as far as = so far as
① ~까지
② ~ 하는 한, ~에 관해서는
as far as ~까지
He went as far as Los Angeles. 그는 로스앤젤레스까지 갔다.
The flood waters had come up as far as the house. 홍수물이 집까지 올랐다.
come up 오르다
as far as ~go = as far as be concerned ~에 관한 한
As far as I’m concerned, it sounds like a great idea. 나에 관한한 그것은 멋진 아이디어로 느껴진다.
This has been a difficult period as far as the German economy is concerned. 독일 경제에 관한 한 이것은 어려운 시대였다,
It’s a perfectly good law as far as it goes, but it doesn’t deal with the real problems. 그것에 관해서는 완전히 좋은 법이었지만 사실 문제를 다루지 않는다.
deal with ① 다루다, 처리하다, 취급하다 ② 대우하다 ③ 다루다, 논하다 ④ 거래하다 ⑤ 교제하다
as far as the eye can see[reach] 눈에 보이는 한에서는
There was no sign of habitation as far as the eye could see.
눈에 보이는 한 사람이 거주했다는 흔적이 없다.
as far as possible 될 수 있는한
We try to use local materials as soon as possible. 우리는 가능한 한 국내 원료를 사용하려고 한다.
as far as one knows= to the best of one’s knowledge ~가 아는 한
as far as I can remember 기억할 수 있는 한
as far as I can tell 내가 말할 수 있는 한
As far as I can tell, the whole thing should be about 50,000 dollars.
내가 말할 수 있는 것은 전체는 약 5만 달러 있을 것이다.
about = some, approximately, roundly, roughly, circa 약
go as far as to = go (to) the length of~[to~] ~까지도 하다.
She even went as far as to threaten to kill herself.
= She went the length of threatening to kill herself.
She went the length to threaten to kill herself. 그녀는 자살하겠다고 위협까지 했다.