Hesed (Pre&Elementary) Teacher's Guideline~^^
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9, Hebrews 11:8-10
Memory Verse: "Leave your country and go to the land" (Genesis 12:1).
Bible Story
The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your country!"
God said to Abram, "I will bless you."
Abram arrived at Shechem.
He built an altar.
1. Listen to God!
2. Do what he says!
1. Who said to Abram? (God said to Abram)
2. What did God say to Abram? (Leave your country!)
3. What did God promise? (I will bless you!)
4. Where did Abram arrive? (He arrived at Shechem)
5. What did Abram build for God? (He built an alter)
Our Resolution
Abram left his father's house, as God commanded him.
Let's obey our God, as Abram did.
Shalom (Upper-Elementary) Teacher's Guideline~^^
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9, Hebrews 11:8-10
Memory Verse: The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you." (Genesis 12:1)
Bible Story
The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's house.
And go to the land I will show you."
Abram was surprised.
In his village, people sold and bought idols.
It was hard to worship God there.
God hates idols most.
Abram decided to leave his father's house.
God said to Abram, "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you.
I will bless those who bless you.
I will curse those who curse you."
Abram arrived at the great tree of Moreh at Shechem.
He built an alter there to the Lord.
1. Who said to Abram?
(God said to Abram)
2. What did God say to Abram?
(Leave your country, your people, and your father's household!)
3. What did God promise?
(I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you!)
4. Where did Abram arrive?
(He arrived at the great tree of Moreh at Shechem)
5. What did Abram build for God?
(He built an alter there to the Lord)
Did you hear the voice of God?
As we read the Bible story, Abram heard God! After God's order, Abram left his nation, friends, and even his relatives as well as parents. Just as God told Abram, so God told Samuel when he was very young at the temple. Today God is still talking to us! Do you believe that?
Who are 10 years old? I will show you one story of a 10 years old boy. One day the boy heard God. God told him to leave Korea and left Korea. Now he is in Turkey. He is studying there and is delivering the message of God as a little pastor.
Why did God ask Abram to leave his country, people, and his father's house?
Why did God tell Abram to leave? God knew that the country of Abram served all kinds of idols. Most people didn't believe in God. Even his father didn't serve God at all. He was an idol maker and was successful in making money. At that time idol makers made a lot of money. it was a very good job!
However, God ordered Abram to give up becoming an idol maker and earning a lot of money. God told Abram to leave the sinful city, which is like the New York of the U. S. A today. Why did God ask Abram to leave? If you live with heavy smokers, you are tempted to smoke. Even though you are not tempted, you breathe smoke more than smokers. It's really bad. What's the best way to have a healthy life? You and I need to avoid meeting and living with smokers.
What do you need to leave and take away from you?
You need to leave bad friends. You need to leave game rooms and Karaoke rooms. If you meet bad friends, you will sin. If you go to game rooms a lot, you will be distracted from your studies and worship services. You can't study a lot. You can't worship God well. Maybe, some of you are thinking about playing games right after English service today. You see! You are away from God because you are stuck to something. If you go to Karaoke rooms, you will sing pop songs, secular songs. Then, the Holy Spirit doesn't talk to you. Even though the Spirit talks to you, you are too busy and can't hear...
As you saw the little pastor in Turkey, he was singing gospel songs in Turkish language. How great it is. He is glorifying God's name. You and I need to leave something against God. You and I need to take away something satanic and secular from ourselves!!
Our Resolution
Abram left his father's house, as God commanded him.
He believed God's promises.
Finally, he entered the land of Canaan.
He became the father of faith.
Let us obey our God, as Abram did.
Then God will bless us.
Let's pray!
God! I will fear God and worship you in my life. I don't want to take something for myself. I love to glorify your name. You are my Lord! I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
Aug 2, 2009_Sermon.hwp
Aug 2nd, 2009 little kids.ppt
Aug 2nd, 2009 older kids.ppt