nail | A hardened, keratinized plate that develops from the epidermis and forms a protective covering on the surface of the distal phalanges of fingers and toes. |
nares | (na'rez) Openings of nasal passages; anterior nares are commonly called nostrils. |
nasal cavity | (na´zal) A mucosa-lined space above the oral cavity, divided by a nasal septum. It is the first chamber of the respiratory system. |
nasal concha | (na'zal kon´cha) A scroll-like bone extending medially from the lateral wall of the nasal cavity; also called a turbinate bone. |
nasal septum | (sep´tum) A bony and cartilaginous partition that separates the nasal cavity into two portions. |
nasion | (na'zi-on) Midpoint of frontonasal suture. |
naso- | (na'zo-) Prefix denoting relation to nose; as nasofrontal, nasopharyngeal. |
nasopharynx | (na´´zo-far´ingks) The first or uppermost chamber of the pharynx, positioned posterior to the nasal cavity and extending down to the soft palate. |
nates | (na-tez) Buttocks. |
natural | A zero dose of radiation exposure. |
natural environmental radiation | Naturally occurring ionising radiation, including cosmic rays, terrestrial radiation, and internally deposited radionuclides. |
natural magnet | A magnet that gets its magnetism from the Earth. |
nausea | (naw'she-ah) Feeling of sickness at stomach, associated with desire to vomit. |
navel | (na'vel) Cicatrix, or scar, in center of abdomen, marking point of attachment of umbilical cord; umbilicus. |
neck | Two meanings:1.Any constricted portion, such as the neck of an organ. 2.The cervical region of the body between the head and thorax. |
necrosis | (ne-kro´sis) Cellular death or tissue death due to disease or trauma. |
necrotic | (ne-krot'ik) Affected with or pertaining to necrosis, or death of tissue. |
negative feedback | A mechanism in the body for maintaining a state of internal constancy, or homeostasis; effectors are activated by changes in the internal environment, and the actions of the effectors serve to counteract these changes and maintain a state of balance. |
neo- | (ne'o) Prefix meaning new or recent; as neonates. a newborn infant. |
neonatal | (ne´o-na´tal) Newborn, the stage of life from birth to the end of 4 weeks. |
neoplasm | (ne´o-plasm) A new, abnormal growth of tissue, as in a tumor. |
nephro- | (nef'ro-) Prefix denoting relation to kidney; as nephrolith, nephritis, nephrectomy. |
nephrocalcinosis | Calcium deposits within the substance of the kidney. |
nephrolithiasis | (nef'ro-li-thi'a-sis) Condition caused by accumulation of calculi in kidney. |
nephron | (nef´ron) The functional unit of the kidney, consisting of a glomerulus, convoluted tubules, and a nephron loop. |
nephroptosis | (nef'rop-to'sis) Abnormal dropping or downward movement of kidney. |
nerve | A bundle of nerve fibers outside the central nervous system. |
nervous tissue | Tisue that consists of neurons and is the avenue through which electrical impulses are transmitted throughout the body for control and response. |
neural | (nu'ral) Pertaining to a nerve of nervous system. |
neurilemma | (noor´´i-lem´a) A thin, membranous covering surrounding the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber. |
neuro- | (nu-ro-) Prefix denoting relation to nerves, as in neurofibroma, neuralgia, neuritis. |
neurofibril node | A gap in the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber; also called a node of Ranvier. |
neurogenic | Originating in the nervous system. |
neuroglia | (noo-rog´le-a) Specialized supportive cells of the central nervous system. |
neurohypophysis | (noor´´o-hi-pof´i-sis) The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland derived from the brain. Its major secretions include antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also called vasopressin, and oxytocin, produced in the hypothalamus. |
neurolemmocyte | (noor´´o-lem´o-s-it) A specialized neuroglia cell that surrounds an axon fiber of a peripheral nerve and forms the neurilemmal sheath; also called a Schwann cell. |
neuron | (noor´on) The structural and functional unit of the nervous system, composed of a cell body, dendrites, and an axon; also called a nerve cell. |
neutron | Uncharged elementary particle, with a mass slightly greater than that of the proton, found in the nucleus of every atom heavier than hydrogen and in the nucleus of an atom. |
newton (N) | The unit of force in the SI system. |
nexus | (nek´sus) A bond between members of a group; the type of bonds present in single-unit smooth muscles. |
niche | (nich) Small recess or hollow space in a wall; abnormal saccular prominence on wall of stomach resulting from an ulcer crater. |
nidus | Focal point, especially of a stone or inflammatory process. |
nipple | (A dark pigmented, rounded projection at the tip of the breast. |
node | One of many stations or terminals of a computer network. |
node of Ranvier | (ran´ve-a) See neurofibril node. |
nodular | (nod'u-lar) Pertaining to or having form of a node or nodule. |
nodule | (nod-ul)
- Small, rounded prominence.
- In medical imaging: - Any pulmonary or pleural lesion represented in a radiograph by a discrete opacity 2-30 mm diameter, explicitly shown or presumed to be extended in all three dimensions. Should be qualified with regard to opacity (especially presence of calcification), homogeneity, border characteristics, location, and number.
noise | - The grainy or uneven appearance of an image caused by an insufficient number of primary x-rays.
- A uniform signal produced by scattered x-rays.
nxxonfocused grid | A grid in which the lead strips are all perpendicular to the face of the grid; also called a parallel grid. See focused grid. |
nonionising radiation | Radiation for which the mechanism of action in tissue does not directly ionise atomic or molecular systems through a single interaction. |
nonlinear - nonthresh old | Referring to varied responses that are produced from varied doses, with any dose expected to produce a response. |
nonlinear - threshold | Referring to varied responses that are produced from varied doses, with a particular level below which there is no response. |
nonscheduled maintenance | Maintenance that becomes necessary because of a failure in the system that necessitates repair. |
nonstochastic effects | Biologic effects of ionising radiation that demonstrate the existence of a threshold. The severity of the biologic damage increases with increased dose. |
norm | (norm) Fixed or authoritive standard; a rule; a pattern or model; a type. |
normal | (normal) Conforming to an established norm or principle; regular; natural; functioning properly. |
normal salt solution. | A normal or, more correctly, a physiologic salt solution that is approximately isotonic with body fluids. It is a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride |
north pole | A magnetic pole that has a positive electrostatic charge. |
notochord | (no´to-kord) A flexible rod of tissue that extends the length of the back of an embryo. |
nuclear energy | The energy contained in the nucleus of an atom. |
nucleolus | A rounded structure that is often attached to the nuclear membrane and controls the passage of molecules, especially RNA, from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. |
nucleon | A proton or a neutron. |
nucleotide | The unit formed from a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar molecule, and a phosphate molecule. |
nucleus | (nu´kle-us)
- The centre of a living cell; a spherical mass of protoplasm containing the genetic material (DNA), which is stored in its molecular structure.
- The centre of an atom containing neutrons and protons.
nucleus pulposus | (pul-po´sus) Fibrocartilaginous soft core of an intervertebral disc (see annulus fibrosus) |
nuclide | General term referring to all know isotopes, both stable and unstable, of chemical elements. |
nullipara | (nu-lip'ar-ah) Woman who has never borne a child. |
nystagmus | (ni-stag´mus) Involuntary oscillary movements of the eye. |