'rather than' 은 접속사와 전치사 2가지로 사용됩니다.
1) I‘d stay home rather than go out. (접속사)
2) I’ll watch a romantic comedy rather than an action movie. (전치사) |
1)번 문장은 다음과 같이 써도 됩니다.
I'd stay home rather than going out, ( 이렇게 되면 rather than은 접속사가 아니라 전치사 역할을 하는 것이되죠.) 그리고, rather than 이하의 부분을 주절과 바꾸어서 다음과 같이 사용할 수도 있습니다.
Rather than going out, I'd stay home.
다음에서 rather than이 전치사인지, 접속사인지 구별하고, 문장을 해석하라 1. Tom prefers walking rather than driving. (탐은 운전하기 보다는 걷기를 더 좋아한다.)
2. Let's stay at the park rather than going home. (집에 가지말고 공원에 그냥 있자.)
3. Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? (도움을 요청하지 그랬어, 네 혼자 하려고 하지 말고.)
4. He left rather than watch the movie. (영화를 보는 것 보다 그냥 가 버렸다.)
5. You should stay overnight rather than drive home in the rain. (빗속에 운전해서 집에 가기보다는 밤에는 머물렀다 가는게 좋겠다.)
6. Rather than being pleased, she got angry. (기쁘하기는 커녕, 오히려 화를 냈다.)
7. He chose to sing rather than play the violin. (바이올린을 연주하는 것 보다는 오히려 노래하기를 택했다.)
8. They say an IQ test is unreliable and unfairly labels children, rather than helping them. (지능검사는 아이들에게 도움이 되기보다는, 신뢰성이 없고, 아이들에게 부당한 꼬리표를 붙여버린다고 한다.)
A rather than B 구문에서 A와 B는 어법상 병렬구문이 오는 것이 보통입니다
1. You were screaming rather than singing. 2. Your payment should be based on the won rather than on the dollar.
3. I like a man of mind rather than of heart.
4. I prefer to eat meat rather than vegetables.
5. He looked so sad rather than disappointed.
6. He was fined for driving recklessly rather than speeding.
7. All this SUGGESTS - rather than entirely PROVES - that heredity is important.
8. The results of the study added to the controversy rather than ended it.
9. He rejected rather than accepted the terms.
10. They telephoned rather than wrote.
11. I prefer to snowboard rather than (to) ski.
12. Tonight I think I’d like to go to a movie rather than go dancing.
13. "Gibson guitars with their carved tops and necks that are fitted and glued to the body, rather than bolted on are expensive to make"
14. Though she claims to be a bookworm, I always see her listening to music rather than
reading books. 15. The committee chose to postpone the motion rather than to vote on it.
16. I'd rather resign than accept such humiliation.
17. I'd prefer stopping rather than going on. (O)
18. I'd prefer to stop rather than (to) go on. (O)
19. Unlike hummingbirds, sunbirds tend to perch on the flower they are
probing rather than to hover around it. 20. Here the scientific use of evidence may help. For what is distinctive about science is the search for negative instances – the search for ways to falsify a theory, rather than to confirm it. The real power of scientific testability is negative, not positive. (2012 수능 30번) 21. We know our friends by their defects rather than by their merits.
그러나, 다음과 같이 그렇지 않는 경우도 많습니다
1. He paid the fine rather than appeal to a higher court. 2. They left the club rather than accept the terms.
3. They left the club, rather than accepting the terms.
4. Rather than buy a new car, I have kept my old one.
5. Rather than take a cab, she is going on foot.
6. Rather than go to the cinema, I stayed at home.
7. Rather than going to the cinema, I stayed at home.
8. Rather than continue the argument, he walked away.
9. He ran away rather than face his wife.
10. Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.
11. Rather than tell Jill directly what he disliked, Jack made a few mealymouthed comments and tried to change the subject. 12. Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Reagan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds. 13. Rather than take a job with a prestigious law firm, the brilliant young attorney chose to join an agency providing free legal services to poor people in the inner city. 14. Ask for something to be passed rather than reaching across the table for it. 15. It may be more appropriate to use Michael Jordan as a role model when teaching sports rather than using Beethoven. 16. Rather than Robert (should) drive in his present state, I’d prefer to drive him home myself. 17. Rather than she should feel lonely, her friends arranged to take her with them on a trip. 18. There’s a reason nature secured these metals underground rather than circulating them in biological systems. 다음 중 맞는 것은? 1. Rather than (buy / buying) lunch, Norman goes to the supermarket and eats food samples.
2. In fact, he would rather spend a Saturday afternoon "grazing" at the supermarket than (eat / eating) at home.
3. Norman arrives at the supermarket, picks up a hand-basket and walks down the aisle. He goes to the back of the store rather than (the front / to the front) to find a tasting table.
4. Norman prefers to stand and chat with a person offering samples rather than (shop shopping). 5. Complimenting the food server rather than (buy / buying) the product is a great way to get additional samples.
6. Giving away food samples in the store rather than (offer coupons / offering coupons) is a better way to introduce a product to shoppers.
7. Norman is a person who loves rather than (who likes / likes) fruit. He tastes every sample of peach, cherry , plum and berry.
8. Rather than (fill / fills / filling) his basket, he fills his mouth with tasty cut-up pieces of cheese. 9. In fact, he'd rather miss a Saturday soccer game than (give / giving) up tasting cheese in the deli section. 10. Rather than (try / trying) to do everything yourself, ask for help.
11. Wouldn't you prefer to enjoy your guests rather than (work / working) in the kitchen.
12. Rather than (cook / cooking) alone, I prefer to be around others. 13. I' d rather (go / going) to a restaurant than work all day in the kitchen.
14. Rather than (try / trying) to cook and entertain your guests, get your guests involved in the food preparation. 15.
Rather than (host / hosting) the next holiday meal at your house, suggest that someone else do it.
16. Its better to include people rather than (exclude / excluding) them from the kitchen.
17. Some people would rather hide in the garage than (help / helping) out in the kitchen. 18. When guests help a little, the hosts enjoy the experience rather than (suffer / suffering). 19. You will have fond memories rather than (have tired feet / tired feet).
다음과 같은 문장도 가능합니다
I decided to go out rather than stay home. I'd prefer to stop rather than (to) go on. (O) The committee chose to postpone the motion rather than to vote on it.
He ran away rather than face his wife.
I think your offer is acceptable to us, provided payment is based on the won rather than on the dollar. (만약에 지불을 달러가 아니고 원으로 하는 조건이라면, 귀사의 제안은 당사로서는 받아들일 만하다고 생각합니다.) Rather than risk using the shaky rope bridge, David walked a half-mile downstream until he came to the nearest ford.
I like a man of mind rather than of heart.
I prefer to eat meat rather than to eat vegetables.
They prefer to build their houses out of natural wood and clay rather than to build grand mansions out of stone.
Unlike hummingbirds, sunbirds tend to perch on the flower they are probing rather than to hover around it. (벌새와는 달리, 태양조는, 그들이 탐색하는 꽃의 주위를 선회하는 것보다는 오히려 그들이 탐색하는 그 꽃 위에 앉는 경향이 있다.)
He is a man of mind rather than of heart.
Rather than tell Jill directly what he disliked, Jack made a few mealymouthed comments and tried to change the subject.
The culprit pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor rather than face trial for a felony.
Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Reagan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds. (레이건 대통령은 복지 정책 개정을 위한 구체적인 계획보다 오히려 가난한 환경을 딛고 부유해진 사람들의 일화만 말했을 뿐이었다.)
Rather than take a job with a prestigious law firm, the brilliant young attorney chose to join an agency providing free legal services to poor people in the inner city. (유명한 법률회사에 일자리를 얻는 대신 그 훌륭한 젊은 변호사는 도심의 빈민들에게 무료 법률 봉사를 해주는 기관에 들어가기로 했다.)
The culprit pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor rather than face trial for a felony. (용의자는 중죄의 출석 재판보다는 경범죄가 되도록 사정했다. )
Ask for something to be passed rather than reaching across the table for it. Also there are many instances where people talking on their phones and walking at the same time. Rather than going inland, the group decided to follow the river downstream 12miles away.
It may be more appropriate to use Michael Jordan as a role model when teaching sports rather than using Beethoven.
<2016년도 수능완성 실전모의고사2회 21번> 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? Because of the way we treat information, not only do we occasionally accept inaccurate information, we actually need it. Making mistakes can be an important part of news reporting. While news media should aim to produce truthful information, it is as important that they get the information out quickly. Accurate information too late is of little value in news terms. For example, a journalist covering a train crash is told by the police chief that there are 60 people dead, but the ambulance chief says 58, while the hospital says the number is 59. What should the journalist report? That a number of people were killed, or should he or she choose one of the numbers and try to confirm which is right later on? Of course it might be weeks before the final death toll was determined. Most consumers, I suspect, would prefer to know the approximate number rather than wonder what range ‘a number of deaths’ came into. 변형문제
You have probably heard about firms whose policy is to “promote from within.” It means that whenever a position needs to be filled, the firm makes a genuine effort to promote someone from a lower level in the firm. Promotion from within has two advantages. First, the person promoted from within is already familiar with how the organization operates. Second, promotion from within tends to increase employee motivation. If employees know that good work can lead to a promotion, they are more likely to work harder and better. They are also more likely to stay with the company rather than seek advancement elsewhere. 아마도 당신은 ‘사내 승진(promote from within)'이라는 정책을 갖고 있는 회사에 대해 들었을 것
이다. 이는 회사에서 자리가 생길 때마다, 회사가 낮은 지위의 직원을 승진시키는데 성실히 노력 한다는 것을 의미한다. 사내 승진은 두 가지 이점을 지니고 있다. 첫째, 사내 승진자는 이미 그 조직의 운영에 익숙해져 있다는 것이다. 둘째, 사내 승진은 직원들의 동기유발을 높일 수 있 다는 것이다. 만일 직원들이 훌륭한 과업수행으로 승진할 수 있다는 것을 안다면, 그들은 더 욱 열심히 훌륭하게 일을 하려 할 것이다. 또한, 그들은 다른 곳에서 승진기회를 찾기보다는 그 회사에 더 있고자 할 것이다. |
I went to a large university well-known for its basketball team. Most of the time when I’m asked where I went to school, people recite its basketball statistics rather than its academic excellence. It is seldom that I hear someone say, “Oh, your university has an excellent library!” Universities waste far too much money and attention on sports activities, often doing harm to academic programs. In my opinion, however, only a small portion of students are on athletic teams, yet the majority of students use the university library. Universities need to give more money to the library than to sports activities. This would greatly benefit the university libraries with new books and new computer equipment.
나는 농구팀으로 유명한 큰 대학에 진학했다. 사람들은, 내가 어느 학교를 나왔는지 질문을 하고 는, (내가 대답을 하면) 우리 학교의 학문적인 우수성보다는 우리 농구팀의 통계를 주워섬긴다. 아, 너희 대학에는 정말 우수한 도서관이 있지!"하는 말은 거의 듣지 못한다. 대학들은, 학술적인 활동에 해를 끼치면서까지 스포츠 활동에 지나친 돈과 관심을 쓰고 있다. 하지만, 아주 낮은 비율 의 학생들만이 운동 팀에 속해있는 반면에, 대다수 학생들은 대학 도서관을 이용한다는 것이 내 생각이다. 대학들은 스포츠 활동보다 도서관에 더 많은 투자를 할 필요가 있다. 이렇게 되면 대학 도서관은 새로운 서적과 컴퓨터 장비로 채워져 크게 개선될 수 있을 것이다. |
Most writers and poets suffer under the genius syndrome. It is assumed that writing is a divine gift and that if you have that gift, you should lock yourself away for three years and then come out with a masterpiece. If you have to study writing, then you're not a genius and you shouldn't be a writer. In fact, the intellectual privately agree with it. However, Nicholas Delbanco doesn't believe the idea. He says that if you want to improve your tennis skills, tennis lessons are a good idea. He doesn't emphasize work that's entirely subjective and urges his students to imitate rather than create.
대부분의 작가들과 시인들이 천재 신드롬에 시달린다. 글을 쓰는 것은 천부적인 재능이며, 만일 그러한 재능이 있으면 삼년 동안 틀어박혀 있다가 걸작 하나는 가지고 나와야 한다고 여긴다. 만 일 당신이 글쓰기를 배워야 한다면 당신은 천재가 아니며 작가가 되어서도 안 된다. 사실, 지식인 들은 은근히 그것에 동의한다. 하지만, Nicholas Delbanco는 그 생각을 믿지 않는다. 만일 사람들 이 테니스 솜씨를 향상시키고 싶다면, 테니스 레슨을 받는 것이 좋다고 그는 말한다. 그는 전적으 로 주관적인 글을 강조하지 않으며 학생들에게 새로운 것을 창작하기보다는 모방을 하라고 독려 한다. |
To marry a handsome figure without character, fine features unbeautified by sentiment or good nature, is the most deplorable of mistakes. As even the finest landscape, seen daily, becomes monotonous, so does the most beautiful face, unless a beautiful nature shines through it. The beauty of today becomes commonplace tomorrow. Whereas goodness, displayed through the most ordinary features, is perennially lovely. This kind of beauty improves with age, and time ripens rather than destroys it. 인품은 없고 단지 외모만 잘 생긴 사람이나, 감성 내지는 훌륭한 본성에 의해서 미화되지 않고 단 지 겉만 훌륭해 보이는 용모를 지닌 사람과 결혼한다는 것은 실수 중에서도 가장 통탄할 실수이 다.심지어 아름다운 경치도 매일 보면 단조로와 지듯이, 아주 아름다운 얼굴도, 그 속에 아름다운 품성이 빛을 발하지 않으면, 그와 같은 법이다. 오늘의 아름다움이 내일에는 평범한 것으로 된다. 반면에 가장 평범한 이목구비에 엿보이는 미덕은 해를 더해 사랑스럽다. 이와 같은 아름다움은 연륜에 따라 더 나아진다. 시간이 이들을 파괴하기보다는 오히려 성숙시킨다. |
Most writers and poets suffer under the genius syndrome. It is assumed that writing is a divine gift and that if you have that gift, you should lock yourself away for three years and then come out with a masterpiece. If you have to study writing, then you're not a genius and you shouldn't be a writer. In fact, the intellectual privately agree with it. However, Nicholas Delbanco doesn't believe the idea. He says that if you want to improve your tennis skills, tennis lessons are a good idea. He doesn't emphasize work that's entirely subjective and urges his students to imitate rather than create. 대부분의 작가들과 시인들이 천재 신드롬에 시달린다. 글을 쓰는 것은 천부적인 재능이며, 만일 그러한 재능이 있으면 삼년 동안 틀어박혀 있다가 걸작 하나는 가지고 나와야 한다고 여긴다. 만일 당신이 글쓰기를 배워야 한다면 당신은 천재가 아니며 작가가 되어서도 안 된다. 사실, 지식인들은 은근히 그것에 동의한다. 하지만, Nicholas Delbanco는 그 생각을 믿지 않는다. 만일 사람들이 테니스 솜씨를 향상시키고 싶다면, 테니스 레슨을 받는 것이 좋다고 그는 말한다. 그는 전적으로 주관적인 글을 강조하지 않으며 학생들에게 새로운 것을 창작하기보다는 모방을 하라고 독려한다. |
In colonial America, people generally covered their beds with decorative quilts resembling those of the lands from which the quilters had come. Wealthy and socially prominent settlers made quilts of the English style, cut from large lengths of cloth of the same color and texture rather than stitched together from smaller pieces. They made these until the advent of the Revolutionary War in 1775, when everything English came to be frowned upon. 미국의 식민지 시대에, 퀼트의 제작자들이 남겨놓고 떠나온 그 나라들의 퀼트와 닮은 장식적인 퀼트를 가지고서 사람들은 일반적으로 그들의 침대를 덮었다. 부유하고 사회적으로 두드러진 정착자들은 영국스타일의 퀼트를 만들었는데, 그것은 작은 여러 조각들을 모아서 꿰매기보다는, 오히려 같은 색깔과 재질의 긴 길이의 천으로부터 잘라낸 것이었다. 그들은 이것을 1775년에 독립전쟁이 발발할 때까지 만들었는데, 그 때(독립전쟁의 발발직후)는 영국식으로 된 모든 것들이 외면당했다. |
They left the club, rather than accept the terms.
They left the club, rather than accepted the terms.
They left the club, rather than accepting the terms. |
He left rather than watch the movie.
? He left rather than watching the movie. (Sounds wrong to me)
*He left rather than watched the movie. (Always wrong)
The results of the study added to the controversy rather than ended it.
Rather than buy a new car, I have kept my old one.
Rather than take a cab, she is going on foot.
You should stay overnight rather than drive home in the rain.
I'd like chicken rather than fish.
I think I'll leave rather than enter the club.
He rejected rather than accepted the terms.
Antidiscrimination legislation has only mitigated,rather than abolished, inequity in housing practices.
Antidiscrimination legislation has only mitigated,rather than abolishing, inequity in housing practices.
I stayed home last night rather than went to cinema.
Rather than go to the cinema, I stayed at home. Rather than going to the cinema, I stayed at home.
rather than
And not: "Gibson guitars with their carved tops and necks that are fitted and glued to the body, rather than bolted on are expensive to make" (Joshua Rosenbaum).
Instead of: "diseases in which the immune system plays the villain rather than the protector" (Sandra Blakeslee).
Tonight I think I’d like to go to a movie rather than go dancing.
Rather than continue the argument, he walked away.
He chose to sing rather than play violin.
He looked so happy rather than sad
Rather than being pleased, she was angry
Let's stay at the park rather than going home.
Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? In order to do honour to my country rather than to reward me...?
He ran away rather than facing his wife.
He ran away rather than face his wife.
I prefer walking rather than driving.
He was fined for driving recklessly rather than speeding. Though she claims to be a bookwarm, I always see her listening to music rather than reading books.
Rather than allow/allowing the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.
All this SUGGESTS - rather than entirely PROVES - that heredity, ancestry, is important.
They say an IQ test is unreliable and unfairly labels children, rather than HELPING them.
The committee chose to postpone the motion rather than to vote on it. not The committee chose to postpone the motion rather than voting on it.
I'd rather resign than accept such humiliation.
I'd prefer stopping rather than going on. (O)
I'd prefer stopping rather than to go on. (X)
I'd prefer to stop rather than (to) go on. (O)
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