당사에서는 G마켓 온라인 런칭기념으로 한정수량을 염가에 판매합니다. ALL-IN-ONE 패키지 |
복사/출력속도: 컬러 23매/흑백 25매 |
HDD용량 : 80GB |
메모리 1GB(최대1.5GB) |
예열시간 : 30초 이내(동급최고) |
SRA3용지사이즈대응가능(320X450mm) |
6,000매의 대용량 전자문서 저장가능 |
컬러스캔 데이터 E-mail/FTP/i-FAX에 전송 |
650매 2단 카세트 기본 |
온라인유지보수(캐논서버연결)기본 |
디바이스 통합관리솔루션 기본 |
보안기능(복사+프린트+스캔)기본 |
온라인유지보수(캐논서버연결)기본 |
초고속 고화질 멀티팩스송수신(옵션) |
Why you should rent instead of buying your next copier?
Copier rentals include all service & maintenance, parts, toner, and supplies. Customer onl y pays for paper.
There are no long term contracts or lease agreements to sign.
We offer a large selection of top-of-line business copiers to fit your copier needs. Photocopiers can include feeders, sorters, duplexing, multiple paper trays, and stapling.
You can always change or cancel your program. You can upgrade your copier anytime or get a smaller photocopier.
Our month to month copier rental program means you are not obligated to a long term contract or lease.
Our copier service staff are available throughout Seoul,Gyeonggi-Do.
We can even deliver your copier the next day.