95. 8. 13 국회사무처7급 행정직 - 영어 -
※ Read the following passage and choose the one which is closest in meaning to the underlined part. (1 - 4)
I was out of employment in the May of this year, and walked all over the country looking for work, but was unsuccessful. At last I happened to meet an old fellow-villager, a gardener like myself. He informed me that he had changed his place of work, and when I told him how bad things were with me, he advised me to try for his old place. (A) According to him it was worth the trouble, for it was (B) an occupation for life and he would not have given it up if he had not found something still better. He gave me the address, and I at once wrote to (C) the clergyman who had the vacancy. Soon I received notice to apply on a certain day, and full of hope that I might be successful I went to the clergyman's house. I was shown into the study, where, in a state of nervousness, I was kept waiting for a short time. The man who was probably to be my employer entered. After a few preliminary questions had been put to me, (D) I told the clergyman whom I had last served, and ended by handing him my "character".
1. (A) According to him it was worth the trouble
1) He said that his old job had been troublesome but profitable.
2) He said that his old job had been the source of the trouble.
3) He said that his old job deserved the trouble of an application.
4) He said that his old job was only too difficult to get.
2. (B) an occupation for life
1) an occupation which is suitable for your style of life
2) an occupation in which you can remain to the end of your life
3) an occupation by which you can make a good living
4) an occupation on which your life is dependent
3. (C) the clergyman who had the vacancy
1) the clergyman who had retired from his office
2) the clergyman who was a man of great vanity
3) the clergyman who had been away from home for some time
4) the clergyman who had a vacant position to fill
4. (D) I told the clergyman whom I had last served
1) I told the clergyman what kind of person I had served until the May of this year.
2) I told the clergyman how long I had served my former employer until the May of this year.
3) I told the clergyman that the person I had served until the May of this year was also a clergyman.
4) I told the clergyman that the person in question was the last one I had served.
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (5 - 6)
│ The world of the older people has vanished, and they do not│
│understand all of the problems of the modern world. On the │
│other hand, the younger people have grown up with these pro-│
│blems, and they are deeply concerned about them. The older │
│generation still controls the power in business organization│
│, government, and education. The younger people want to make│
│changes in these areas to fit the needs of modern society. │
│In order to reconcile their differences, both generations m-│
│ust realize that the world has changed, and that new respon-│
│ses are necessary for many of the problems of society. │
5. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
1) Problems of Younger Generation
2) Older Generation and the Power
3) Resolving the Generation Gap
4) Business in the Modern World
6. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
1) The older generation has no hope for the future.
2) The world would remain unchanged as it is now.
3) The younger people are indifferent to the power in busin-
4) The world needs the cooperaton of both generations.
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (7 - 9)
│ My husband is a born shopper. He loves to look at things a-│
│nd to touch them. He likes to compare prices between the sa-│
│me items in different stores. He would never think of buying│
│anything without looking around in several different stores.│
│On the other hand, I am not a shopper. I regard shopping as │
│boring and unpleasant. If I like something and I can afford │
│it, I buy it instantly. I never look around for a good sale │
│or a better deal. Bargains don't interest me. Needless to │
│say, my husband and I never go shop together. The experience│
│ ---- │
│would be too painful for both of us. When it comes to shopp-│
│ing, we go separate ways. │
7. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
1) Shopping habits of my husband
2) Sales and Bargains
3) How to get a better deal in a store
4) A born shopper and a born nonshopper
8. According to the passage, the author's husband __________.
1) goes to quality department stores for shopping
2) would become a good salesman in the long run
3) are not interested in the quality of shopping goods
4) would be reluctant to buy any nonsale goods
9. 밑줄 친 단어의 올바른 형태는?
1) shop 2) to shop 3) shopping 4) on shopping
※ Choose the one word of phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part. (10 - 13)
10. The proposal was accepted with the agreement of everyone present.
1) unanimously 2) accordingly 3) agreeably 4) totally
11. The police officer interrogated the suspect for two hours.
1) baited 2) watched 3) infiltrated 4) questioned
12. Their teacher tried to restore friendship and agreement between the two.
1) befriend 2) reconcile 3) compensate 4) sympathize
13. Some British fishermen believe that their sea-god is able to do everything.
1) capable 2) skillful 3) powerful 4) omnipotent
※ Choose the one underlined word or phrase that is not acceptable for standard written expression. (14 - 16)
14. Her uncle, along with her two cousins, demand that she stay
1) 2) 3)
in town one more day.
15. Film directors can take for great liberties in dealing with
1) 2)
concepts of time and space than stage directors can.
3) 4)
16. It had stopped to rain when we came home from shopping.
1) 2) 3) 4)
17. 밑줄 부분에 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
I can hear her ________ in her room. What's _________ her this time?
1) sobbing upset 2) giggling taken
3) growling made 4) humming snapped
※ Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (18 - 20)
18. After twenty years Jane met an old friend of hers; he had changed so much that she could hardly ________ him.
1) recognize 2) reduce 3) remind 4) request
19. He has served his sentence and will be released from ______ tomorrow.
1) army 2) prison 3) hostage 4) position
20. It never ________ to me that the clue to this problem lies in such a simple experiment.
1) meant 2) recollected 3) occurred 4) satisfied
<정답> 1.1) 2.1) 3.4) 4.4) 5.3) 6.4) 7.4) 8.1) 9.3) 10.1)
11.4) 12.2) 13.4) 14.2) 15.2) 16.2) 17.1) 18.1) 19.2) 20.3)
96. 9. 1 7급 총무처 -영어-
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (문1-5)
│ Jenner was still a youth, pursuing his studles, when his │
│attention was arrested by the casual observation made by a│
│country girl who came to her masten's shop for advice. │
│ When the small-pox was mentioned, the girl said; "I can't│
│take that disease for I have had cow-pox." The observation│
│immediately rivetted Jenner's attention and he set about │
│making inquirles and observations on the subject. His │
│professional frlends, to whom he mentioned his views as to│
│the warding-off virtues of cow-pox, laughed at him and │
│even threatened to expel him from their seciety if he │
│persisted in harassing them with the subject. │
│ In London he was so fortunate as to study under john │
│Hunter, to whom he communicated his views." The advice of │
│the great scientist was thoroughly characteristic: "㉠ │
│Don't think, but experiment; he patient, be accurate." │
│Jenner's courage was so implicit that he vaccinated his │
│own son on whree occasions. At length he published his │
│views in a journal, in which he gave the details of twenty│
│-three cases of successful vaccination of individuals to │
│whom it was afterwards found impossible to communicate the│
│small-pox. It was in 1798 that this treatise was │
│published; though he had been working out his ideas as │
│long before as 1775, when they began to assume a definite │
│form. │
│ All kinds of misunderstanding and some actual ㉡ lie │
│ ─── │
│propaganda spread abroad. Vaccination, however, was a │
│beneficial process and, notwithstanding the violence of │
│the opposition, belief in it spread slowly The medical │
│profession graduaily came round. Jenner's cause at last │
│triumphed and he was publicly honored and rewarded. │
1. Choose the correct statement.
1) Jenner's discovery was widely accepted in his own life time.
2) He was offered rich rewards because he gave up his exper iments.
3) When the vaiue of his work was recognized he received puplic honor.
4) Every member of the medical profession gave Jenner the full credit for the discovery of vaccination.
2. Choose the one which best expresses the underlined part ㉠.
1) Experiment is far more important than theory in any case of science.
2) Don't continue this sort of inquiry; try another field entirely.
3) Never waste time thinking; plunge straight into more scientific experiments.
4) Don't be satlsfied with theories alone; test your theories by patient experiment.
3. Jenner proved the efficiency of vaccination in the _______ quarter of the eighteenth century.
1) first 2) second 3) third 4) last
4. Choose the correct form of the underiined word ㉡.
1) lying 2) lay 3) lied 4) lies
1) likely 2) unlikely 3) subject 4) apt
7. Simpson has retracted many of the changes he originally proposed, including the one that technology firms feared most.
1) underscored 2) withdrawn
3) maintained 4) perfected
8. With all the crazy drivers on the road today, it's probably better that stringent registration procedures are followed.
1) rigorous 2) pragmatic 3) plausible 4) lenient
9. 밑줄친 부분에 알맞은 것은?
I am at a loss which way to go as I am a stranger here. = I have no ______ which way to go as I am a stranger here.
1) time 2) idea 3) chance 4) talk
10. 문법적으로 잘못된 것은?
They ①revolve around the alleged ②original purpose of the building and the bad feelings the building ③supposedly ④evoking.
※ 다음 밑줄친 부분에 가장 알맞는 것을 고르시오. (문11-17)
11. Formen Defense Secretary Robert McNamara has broken a 27-year silence about the U.S. stlde into the Vietnam War and his central role in it, saying ________ as early as 1963. central role inn it, saying __________ as early as 1963.
1) Vietham had to be pulled out of their conflict
2) America should have pulled out of Vietnam
3) America had to pull out of the Vietnam war
4) U.N. should involve into the Vietnam war
13. "I am confident that 50 years from now when ______ again visit Iwo Jima to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sacrifices made here, they will be able to look back on yet another 50 years of world peace." U.S. ambassador to Japan Walter Mondale told the gathering.
1) our descendants 2) the predessors
3) our forebears 4) the progenitors
14. Keeping up with the fashions can be very expensive. So one way to save money is never to throw your old clothes out, If you wait long enough, the clothes that are ㉠ _________ fashion today will be back ㉡_____ fashion tomorrow. Yesterday's clothes are tomorrow's new fasholns.
㉠ ㉡
1) in out
2) on out of
3) out on
4) out of in
15. Even in the face of national and international adversity, he does not see himself as totally powerless. He does what he ________ the world a better place.
1) makes 2) can make 3) can to make 4) would make to
16. The welfare state in the United States has also been troubled by racial problems, which began with black slavery before the Civil War of the 1860s and continued with racial segregation in the Southh until 1960s. Segregation made it difficult for black Americans _____ into the larger middle class culture and its values.
1) assimilate 2) assimilating
3) becoming assimiated 4) to become assimilated
17. With all the conscientious efforts to clean up our mechanical processes so they could still be used withhout further hurting us and the environment, no single effort has really worked at a price we can afford. And in the end we are still faced with the need to stop all pollution, ________ the ecological decline that is steadily taking place in the earth enviromment.
1) as we try to keep 2) when we develop
3) even if we stop 4) if we are to arrest
※ 다음 글의 요지로 가장 알맞는 것을 고르시오. (문18-19)
18. Some think that, while Confucian governments of East Asia proved to be a conspicuous obstruction to the economic development Confucian ethics, on the other hand, are `rightly extolled today as an asset of East Asia's dynamism.
1) Confucianism is thought to be totaily harmful to economic development.
2) There is disagreement on the role of the Confucian tradition with regard to East Asia's economy.
3) Confucian ethics are a main contributing factor to East Asia's economy.
4) The ethical tradition of a nation is closely related to its economic condition.
19. Long masked by censorship disinformation and a conspiracy of professional silence, the former Soviet Union's deadly atomic iegecy is only now becoming a serious issue.
1) The issue of the atomic weapons was made public recently
2) From the past the former Soviet atomic weapons have called
3) The issue of thhe former Soviet weapons was hidden by journalism.
4) Still no one is allowed to access to the former Soviet atomic energy.
20. 다음 중 문법적으로 옳은 문장은?
1) As we understand it he appears to be unreasonable anxious about finding her.
2) Staying in hotel costs twice as muchh as renting a room in a dormitory for a wee.
3) Nobody speaks more clearly than him, but his writing is frequently difficult to make out.
4) If you had taken my advice before doing the work, you would have been able to do it more better.
<정답> 1.1) 2.4) 3.4) 4.1) 5.2) 6.1) 7.2) 8.1) 9.2) 10.4)
11.2) 12.3) 13.1) 14.4) 15.2) 16.4) 17.4) 18.2) 19.1) 20.2)
94. 9. 11 7급 총무처 -영어
1. 다음 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 나타낸 것은?
ꡒ사회정의는 각 개인의 정신개혁에 의해서만 가능하다."
1) Scoial justice impossible when every individual revolutionizes his own spirit.
2) Social justice can be attained only throuhg the innovation of individual mind.
3) It is possible to establish social justice if we cultivate our morality.
4) Social justice stands for the possibility of moral renovation.
※빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르면? (2~5)
2. The population of Seoul ________ since the Korea War.
1) has nearly doubling 2) has nearly doubled
3) nearly doubled 4) increasing doubly
3. The face of the earth was defferent _______ it is now.
1) from what 2) from whom 3) from which 4) from that
4. Without oxygen, all animals ______ long ago.
1) would disappear 2) would have been desappeared
3) would have disappeared 4) would be disappearing
5. Instead of ___ into nearby river, or lake, sewage is sent to
a giant tank where the water is purified.
1) dump 2) dumped
3) dumping 4) being dumped
※밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것은? (6~8)
6. That department was done away with last year.
1) founded 2) changed 3) abolished 4) established
7. Mary fell out with John over some trifles.
1) got generous to
2) got hospitable to
3) became favorable to
4) became indifferent to
8. At first it was difficult for me to make out what he was saying.
1) believe 2) reject 3) understand 4) ignore
※Read the following passage and answer the questions. (9~10)
The fear of old age may stem from ration, realistic assessment to old people in advanced industrial society; but it has its roots in irrational panic is that is appears in peoples'lives so prematurely. Men and women begin to fear growing old before hey even arrive at middle age. The so-called midife crisis presents itself as a realization that old age stands just around he corner. Americans experience the fortieth birthday as the beginning of the end. Even the prime of life thus comes to be overshadowed by the fear of what lies ahead.
9. What would be the most appropriate topic the above passage?
1) The ultimate goal of old people
2) The feal of growing old
3) The wisdom of old people
4) The peak of one's life
10. The meaning of the underlined part is that __________ .
1) old age desappears suddenly
2) old age near at hand
3) old age has ended
4) old age brings wisdom
11. 밑줄 친 부분과 발음이 같은 것은?
It's wicked of them to say such things.
1) packed 2) baked 3) naked 4) thanked
12. 어법상 올바른 문장은?
1) Give me hot something to drink.
2) The three frist problems were very difficult.
3) You are enough old to understand such things.
4) He is as hard a worker as his brother.
※ 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 가까운 뜻을 갖는 것을 고르면? (13~15)
13. Things hardly attained are longer retained.
1) remove 2) abastained 3) substituted 4) kept
14. He has fallen in love with the lady with a very enticing smile.
1) alluring 2) cold 3) elusive 4) oblivious
15. He was outraged to see that she had gone ahead with her plans without consulting him frist.
1) surprised 2) angered 3) relived 4) excited
( )안에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르면? (16~20)
16. The discovery of vitamins and the proof of their importance to health has helped to arouse new interest in ( ).
1) education 2) technology 3) ecology 4) diet
17. Time is more general than space, because it applies to the inner world of impressions, emotions, and ideas for which no ( ) order can be given.
1) natural 2) causal 3) temporal 4) spatial
18. If the only form of tradition consisted in following the ways of the immediate to its successes ꡒtradition" should positively be discouraged.
1) for 2) by 3) after 4) before
19. Scientists know more about ascient civilizations than is found in writen records from those civilizations, Researchers all over the world are studying remnants ofthe past and fitting togeter the history of man. Facts about the development of the human race even prior to the invention of writing are no longer ( ).
1) pieced together 2) completely unknown
3) known to science 4) the concern of the historian
20. The heat of any object is determined by the rapidity of motion of the atoms that compose it. When we heat a pan of water to the energy speeds up the movement of the atoms that constitute the water. When we put a jar oh water in the refrigerator, we create a situation in which ( ).
1) atomic movements will be accelerated
2) atomic energy will be increased
3) atomic movements will be retarded
4) more radiation will affect the temperature
<정답> 1.2) 2.2) 3.1) 4.3) 5.4) 6.3) 7.2) 8.3) 9.2) 10.2)
11.3) 12.4) 13.4) 14.1) 15.2) 16.4) 17.4) 18.4) 19.2) 20.3)
'98. 5. 31. 기출문제 -영 어
【문 1】다음 글의 분위기를 가장 잘 나타낸 것은?
Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, may have received a message about his own death in a dream. One night in 1865, he had a strange dream. He dreamed he was inside the White House. A group of people were standing around a coffin in the East Room of the White House. Many of them were crying. "Who is dead?" he asked. "The president," someone answered. "He was killed by an assassin." A few days after this, on April 14th, Lincoln was shot and killed while he was watching a play at Ford's Theater in Washington, D. C.
① pessimistic ② mysterious ③ sarcastic ④ sorrowful
※ 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.(문2~8)
【문 2】 As we begin the decade of the 1990s, we find that the laser, like the computer, has become a commonplace item in our society. Still, how many of us really know what a laser is and what it is used for? The word itself is _______________, a word formed from the first letters of other words.
① an antonym ② an acronym ③ an acrobat ④ a synonym
【문 3】In the medieval times, people used salt to ___________ food, so the food would stay good for a long time.
① preserve ② remain ③ isolate ④ eat
문 4】It is a good idea to remove decayed portions of a tree before the decay has time to spread. Leaves are small in the spring, but full-grown leaves of summer hide broken and rotting limbs in the treetops. The time to look for and remove these scars is ____________.
① in midsummer ② at night ③ during a freeze ④ in the spring
문 5】Only three or four minutes ______________ after the patient's arrival in the emergency room when Dr. Lee took charge of his case.
① had passed ② were passing ③ have passed ④ had been passed
문 6】This job is offered to those who are able and .--------------
① have it carry out to the will
② have the will to carry it out
③ the will have to carry it out
④ the will to carry it out it have
문 7】 The animals in well-run zoos are treated kindly, are well fed, receive medical care when they are sick, and are protected from their natural enemies. Most animals in zoos live longer than they would in their natural homes, where many dangers threaten their .---------------
① lives ② friends ③ zoos ④ family
문 8】Tom Willard was ambitious for his son. He had always thought of him- self as a successful man, nothing -------- he had ever done had turned out successful. However, when he was out of sight of the New Willard House and had no fear of coming upon his wife, he swaggered and began to dramatize himself as one of the chief men of the town. He wanted his son to succeed.
① when ② for ③ because ④ although
문 9】빈 칸 (A), (B)에 공통적으로 들어갈 수 있는 것은?
When Mahatma Gandhi was leading the Indian people in their movement to get rid of British rule, whenever his followers began to have strong feeling of ( A ) towards the British, he would always say : "Stop until you have got over this feeling of ( B ). We won't go on till you have. It is only when you cease to hate the British that we can afford to go on opposing them."
① friendship ② hostility ③ opposition ④ generosity
문10】두 개의 글이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈 곳을 채우시오.
Carry on the experiment without to cost. ---------- = Carry on the experiment no matter how much it may cost.
① consideration ② estimation ③ respect ④ regard
문11】다음 글을 요약할 때 빈 칸에 가장 알맞은 것은?
Television is also partly blamed for a sharp slide in traditional learning. Since television became nearly universal in the early 1960s, average scores for high school students taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the broadest measure of academic ability, have decline from 478 to 424 on the verbal exam and from 502 to 466 in mathematics. Television the sharp decline ------------- in the scores of high school students on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
① has affected ② is responsible for ③ has helped ④ has developed
문12】밑줄 친 부분을 옳게 바꾼 것은?
He was sitting alone, and he was folding his arms.
① with his arms folded
② with his arms folding
③ his arms folded
④ his arms folding
문13】밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 같은 것은?
My father has math at his fingers' ends.
① hesitates to learn math
② is fond of math
③ knows math very well
④ has started to learn math
【문17】글의 흐름으로 보아 가장 관계가 없는 문장은?
Different regions of the brain have different jobs. ① If there is any damage to the part of the brain known as Broca's area, a person will have trouble pronouncing words. ② Similarly, if there is damage to the part of the brain called Wernicke's area, a person will have problems remembering certain words. ③ There is much that scientists still do not know about the human brain. ④ The part of the brain called the cerebellum is concerned with controlling bodily position and motion.
【문18】다음은 우리말을 영어로 옮긴 것이다. 빈 칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 차례로 나열한 것은?
"한 외국인이 길에서 나에게 말을 걸었으나, 나는 영어로 의사 소통을 할 수가 없었다.
a foreigner on the street, but I couldn't in English. -----------
① spoke to, make him understand
② spoke to, make myself understood
③ was spoken by, make him understand
④ was spoken to by, make myself understood
문19】다음 글의 필자가 주장하는 요지는?
Touch is the first sense we develop, and we acquire it before birth. We could not live without it. Imagine being unable to sense the danger of hot water or to feel our way down a dark stairway. We tend to think of sight as our most important sense, yet we close our eyes in sleep for a third of each day. Touch never blinks, never turns off its awareness of the world around us.
① 촉각은 후천적 감각이다.
② 촉각을 개발시켜야 한다.
③ 촉각은 가장 중요한 감각이다.
④ 촉각보다 시각이 더 중요한 역할을 한다.
문20】다음 글에서 직업 선택의 요인으로 언급되지 않은 것은?
According to one sociologist, Theodore Caplow, the accident of birth often plays a large role in determining what occupation people choose. Children follow their parents' occupations : farmers are recruited from farmers' offspring, teachers from the children of teachers. The parent "passes" an occupation on to the child. Furthermore, such factors as time and place of birth, race, nationality, social class, and the expectations of parents are all accidental, that is, not planned or controlled. They all influence choice of occupation.
① 부모의 직업 ② 출생 시기와 장소 ③ 보모의 기대 ④ 장래의 유망성
[정답] 1.2) 2.2) 3.1) 4.4) 5.1) 6.2) 7.1) 8.4) 9.2) 10.4) 11.2) 12.1) 13.3) 14.3) 15.2) 16.4) 17.3) 18.4) 19.3) 20.4)
※ 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (2 ~ 8)
It is desirable to have a good reputation. The good opinion of our associates and acquaintances is not to be despised. There is often a great distinction between character and reputation. Reputation is what the world believes us for the time; character is what we truly are. Reputationand character may be in harmony, but they frequently are as______as light and darkness.
2. ① parallel ② opposite ③ alternative ④ temporary
Eating candy can produce acids in the body. Consuming carbohydrates can even produce an alcoholic condition in your body. One of our great orators, William Jennings Bryan, gave speeches nationwide about the bad effects of drinking alcohol, causing more than one person to change his drinking habits. _______, Bryan himself died of an alcoholic stomach as a result of eating thirteen pancakes with syrup for breakfast. Eating the pancakes, which are full of carbohydrates, and the sugary syrup, created a kind of alcoholic brew in his stomach. This innocently consumed brew produced alcoholic poisoning, which in turn led to his death.
3. ① Consequently ② Ironically ③ Besides ④ Accordingly
Study is necessary, so is practice. The combination will give one the ability to communicate in a foreign language, but ______ will result in slow, incorrect speech.
4.① all of them ② both of them ③ neither of them ④ either one of them alone
Words like "English" and "Korean" have two different meanings. We can say that if a person is English, he speaks English. If he is Korean, he speaks Korean. And so forth. But we cannot always do this because there are _______. For example, if a person is Mexican, he speaks Spanish; if he is Belgian, he speaks Flemish or French ; if he is Brazilian, he speaks Portuguese. More importantly, we cannot switch the argument and say, "If he speaks German, he is German." He may quite well be a Swiss. This is particularly true of the English language.
5.① records ② dialects ③ exceptions ④ symbols
Many popular sayings are correct, even insightful, when applied to life's circumstances. But when proverbs are viewed without qualifications, they can cancel each other out. For instance, while it's often true that " ," there are times when "two heads are better than one."
6. ① too many cooks spoil the broth ② blood is thicker than water
③ birds of a feather flock together ④ faith will move mountains
7. Learn to save now, _________ you may want in old age.
① and ② if ③ therefore ④ otherwise
Changes in heating systems of buildings can also lead to disease. In the 1970s, there was a worldwide shortage of heating oil. To save fuel, hotels in the United States lowered the temperature in their heating systems. This lower temperature was just perfect for a deadly germ which grows in heating pipes. When the heated air was blown into the rooms of a hotel, it carried ________. Many visitors became ill and several died.
8. ① heating oil ② lower temperature ③ the germs ④ heating pipes
9. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
Language is so much a part of our daily activities that some of us may come to look upon it as a more or less automatic and natural act like breathing or winking. Of course, if we give the matter any thought at all, we must realize that there is nothing automatic about language. Children must be taught their native tongue and the necessary training takes a long time. Language is not something that is inherited ; it is an art that can be passed on from one generation to the next only by intensive education. Language is not inherited, but is acquired by __________.
① reading ② writing ③ speaking ④ training
10. (A)와 (B)의 뜻이 같아지도록 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
(A) The practice of healing in the ancient world had as much to do with religion and philosophy as it did with science. Extremely skillful surgeons, the Egyptians used a variety of drugs and surgical techniques.
(B) Medicinal practices in the ancient world were as _________ to religion and philosophy as they were science. The Egyptians were proficient surgeons who employed an array of medications and surgical practices.
① indifferent ② related ③ prudent ④ receptible
11. 빈 칸에 공통적으로 들어갈 단어로 옳은 것은?
I'll _________ the cleaning.
The photograph didn't __________ her justice.
The medicine will _________ you good.
① do ② ask ③ keep ④ have
12. 다음 글에서 she의 성격은?
As she stood on the little grass plot before the house and felt the cold rain on her body, a mad desire to run naked through the streets took possession of her. She thought that the rain would have some creative and wonderful effect on her body. Not for years had she felt so full of youth and courage. She wanted to leap and run, to cry out, to find some other lonely human and embrace him.
① passive ② timid ③ thoughtful ④ passionate
13. 다음 문장 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 잘못 쓰인 것은?
① The child had no friends to play with.
② The boy grew up to be a fine young man.
③ It is the most beautiful place I have never visited.
④ If winter comes, says a poet, spring is not far behind.
14. 다음 글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적당한 것은?
Although teeth are meant to last a person's life time, toothbrushes aren't, says the American Dental Association, and should be tossed out about every four months. So Oral-B Laboratories of Redwood City, California, has introduced the Indicator, the first toothbrush with a built-in replacement alert. When the blue coloring disappears halfway down the bristle, which usually takes about three or four months, it's time to buy a new toothbrush. Cost:$3.
① warning ② advertising ③ complaining ④ questioning
15. 다음 글을 읽고 본문 전체의 흐름과 관계가 없는 문장을 고르시오.
A healthy diet is important for children as well as adults. ① When adults have poor eating habits, their children usually do, too. ② After all, children eat the same way as their parents do. ③ We know that the food we eat affects us in different ways. ④ When parents eat healthy food, the children will think it tastes good.
16. 다음 글에서 Yogurt 회사가 폐업한 원인으로 볼 수 없는 것은?
The Frozen Yogurt Company closed its shop in the center of town. There really was no other choice. The poor economy meant fewer customers and higher prices for supplies. Bills for electricity and water seemed to go up every month. And then the landlord decided to double the rent.
① 고객 감소와 물가 상승 ② 전기와 수도요금 상승
③ 임대료 인상 ④ 계절상의 수요량 감소
17. 다음 글의 바로 앞에 올 문단의 내용으로 가장 자연스러운 것은?
On the other hand, some Indian tribes wish to modernize the reservations. They have set up cattle ranches and started small industries. The value of education is understood, with many Indians of these tribes earning graduate degrees as teachers, doctors, and engineers at their state universities. These alternatives, with many variations, are what most Indians have chosen.
① 인디안 전통문화의 답습 ② 인디안들의 적극적인 사회참여
③ 인디안 특별보호구역의 현대화 ④ 인디안들의 교육에 대한 열의
18. 다음 글에서 밑줄친 tube가 가리키는 것은?
Nowadays, millions of inexperienced young people are growing up in front of the tube without close guidance of elders. Many Americans worry that the nation could be ruined by a generation that gets its moral values from soap operas and its cultural values from situation comedies.
① television ② radio ③ computer ④ vending machine
※ 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 같은 것을 고르시오. (19 ~ 20)
19. Strong measures taken by the government to discourage profiteering real estate transactions through taxation and other legal curbs have paid off.
① have been restrained ② have been withdrawn
③ have been prepared ④ have been effective
A : I think we should take the train to the mountains.
B : I'd rather drive.
A : But there's going to be a lot of snow.
B : I like snow.
A : Do you like sitting in the car for hours, stuck in the snow?
B : You've got a point there. Let's take the train.
20. ① You think nothing of my words.
② I don't understand what you said.
③ What you have said seems to be right.
④ Let's stop quarreling.
정 답 1. ③ 2. ② 3. ② 4. ④ 5. ③ 6. ① 7. ④ 8. ③ 9. ④ 10. ② 11. ① 12. ④ 13. ③ 14. ② 15. ③ 16. ④ 17. ① 18. ① 19. ④ 20. ③
97. 4. 27 시행 경남 9급 - 영어 -
1. 다음 대화에서 괄호에 적절한 것은 ?
│ A: Let's have some coffee │
│ B: But I have no chanre │
│ A: Don't worry about it. Coffee is ____ me. │
1) in 2) on
3) to 4) with
2. 밑줄 친 부분과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 말은 ?
│ He used to visit his mother every second day. │
│ │
1) another 2) other
3) two 4) one
5) others
3. 다음 중 문법적으로 옳은 문장은 ?
1) It is about time that you should go.
2) I felt so boring yesterday.
3) I cannot help satisfying with my lot.
4) Written in haste, there were many mistakes in this book.
5) Seeing in the distance, it will look like a rock.
4. 다음 밑줄친 부분과 같은 것은 ?
│ She was a self-possessed woman. │
1) cool 2) pleasurable
3) successful 4) greedy
5) warm-hearted
5. 다음 밑줄친 부분에 알맞은 단어는 ?
│ It refers to the ________ of a club who gathers and │
│pays money, writes reports. │
1) advisor 2) president
3) secretary 4) member
5) treasurer
6. 다음 글의 첫문장 앞에 자연스럽게 이어질 말은 ?
│ ______. However, Americans became the most basic in │
│forming the whole American culture. _______ 계속 부정적 │
│인 의미들 _________. │
1) 미국인들은 인디언들과 조화를 이루었다.
2) 원주민과 사이가 좋지 않았다.
3) 미국 이민생활의 어려움
7. 다음 글의 주제를 고르시오.
│ The foolishness of the wise is not known, while the │
│foolishness of the fool is known to the world : the │
│foolishness of the wise is known to himself. _________. │
1) 현자와 우자의 차이 2) 현명한자의 어리석음
3) 세상에 알려지지 않은 어리석음.
8. 밑줄친 부분에 알맞은 것은 ?
│ It takes for _________ she explain she is taking the │
│ drinks to her husband. │
1) 자신과 남편이 함께 술을 마시기 위해서
2) 남편이 술 마시는 것을 끊게 하기 위해
9. 다음 글을 알맞은 속담을 고르시오.
│ You should be careful when you lend money. If someone │
│ wants you to lend some money. You should not, till you │
│ feel sure that he will pay back the money. │
1) Money makes a mare to go.
2) Birds of a feather flock together.
3) look before you leap.
10. 다음 밑줄친 부분에 알맞은 표현은 ?
│ The buyers want to order more of the products because │
│ of its high ________ in most stores. │
1) turn up 2) turn down
3) turn off 4) turn over
5) turn out
11. 다음 글의 앞부분에 자연스럽게 이어질 말은 ?
│ After Marriage, too, an American couple is free to │
│ choose where to live, the choice is free: _________ │
│ When they have baby. ____________ │
1) various types of marriages
2) simple marriage
3) free choice of spouses
12. 다음 밑줄 친 부분에 알맞은 전치사는 ?
│ She sang Old Black Joe _______ her piano. │
1) of 2) with
3) to 4) on
5) by
13. 다음 중 단어의 뜻풀이가 잘못된 것은 ?
1) treat: 2) blame:
3) bother: 4) state:
15. 다음 문장 중 문법적으로 틀린 것은 ?
1) I could have done it better, if I had more money.
2) Birds can fly without being taught.
3) I prefer die to live in dishonest.
4) I won't go out if it rains.
16. 미국의 어린이들 중 편모를 둔 아이는 몇 퍼센트인가 ?
│ In America, eighty percent of the chidren have both │
│parents. Twenty percent don't. And eighty percent of │
│them are comprised by those with single mothers. │
1) 16 percent
17. 다음 대화의 밑줄친 부분에 알맞은 것은 ?
│A: I don't know how to use this washing machine. │
│B: ___________ It will get easier. │
│A: I don't know. It will take me lifetime to learn how │
│ to use it. │
1) Let me look at it.
2) You'd better refund.
3) Don't bother yourself with it.
4) Give it a little while.
18. 다음 밑줄친 부분이 문법적으로 잘못된 것은 ?
─────── twenty-feet-wide trunks ──────────
명사 앞에 왔으므로 feet가 아니라 foot가 맞음: TOEFL문제를
뽑은 것 같음.
96. 4. 28 경기도 시행 - 영어 -
1. 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 가까운 의미는?
① need help ② do the job well
③ am extremely busy ④ carry things on hands
2. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은?
① separated career from family
② did not want to have a family
③ succeeded in combining family and career
④ sacrificed having a family in order to have a career
3. 다음 글의 요지로 알맞은 것은?
① Few people know how to really live in the present.
② One should not regret lost job.
③ There is neither the past nor the future for man.
④ The present is unrepeatable.
4. 다음 글에서 본문의 전체 흐름과 관련이 없는 문장은?
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)
5. 다음은 무엇에 관한 글인가?
① a rash of violence among youth ② committed suicide
③ juvennile deliquency ④ primarily isolated incidents
6. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미에 해당하는 것으로 알맞는 것은?
① 25 percent or less ② 25 percent or more
③ less than 25 percent ④ no more than 25 percent
7. 두 문장(A)와 (B)의 밑줄 친 부분에 공통으로 들어갈 단어는?
① complex ② previous
③ conscious ④ constructive
8. 문맥상 밑줄 친 부분의 의미에 해당하는 것으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
① walls with windows ② walls with pictures and maps
③ walls without anything on them ④ walls isolated from the outside
9. 밑줄 친 This(this) word에 해당하는 단어는?
① soldier ② knight
③ castle ④ democracy
10. How much extra will it cost of checkout is after 11:00 a.m?
① $1.00 ② $2.00
③ $3.00 ④ $4.00
11. 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 적절한 것은?
① So ② Neither
③ Either ④ Do
12. 밑줄 친 this state가 뜻하는 것은?
① cold winter ② hibernation
③ death ④ sleep
13. 문맥상 밑줄 친 공란에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
① atmosphere ② furniture
③ temperature ④ windows
14. 다음 글을 쓴 목적은?
① To study ② To inform
③ To criticize ④ To advertise
15. 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 곳에 들어갈 속담으로 알맞은 것은?
① Don't put the cart before the horse.
② The best advice may come too late.
③ One picture is worth 1,000 words.
④ Do bodily what you do at all
16. 다음 글에서 학생의 어떤 면을 알 수 있는가?
① witty ② comic
③ fantastic ④ monotonous
17. 다음 각 문장의 밑줄 친 this가 공통으로 나타내는 것은?
① success ② the future
③ a hope ④ courage
18. 문맥상 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말은?
① realism ② idealism
③ naturalism ④ impressionism
19. 다음 말과 가장 잘 대응하는 것은?
① Yes, I've already received it.
② No, I haven't opened it yet.
③ Yes, I've found it easily.
④ No, I can't find everything that should go in it.
20. 다음 글의 가장 적절한 제목은?
① possible political instability
② preservation of natural environment
③ the need for developing more efficient ways of using energy
④ requirements for a sustainable future
1. ③ 2. ④ 3. ① 4. ② 5. ③ 6. ② 7. ① 8. ③ 9. ② 10. ④
11. ② 12. ② 13. ① 14. ② 15. ③ 16. ① 17. ② 18. ① 19. ④ 20. ④
* 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (문 7 ~ 문 10)
[문 7] "Prices are really inflated," she comments, saying that the kind of place she wants in a safe city was far beyond her buget The cost, combined with a reluctance to get "tied
down," _____ her dicision to choose an increasingly prevalent option these days : renting.
1. contributed to 2. making
3. leading to 4. she made
[문 8] A campaign to save India's ______ Bengal tigers is driving villagers from ancestral lands.
1. endangering 2. endangered
3. extinct 4. extinguished
[문 9] The question of compensating for the loss of lives and property damage ____ for a thorough review.
1. comes 2. makes 3. needs 4. calls
[문 10] Tea and drugs are poles apart, as different as life and death, day and night. The evils of drug use are well known, but what is seldom appreciated is that tea not only cheers ____ cures.
1. but 2. as well as 3. to well 4. such as
[문 11] 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 것은?
성에 관한 태도는 지난 25년에 걸쳐서 극적으로 변했고 계속 변하고 있다.
1. Our orientation to sex has changed so fast over the past twenty-five years that we do not recognize its continuity.
2. Attitudes towards gender have changed abruptly for the past twenty-five years and they are continuing to be changed.
3. Our thinking of gender has been changed continually at the past twenty-five years and never stops changing.
4. Attitudes about sex have changed dramatically over the last twenty-five years and are changing continuously.
[문 12] 다음 문장과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은?
It is often difficult for a son to live up to the expectations of his parents.
1. A son cannot hope his parents to live for ever.
2. A son cannot expect to live as long as his parents lived.
3. It is often difficult for a son to do or to be what his parents wish him to.
4. It is often difficult for a son to live near his parents home.
[문 13] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
And fashion goes far beyond the western world. The streets of Seoul are full of fashionable Korean women and men. Go to Africa - to Kenya, to Morocco, to Egypt-it doesn't matter. Go to central and South America - to Mexico, to Brazil, to Argentina wherever you go, you will also find that fashion and style are important. People spend a lot of time and money figuring out how to wear their hair and what kind of clothing, makeup, and jewelry to wear. The passage is part of a longer composite unit. What do you think was discussed before the paragraph?
1. Fashion on the decline in the western world.
2. A wide variety of races around the world.
3. Fashion industries in western countries.
4. People's different interests in fasion.
* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (문 15 ~ 문 16)
As much as puppis or pandas or even children, dolphins are universally beloved. They seem to cavort and frolic at the least provocation, their mouths are fixed in what looks like a state of perpetual merriment, and their behavior and enormous brains suggest an intelligent approaching that of humans - or even, some might argue, surpassing it. Dolphins are turning out to be exceedingly clever, but not in the loving, utopian - socialist manner thatsentimental dolphin lovers might have hoped. Researchers who have spent thousands of hours observing the behavior of bottlenose dolphins off the coast of Australia have discovered that the males form social alliances with one another that are far mre sophisticated and devious than any seen in animals apart from human beings.
[문 15] The main subject for the passage is the ______ of dolphins.
1. rare brutality 2. high intelligence
3. beloved nature 4. living condition
[문 16] Choose the one which might come after this passage.
1. What is more females seem to exert choice over the males that seek to herd them sometimes swimming alongside them in apparent contentment, but at other times working furiously to escape and often succeeding.
2. Species like the bottlenose dolphins make most of their decisions by consensus spending hours dawdling in a protected bay, nuzzling each other and generating an eerie nautical symonony of squeaks, whistles, barks, twangs and clicks.
3. The scientists call this effort to control females "herding," but they acknowledge that the word does not convey the aggressiveness of the act.
4. They found that one team of male dolphins will recruit the help of another team of males to gang up against a third group, a sort of multitiered battle plan that requires consider-able mental calculus to work out.
[문 17] 다음 글을 가장 잘 요약한 것은?
As many as 700 million people are chronically malnourished in the world today, and 히obal population is expected to increase 70 percents by the year 2025. There is no question then that global food production must increase significantly over the next several decades to keep pace. The question is with modern crops alreay pushed close to maximum yields and with little new arable land avaliable to farm where will those food production gains come from?
1. Too many people are suffering from malnourishment.
2. To increase global food production is not urgent.
3. We have enough space to expand the arable land.
4. There is almost no possibility to increase global food production any more.
* 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (문 18 ~ 문 19)
Children are particularly susceptible to the effcts of television because their minds are growing developing and learning much faster than those of adults. Whereas t television could be used as an educational tool for children more often simple entertaining cartoons with little or no educational value are shown. Social scientists teachers and parents are troubled by the kinds of television programs children choose to watch. These groups of people are concerned about the media's impact on young children They are worried about the effects of televised violence on society as well as commercials for sugarcoated food. Most importantly however they feel television is one factor that causes declining math and reading scores among schoolchildren. Because of the excessive time ___________, children are spending less time reading and thinking independently.
[문 18] Which of the following is true according to the passage?
1. Adults are more likely to be influenced by television than children.
2. Social scientists are concened about what children watch on TV.
3. Schoolchildren can learn how to read scores form watching TV.
4. Children who watch TV cannot read and think independently.
[문 19] Choose the expression that is most appropriate for the blank?
1. is wasted on TV 2. spent doing homework
3. for learning math 4. spent watching TV
[문 20] 다음 글을 가장 잘 요약한 것은?
We very rarely consider however the process by which we gained our convictions. If we did so, we could hardly-fail to see that there was usually little ground for our confidence in them. Here and there, in this department of knowledge or that, some one of us might make a fair claim to have taken some trouble to get correct ideas of, let us say, the situation in Russia, the sources of our food supply, the origin of the Constitution, the revision of the tariff, the policy of the Holy Roman Apostolic Church, modern business organization, trade unions, birth control, socialism, the League of Nations, the excess-profits tax, preparedness, advertising in its social bearings ; but only a very exceptional person would be entitled to opinions on all of even these few matters. And yet most of us have opinions on all these, and on many other questions of equal importance, of which we many know even less. We feel compelled as selfrespecting persons, to take sides when they come up for discussion. We even surprise ourselves by our omniscience. Without taking thought we see in a flash that it is most righteous and expedient to discourage birth control by legislative enactment or that one who decris intervention in Mexico is clearly wrong or that big advertising is essential to beg business and that big business is the pride of the land. As godlike beings why should we not rejoice in out omniscience?
1. In spite of all possible difficulties facing us, we, as godlike beings, have overcome them with confidence.
2. We human beings are often surprised at our own ability to cope with things successfully in spite of various difficulties and problems.
3. Although we have little reason to trust our convictions on the important issues of life we delight in forming and expressing such opinions without a moment's thought.
4. Human beings will be punished by God one way or the other for their own overconfidence in competing with God.
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