* Don't speak when another is speaking.
To do so is to commit one of the comonest and worst falut of manners.
* The end of study is not to posses knowledge as a man possesses the coin in his purse,
but to make knowledge a part of ourselves.
* If you are really to succeed in anything, you must make a good start.
To get a right start, it is absolutely necessay to think over what to do first and what to do later.
* Just as it is impossible to see the shape of a wood, when you are journeying through to middle of it,
it is really impossible for us to see what our own age is like.
* The most important thing to learn in life, is how to live.
There is nothing men are so anxious to keep as live, and nothing they take so little pains to keep well.
* If we are not too proud of to explain ourselves or to ask explanation of others,
most of misunderstaning of life would disappear, and many of our worries with them.
* If would require great labor, not only on your part, but also on the part of others,
to have them understand your thought by means of writing.
* As storm following storm, and wave succeeding wave, give additional hardness to the shell
that contains the pearl, the storm and waves of life add force to the character of men.
* There are few things that are more important for the happiness of lief than to form
a habit of taking a cheerful view of the circurstance in which one is placed.