Caillous Caillou goes to the theme park. so Caillou was very excited. First, caillous wants to Caillou wanted to go on the Niagara Falls River ride. Caillous is scared and caillous funny Caillou was scared, but he thought it was funny. Caillous eats Caillou ate cotton candy, too. and caillous loved riding on the fair wheel Caillou loved riding on the Ferris wheel. Caillous played the throw all their hoops over a wooden block Caillou played a game where he had to throw all his hoops over a wooden block. But caillous very difficult But it was very difficult for Caillou. so caillous dad help him So Caillou's dad helped him.
Score: B
- "Caillous"는 항상 "Caillou"로 써야 해요. 대문자와 철자가 중요해요.
(Always write "Caillou" with the correct spelling and capitalization.) - "wants to the"는 "wanted to go on"으로 고쳐요. 동사를 정확히 써야 해요.
("Wants to the" should be "wanted to go on" for correct grammar.) - "Caillous is scared and caillous funny"는 "Caillou was scared, but he thought it was funny"로 고치면 더 자연스러워요.
(Rewrite "Caillous is scared and caillous funny" as "Caillou was scared, but he thought it was funny" for clarity.) - 놀이기구나 게임에서 있었던 재미있는 순간들을 더 적으면 이야기가 생생해져요.
(Add more fun details about the rides or the game to make the story come alive.)