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Amb. Stephens Blog #20 Sports! Sports!
스티븐스 대사 추천 0 조회 612 09.02.05 15:02 댓글 13
게시글 본문내용
  • 09.02.05 22:34

    첫댓글 ^.^

  • 09.02.08 10:48

    A healthy body, A healthy mind, You have! How nice you are! I envy you as your choice is right and the right has a way.We are so unhappy because of the unrighteousness to be always power. You cannot understand how hard oursituation is . lt is like the mix of water and ice, always Sound of Fury. All of healthy value has been going to be vanished. Both of literature and sports is under the same destiny.

  • 09.02.08 05:43

    Dear Ambassador Kathleen Stephens, what a surprise to hear that you learned taekwondo(태권도) as early as in 1975. Now many Americans eager to learn taekwondo, but I think taekwondo was not still well known among Americans in those days. The year 1975 was the year when still the western movie(서부활극) was very popular in Korea. There was a movie experience that a new Korean generation does not know. The western cowboy movies has been completely disappeared now. But in those days when there was no such things like the Internet or color TV, the western cowboy movies fascinated us.

  • 09.02.08 06:01

    I watched "High Noon" when I was very young, but I still vividly remember the thrill, and the name of the hero "Cary Cooper." Had you seen any comic books in those days? The comic books looked much different in those days. Boys liked the stories of cowboys(카우보이) from Texas and Arizona. And we thought 카우보이 meant gunmen. Naturally, we had the story of cowgirl from Arizona on our comic books. But I did not know we had a Taekwondo girl from Arizona in 1975 by name 심은경! So, here is my reflection on Taekwondo(太拳道). Now, many Western people learn

  • 09.02.08 06:20

    without thinking about that do(道) means the Way--the word which has a philosophical implication in the Oriental culture. Taekwondo is not the Way to beat your friend, but the Way to have a healthy body and healthy mind. Above all, it is the martial arts you cannot learn apart from the master(사범). A Havard genius can buy books about Taekwondo and study the theory of Taekwondo by himself or herself. Yet, he or she will never learn Taekwondo without exercise under the master. You were a teacher in your school in Yesan, but you had to be a student under the master when you came to

  • 09.02.08 06:45

    the exercise hall(도장). And you begin to learn Taekwondo by first learning the Way to salute--the traditional way of salutation in the Taekwondo community. And you have to wear the exercise dress(도복) inside the exercise hall(도장). A cowboy dress may looks stylish, yet you have to wear the exercise dress from Korea even in the midst of cowboy culture in America. In short, you acquire the knowledge and skills of Taekwondo only first being a student of Taekwondo. Well, I have illustrated this for our question, "How do you learn democracy?" In the case of Taekwondo, you could learn

  • 09.02.08 07:04

    learn Taekwondo through being a member of Taekwondo community. You do not learn the arts of Taekwondo by imagination. You can acquire the the skills of the arts only when you participate in the exercise of the Taekwondo community. Learning democracy also needs participation and experience. You are from the country where democracy is experienced in daily life. But how do they learn democracy in the culture where they had never previously experienced democracy? Historically speaking, the Korean people had never experienced democracy prior to the independence in 1948. Democracy would be

  • 09.02.08 07:23

    possible only when its people could learn and experience democracy first. But how? Here is my critique of Kim Gu's "내가 원하는 우리나라" (Our Country that I want). Kim Gu stresses, "나는 우리나라가 남의 것을 모방하는 나라가 되지 말고." Of course, there are some positive elements in his refusal to imitate other countries. I do also support his idea for ingenuity. But tell me what is the ingenuity of democracy. Is is possible an American insists on an American ingenuity of Taekwondo? Can any American pretend to be a master of Taekwondo when he or she refuse Taekwondo originated from

  • 09.02.08 07:42

    Korea. To do so is to lose genuine Taekwondo along with objective reference. Kim Gu is right up to the point that a copy of American or European democracy may not best fit in Korean situation. But if what he refuses is a model, it is a different matter. We would need a model of democracy. And it was especially the case in the country under the situation where its people neither learned or experienced democracy ever before. The year of 1975 marks the time your American government was closing the program to invite the military elites in developing countries to U.S.A. for extended

  • 09.02.09 01:19

    education. And the main purpose of that program was to provide the opportunities to learn and experience democracy in America. Perhaps you remember that still very few Koreans could have the privilege for study in U.S.A. in 1970's. And this is why it was mainly military elites who could have the chance for studies in U.S.A. in 1950's and 1960's. Thus, both Park Chung Hee in 1952 and Chun Doo Whan in 1960's had the chance to study and experience democracy thanks to your government's program to advance democracy in developing countries. These two future leaders returned to Korea with a

  • 09.03.17 16:25

    good model of democracy. But how about the two Kims--Mr. Kim Young Sam and Kim Dae Jung--who had never learned or experienced democracy? Simply, the two Kims had no credentials to pretend to be the master of democracy. The two Kims ascended to presidency by pretending to be the master of democracy while they were not. This is why we should not based on their lies for pretending when we talk about democratization. For in reality, it was under the leadership of President Park Chung Hee and President Chun Doo Whan that one saw the advance of democracy in Korea. For example, there is no

  • 09.02.08 08:32

    basis to assume that the election law amended in 1987 was better than that of 1981. Follow the link http://cafe.daum.net/issue21/3Fdk/3872 and you will see some sections of the election law in 1981 under the title "선거인단 및 대통령 선출을 위한 5공화국 선거법." In the case of that of 1981, the American model is very clear. And the amendment of 1987 was the result of rejecting the American model. Of course, it was possible that the earlier election law could be improved. But was there any substantial improvements in the amendment of 1987 enough to support the claim that it was the mark

  • 09.03.17 16:26

    of democratization?
