreign workers and multiculturalism, the causal direction between them is unknown, yet. In addition, little is explained about the relationship between the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics such as age and wage and multiculturalism (Breugelmans and van de Vijver, 2004). Future studies may want to further explore these relationships and to provide theoretical grounds. Finally, it goes without saying this study has a limitation to extend its findings to a national setting. Since the study focuses on Korean workers who work closely with foreign workers, it may need caution to apply the results in this study to other Korean workers or the general public.
그 앞에 연구했다는 2008년 6월 연구를 보면 첫번째가 삼성경제연구소의 저출산 고령화로 임금이 올라간다는 것에 대한 연구임. 도대체 인구학회에서 왜 임금을 연구하는 것인지 알수가 없음. 개나새나 임금을 엄청 연구하는 것 같음.
첫댓글 서민들 목소리는 하나도 없는 상태에서 탁상공론으로 내려진 결론인데 ~ 결국 국민들 바보만들기 연구?
학자(지식인)이라는것들은 가진자(자본)들의 논리를 만들고 대신짖어주는 똥개들 입니다
실체는 "한국을 "다인종혼혈화 시키기 정책"이죠, 그런데 국민들이 이 실체를 알면 저들의 목표를 달성하기 어려우니까 그것을 국민들이 눈치채지 못하게 "다문화"라는 드럴듯 한 단어로 포장해서 세뇌시키는 겁니다. 다문화라는 단어자체가 사기이고, 특정세력이 각 민족의 정체성을 파괴하고, 혼혈화시키기 위해서 만들어낸 인공단어에요.. 서양의 나이든 백인들하고 얘기해봐도, 다문화(multi-culturalism)이란 단어를 자기들 어렸을때는 들어본적이 없답니다. 서양에서도 어느순간 언론이 급조해서 대대적으로 유포시켰답니다.
그냥 무조건 다문화라고 세뇌시키고 몰고가면 노비놈들은 제모가지 잘라먹어도 꼼짝 못한다는 게 결론으로 보입니다.