I presume that you are having a good time after having been notified of your acceptance to HILS. Soon, you will receive an email from school regarding the textbooks that you will be using next year.
(*Do not begin until you receive an official email from school regarding the confirmation of textbooks to be used next year.)
Here is how to order those textbooks via purchasing agent services(구매대행), assuming that you are in Korea.
It is not difficult. Therefore, please proceed your order in a prudent manner so as not to experience any inconvenience caused by the delay of your book delivery. (FYI, it normally takes three weeks or a month or so. Spring semester begins from 24th of Feb.)
* Books are so heavy. If you want them to be delivered directly to school, please use the address below.
Address: 경북 포항시 북구 흥해읍 한동로 558 한동대학교 국제법률대학원 로비, 791-708.
(At this point, you must have read and finished 'Amazon stuff' as guided by 딤섬세형, "누구든지 할 수 있는 1L 들을 위한 교과서 구입 방법!" -> http://cafe.daum.net/hilsaskhim/Azwf/949 )
Basically, there are two steps to follow.
1. Inquiry for an estimated price(견적문의) 2. Payment(입금).
Here are the detailed explanations.
1. Go to mymb.co.kr and log onto mymb. (I chose 'mymb' as an example because it is what I use. No other reasons.)
2. Go to '구매대행' -> '견적문의'.

(Click to see the enlarged picture)
3. Click '글쓰기'
3.1 - Write "견적문의 부탁드립니다." or this kind under the title and fill out other blanks.
4. Copy and Paste 'Shopping Cart' from Amazon.(Caution:Chrome users might have some trouble...e.g. pictures of books are not displayed.)

4.1 - After the completion, it will look like this.
4.2 - That's it for 견적문의. Check your '처리상태' and it will say, '처리중' in red fonts.
4.3 - After this, wait for a day or so until mymb staff does the calucation including the price of the books in total, delivery fee, tax, etc. When the estimation is done, '처리상태' will say, '완료'.

4.4. - Click your inquiry and you will find the 'Order summay' below. The order summary below shows that the total cost of books was $769.29. Then, it becomes 877,000 won after applying an exchange rate. Plus, it weighs 23 pounds. Delivery fee will be 13,500 + 50,600 won. In total, it is 941,100 won. (yeah..pretty expensive..ㅠㅠ) 
5. Then, go to '입금신청'.

6. Fill out the blanks. You will find the account number below.

7. If you go and check your '처리상태' after having paid money, your status will be changed from '완료' to '입금확인'. That's it.

8. If you want to track your delivery, go to 마이페이지 on the right. (It usually takes a week or so to first check your delivery status.)

* FYI, I first placed my order on 23rd of Jan.
The release date from the U.S. was 30th of Jan. and it arrived on 2nd of Feb. I finally received my books on 4th of Feb.

If you have any questions, please raise them below. Thank you^^
If you are considering purchasing some textbooks from HILS seniors, please refer to here ->http://cafe.daum.net/hilsaskhim/CmT0/1
첫댓글 Awesome!!!! :)
우와!! 매우 디테일하네! 좋은 정보 감사드립니다!
thanks much!!
구매대행이 배송대행보다 저렴할까요? '0' 계속 배송대행만 했는데, 요건 또 새로운 방식이네요! 글 감사하옵니다!
Thank you very much.