Reading chapter 4 to chapter 8, I dedcided to focus on 'beast' and 'lord of the flies' so I will talk about how these two materials take part in this novel. After the group lost the great opportunity to be rescued, Ralph thought that they needed to gather and straighten the rules that they made perviously. The most important part is about the monster that young boys were scared of. In the novel, the imaginary monster is depicted as beast. I could sense that the beast is not only a source of fear but a implement which gave Jack gret power since he claimed that he could make everyone safe from the beast so it would be probably the imaginary tool that Jack used to take over the real power from Ralph. Also the beast represents savagery instinct that indwelled in all human beings. When everyone believed beast and were scared of it only Simon noticed that they were scared of the beast because it exists in their mind. The savager the boys became, the stronger the beast grows. All the boys behavior was what made the imaginary beast exists in the real world. Next let's take a look at lord of the flies which is the main theme in this story. The lord of the flies is obviously the dead sow's head and Jack used it as a offering to the beast. This material takes an important role since it said to simon that evil lies within every human heart. I think this is the main point. Lord of the flies and beast, like I said, they are all imaginary beings that were made by boys themselves. The savage. The implement to gain power. source of the fear. So I can guess that the author likes to emphasize that what made us be ruined is us; human beings.