The title of this story is "Caillou Grows Carrots."
The characters in this story are Caillou and Caillou's grandfather.
Caillou found a Caillou's grandfather his grandfather digging in the backyard.
Caillou's grandfather gave Caillou a special mission.
The mission is was to grow carrots.
And Caillou hard to grow carrots worked hard to grow the carrots.
Finally, The carrots are grew the carrots grew. Caillou didn’t like vegetables, but he enjoyed ate enjoyed eating the carrots.
Score: B-
문법 팁:
- "The carrots are grew"는 틀린 표현이에요. The carrots grew가 맞아요.
- "enjoyed ate" 대신 enjoyed eating으로 고쳐야 자연스러워요.
- "The mission is"는 과거형으로 The mission was로 수정해야 해요.
표현 팁:
- "Caillou hard to grow carrots"는 어색한 표현이에요. worked hard to grow the carrots처럼 고치면 더 자연스러워요.
- "a Caillou's grandfather"는 his grandfather로 간결하게 바꾸세요.
스토리 팁:
- Caillou가 당근을 기르면서 느낀 점이나 할아버지와의 즐거운 시간을 추가하면 더 흥미로운 이야기가 될 거예요!
예: "Caillou는 당근을 기르면서 기다리는 것이 얼마나 중요한지 배웠어요."
(Adding a lesson or feelings can make the story more meaningful!)