북한에서 개발한 면역력 강화제 "금당"이라는 주사제에 관해 내츄럴 뉴스가 기사를 썼다. 기사내용를 보면 이 약이 결코 만병통치 사기약이 아니라는 것을 알수 있다. 이 주사제는 병의 진행 정도에 따라 적정한 시기에 2주에 걸처 2회 주사를 맞게 되는데 가격은 약 150달러 정도라고 한다.
이 약의 효능은 암, 에이즈, 사스, 메르스 등 주로 약화된 면역시스템에 외부에서 들어온 바이러스를 퇴치하는 인체의 힘을 늘려주는 것이라고 한다....
서양의학은 주로 파괴적인 방식으로 바이러스와 싸우고 방사능, 수술, 항생제 소독약등으로 병원균이나 미생물과 싸워 제거하는데 골몰한다, 이에 반해 북한에서 중시하는 의학은 바이러스와 싸울 인체의 면역을 높이는 것이라고 한다. 북한의 주장에 의하면 임상실험 결과 이약은 95%효능이 있다고..(와~~진짜일까? ) 이 금당이라는 약의 주 재료는 깨끗한 토양에서 재배한 인삼인데 여기에 특수한 미생물과 금 그리고 플래티늄 성분이 첨가된다고 한다.
원래 인삼의 효능이 면역력 강화다. 하지만 요즘 우리나라 인삼은 농약을 너무 많이 쓰고 토양 자체도 농약에 오염되서 오히려 인삼을 피하는 사람들이 많아졌다. 금은 원래 항암효과가 있다는 과학적 연구결과가 많다.
우리나라에서 메르스 테스터기인지 약(?)인지 준다고 북에게 연락했다는데 그럴것이 아니라 오히려 북한에서 이걸 하루빨리 도입해주면 대박일거다. 하지만 미국 제약회사 무서워서 절대 그렇게 못할것이다. 북한은 러시아 에이전트를 통해 세계에 온라인으로 팔고 있다고 한다. 하지만 미국에 이 약이 들어오면 FDA(식품의약청)에 의해 압수될것이라고 한다.
North Korea reveals supposed cure for Ebola, MERS, AIDS, cancer and more
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050289_North_Korea_AIDS_cure_Ebola_drug.html#ixzz3f8hYEquU(NaturalNews) Officials from the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) are making headlines with extraordinary new claims about a wonder drug that can supposedly cure MERS, AIDS, Ebola, Sars and even cancer. It might sound like a hoax to the rest of the world, especially to Westerners who've come to believe that things like cancer are incurable and only manageable using immune system-destroying chemotherapy drugs.
The KCNA report that the new herbal rare earth element drug, Kumdang-2, revives the immune system and has been developed by a North Korean pharmaceutical company called Pugang Pharmaceutic Co. It has been declared a cure for anything from diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, to Ebola, MERS, AIDS, Sars, cancer and "harm from the use of computers."
"We have succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed," state the claims coming from North Korea.
Does North Korea have an answer to some of the worst health issues of the day or is it all hype? Populations in the West may never know the truth or even have legal access to Kumdang-2, since the U.S. FDA goes after anyone who claims to have a cure or treatment for anything. For example, an essential oil distributor, Young Living, is under attack because its sales reps made various claims about the healing properties of essential plant oils.
A ginseng-based injection that revitalizes the immune system
If North Korea's Kumdang-2 was brought into the U.S., it would quickly be vilified and confiscated. The herbal drug uses a completely different strategy than Western treatments; it works to empower the immune system instead of destroying it. Information provided at the website kunmdang2.com, claims that "Malicious virus infections like Sars, Ebola and Mers are diseases that are related to immune systems, so they can be easily treated by Kumdang-2 injection drug, which is a strong immune reviver."
According to company documents, the drug has been around since 1989 and has been used as a successful treatment for millions struggling with debilitating disease. It is reportedly 95.5 percent effective as a complete cure for a long list of health issues. Administration of the drug is recommended in timely injections over the course of two weeks. View the sources for these claim here.
Don't expect any mainstream medical authorities in the U.S. to embrace Kumdang-2 since chemotherapy and radiation take the opposite approach and represent a big money-making industry.
While it's hard to trust a Korean state-controlled news agency like the KCNA, they do reveal what Kumdang-2 is made from. It's made from Korean ginseng grown in fertilizer that is mixed with rare earth elements, including "micro-quantities of gold and platinum."
Kumdang-2, hoax or healing strategy?
Modern day pharmaceutical propaganda is quick to downplay the powerful medicinal properties of herbs like ginseng and other powerful natural minerals, roots, barks, essential oils and berries. However, there are a plethora of scientific studies and testimonies that support that nature is alive with healing properties and adaptogen qualities that support the immune system.
There are many documented scientific studies proving the immune system strengthening effects of various forms of ginseng and gold compounds.
A silver bullet, universal cancer cure might sound outlandish, but North Korea might be onto something: Strengthening a patient's immune system, instead of destroying it. Even if Kumdang-2 isn't a cure all, it's a step in the right direction for medical science as man returns to nature for medicine. Many forms of ginseng exist in the world today and they have a powerful immune system strengthening effect on the human body. This statement comes from experience.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050289_North_Korea_AIDS_cure_Ebola_drug.html#ixzz3f8hRvaOf