Ⅲ. comparison of the tenses
1. 단순미래
⑴ will
A meeting will be held next Tuesday at 3 p.m.
회의가 다음주 화요일 오후 3시에 개최될 것이다. (단순미래)
The meeting will be held in the Town Hall.
회합은 시청에서 열릴 것이다.
be held = take place, be convened 열리다, 개최하다
What time will she arrive? 그녀는 몇시에 도착할것인가?
I will come up and help you clear the attic in a moment. 내가 곧 올라가서 네가 다락 청소하는 것을 도와 줄 것이다.(의도 준비).
in a moment= in a second. in a minute, before you can say knife, in a wink, in a brace [couple] of shakes, in the shake of a lamb’s tail, in two shakes [half a shake] (of a lamb’s tail), in nothing flat, before one knows where one is, in a pig’s whisper, (as) quick as lightning 순식간에. 곧
before you can say knife ① 순식간에 ② 갑자기
Alma won’t come to the party I’m sure. 틀림없이 알마는 파티에 오지 않을 것이다.
I’m sure 나는 확신한다. 확실히(surely. undoubtedly, cretainly, sure as eggs are eggs, sure as nails [fate, death, a gun])
Dr. Weir will see you now. 위어 박사가 지금 너를 진찰할 것이다. ‘
see [consult] a doctor = take medical treatment 의사의 진찰을 받다. be under the doctor 의사의 치료를 받고 있다.
Will you phone me later. 나중에 전화걸어 줄래.(요청)
Oil will floats on water.기름은 물위에 뜬다. (경향)
Accidents will happen. 사고는 일어나기 마련.
The egg will not stand on either edge. 달걀은 어느 한쪽 끝으로도 서지 않는다.
The windows will not close. 창문이 닫히지 않는다.
This car will hold five people comfortably. 이 차는 다섯명을 편안하게 수용할 수 있다.(능력. 가능)
That will be Tim coming home now. 그 사람은 지금 집으로 오는 팀일 것이다. (추측).
Will you two shut up for God’s sake. 너희 둘 제발 입닥쳐 줄래.(명령. 반감).
shut up! = stow the gab!, shut your head!, hold [shut] your row!, lick me! 입닥쳐
for God’s sake = for Christ’s sake. for goodness’ sake. for heaven’s sake. for pity’s sake 제발. 아무쪼록.
Will you be staying the night? 오늘밤 머무르겠습니까?(제안)
Trish will keep asking damn silly questions. 트리쉬는 계속 얼토당토않는 어리석은 질문을 한다. (습관)
keep ~ing 계속 ~하다. damn[dæm]= damned[dæmd] 지독하게. 굉장히
⑵ be going to
I’m going to make [draw up] a will. 나는 유언장을 작성하려고 한다.(의도).
make [draw u] a [one’s] will 유언장을 작성하다.
Wendi’s going to ring us from the station. 웬디가 역에서 우리에게 전화를 걸 것이다.
ring (up) = give ~ a ring (up). call (up). telephone. phone (up). make a telephone[call] to. buzz. give ~ a buzz, give~a tinkle [ting] 전화를 걸다
She is going to be a violinist. = She is a violinist-to-be. 그녀는 바이올린주자가 되려고 한다. (예정)
명사 + to-be 장래의, 미래의, ~이 되려고 하는
It looks like it’s going to rain before long. 곧 비가 올 것 같다.(확실. 기대)
look like ~할 것 같다. before long = soon, erelong 머지않아
2. 현재시재
The express bus leaves for Seoul at seven. 고속버스는 7시에 서울로 떠난다.
I have lessons the day after tomorrow. 나는 모레 수업이 있다.
I will give a surprise party when you get here. 나는 네가 여기에 도착할 때 깜짝 파티를 열 것이다,
give [hold. have. throw] a party 파티를 열다
3. 현재진행
He’s playing the guitar at a concert now. 그는 지금 연주회에서 기타를 연주하고 있다.
He is improving in health. 그는 건강이 좋아지고 있다.
l’m meeting Sarah at six o’clock.
She’s leaving for Seoul tonight.
= She’s departing for Seoul tonight.
= She’s starting for Seoul tonight.
leave [depart, start] for ~를 향하여 출발하다
They’re leaving Seoul tonight.
= They’re departing fom Seoul tonight.
= They’re starting from Seoul tonight.
= They’re taking their hurried departures from Seoul tonight.
leave [depart from, start from] ~에서 출발하다
He is improving in health. 그는 건강이 증진되고 있다.
4. 미래 표현
⑴ be about to 지금 막 ~하려하다.
Sit down everyone. The film’s about to start.
sit down = seat oneself. be seated. have [take] a seat 앉다.
I’ve never smoked in my life and I’m not about to start now.
in one’s life = in all one’s born days 평생, 살아있는 동안
be about to ~ 지금 막 ~하려하다
⑵ be supposed to ~라고 여겨진다. ~하기로 되어 있다
The castle is supposed to be haunted.
You are supposed to be here at eight every day.
Dirty Harry is supposed to be one of Eastwood’s best films.
⑶ be expected to ~라고 예상[기대]되다
The factory is expected to be operating next year.
At the end of his tenure in April 2025, he is expected to be replaced by a big gun.
at the end of ~이 다하여, ~이 끝날 때에
replace =take the place of, supplant ~을 대신하다, 대체하다
big gun = big bug. big enchilada. big pot. big shot. big wig 중요인물. 거물.
Teachers are expected to teach a range of subjects across the curriculum.
⑷ be due to ~하기로 되어 있다
The meeting isn’t due to start until three.
The 15:50 train to Busan has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
due to =owing to, because of ~때문에
⑸ be scheduled to ~할 예정이다
She is scheduled to arrive here tomorrow.
The general meeting is scheduled for September [Saturday. seven o’clock].
⑹ be slated to ~할 예정이다
The delegation is slated to depart from Korea next week.
⑺ be prepared to ~할 준비 [각오]가 되어 있다
I prepared to admit my fault.
You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of work.
take [run] risks 위험을 무릅쓰다.
How much is she prepared to pay?
I’m not prepared to sit here and listen to this rubbish.
⑻ be ready to ~할 준비가 되어 있다. 각오가 되어 있다(be prepared to). 기꺼이 ~하다(be willing to). 막 ~ 하려하다(be about to). ~하는 경향이 있다(be apt to).
The soldiers were ready to defend the fortress.
Everything’s packed, and we’re ready to leave.
By the end of that walk, we were ready to drop.
⑼ be willing to 기꺼이 ~하다
How much are they willing to pay?
I’m quite willing to do anything for you.
I told them I was perfectly [quite] willing to help.
be prompt to~ 즉시[선뜻] ~하다
Try to be prompt.
You must be prompt to act.
They were prompt to volunteer.
be prompt to obey
She is to visit her uncle's house next Friday(예정).
He is to finish his home task by 10(의도).
Mother is not to bother [trouble] you(의도).
Nothing was to be moved(가능).
All men are to die. = Man is mortal(운명).
날마다. 매일
I couldn’t stand sitting at a desk day after day.
stand = abide. put up with. tolerate. stand for. bear. endure. go 참다. 견디다
I can’t go his preaching.
Her health was improving day by day.
His mood fluctuates from day to day.
fluctuate = vaccilate. oscillate. chop 동요하다. 흔들리다
She cooked and cleaned day in, day out for forty years.
He plays the piano day in and day out.
play the piano= perform (on) the piano. 피아노를 연주하다
= He performs (on) the piano day in and day out.
The zoo is open daily, from 10 am to 6 pm.
He worked very hard every day.
My doctor suggested (to me) that I should take a walk every day.
하루 걸러서(이틀에 한번)
every other day
I take a walk every other day.
every second day
every two days