Did human beings fall by eating a fruit called the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, as is written literally in the Bible? If not, then what was the cause of the Fall?
The new truth must answer these and other questions which have pained and troubled the minds of profound thinkers throughout the ages: Why did the God of perfection and beauty create human beings with the potential to fall? Why did the omniscient and omnipotent God not prevent their fall, even though He was aware that they were falling? Why did God not save sinful humankind in an instant with His almighty power? As we marvel at the scientific laws concealed in the natural world, we can deduce that God, its Creator, truly is the very origin of science.
If human history is God’s providence to restore the world wherein His purpose of creation is fulfilled, it must be that God, the Master of all laws, has led the long providence of restoration according to an orderly plan.
It is our most urgent task to comprehend how the sinful history of humanity began, what formulas and laws have governed the course of the providence, how history will be consummated and, finally, into what kind of world humanity will enter. The new truth must offer answers to all of these deeper questions of life. When the answers are made clear, it will not be possible to deny the existence of God, the Ruler who plans and guides history. We will recognize in every historical event traces of the Heart of God as He has struggled to save fallen human beings. |