Dear lady Meditators, Sidhas, and Governors,
A timely opportunity is available for single-lady Sidhas and Governors age 18 and older from all countries to obtain a fully accredited bachelor's degree while participating in the Mother Divine program.
The degree program is conducted under the auspices of the Department of Liberal Arts of Rajapark Institute* and will begin in January 2016 at Mother Divine's beautiful home in Thailand.
Even if you already have a degree, this BA program in the “Science of Creative Intelligence for Management” is designed to deepen experiences, provide greater understanding of Maharishi Vedic Science, and culture the growth of higher states of consciousness.
Key features of the Bachelor of Arts degree on the Mother Divine program
* Safe, nourishing, and blissful life on an ideal routine
* International community of students and faculty
* Extended practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, which develops
IQ, moral reasoning, creativity, total brain functioning, and many other benefits
* Holistic development of the student, providing a strong foundation for a successful personal life and career
* Consciousness-Based Education, featuring stress-free learning methods
* Fully accredited bachelor’s degree in the Science of Creative Intelligence for Management
* Curriculum covering 12 main areas of life in the light of consciousness,
including Education, Health, Architecture, Administration, Music and Arts, etc.
* Single-gender classes
* Fortune-Creating Maharishi Vastu accommodations
* Large single rooms with private bathroom
* Delicious vegetarian meals
* Tropical garden campus
* Trips to areas of natural beauty and cultural interest
* Reasonable tuition and room and board costs
Each student will be radiating a powerful influence of coherence and good fortune to her family and country, so we warmly invite you to encourage many ladies to enroll.
Proficiency in English is required to participate in the BA program. A five and a half month course, “English as a Second Language” (ESL), will be offered at Mother Divine’s facilities in Thailand, starting June 2015, to help students prepare for the English evaluation required for admission to the BA program.
Those interested in taking only the ESL program are welcome to apply.
Due to the schedule of the ESL program, participants will NOT be on the Mother Divine program for the five-and-a-half month duration of the course. Meditators are also welcome to apply for the ESL program.
For further details about the BA and ESL programs, please email:
Thank you very much for informing all ladies of this precious opportunity.
With best wishes
Jai Guru Dev