출처: I Love NBA 원문보기 글쓴이: Duncan&Kidd홧팅
STEVE NASH, PG | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
그는 10 피트 밖에서 1 위였는데, 더 놀라운 점은 가장 먼거리의 2점슛인 16 피트 밖 슈팅이다. 이곳에서 그는 53.8 퍼센트를 적중시켰고 (챠트를 보라) 이 카테고리에서 월등한 차이로 리그 나머지 선수들을 따돌렸는데... 이 샷들 중 거의 모두가 포인트 가드로서 드리블을 치며 쏜 것임에도 얻어낸 성과다 (다른 선두권 선수들은 모두 캐치를 통해 슛하는 장신의 선수들이다.)
Top shooters from 16-23 feet, 2011-12
이전 시즌들보다 내쉬는 더 적게 슛했고 더 많이 턴오버를 범했는데, 38 세의 나이로 효율성을 잃고 있는 것은 아닌지라는 가능성을 엿보게 해준다. 또한 퓨어 포인트 레이팅에서 4 위를 했고, 3점슛에서 39.0 퍼센트의 성공률을 보였으며 (원래 더 많이 던져여야 하는 슛이며, LA에서라면 그래야 할 것이다), 2011-12 시즌에 건강에 대한 각종 우려가 있었음에도 11 시즌 연속으로 8 경기 이하의 결장을 유지했다.
그러나 수비에서는 극도로 로우 리스크를 부담하려 한다. 지금까지 그는 리그에서 가장 낮은 파울 레이트를 기록했는데, 시즌 전체동안 단 53 개만 범했다. 또한 포인트 가드들 중 가장 낮은 스틸 레이트를 기록했다. 그리고 간간이 챠지를 끌어내기도 하지만 시즌 대부분동안 로니 프라이스나 그랜트 힐이 위협적인 포인트 가드들을 맡아 주고 자신은 득점력이 없는 선수들을 맡으며 보호를 받았다. LA의 인원 구성을 생각해본다면, 그가 저런 접근 방식을 가져가기엔 더 어려워질 것이다. |
KOBE BRYANT, SG | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
Usage Rate Leaders, 2011-12
이런 모든 상황은 앞으로 닥칠 수 있는 난관을 가리킨다: 이제 나이가 들어감에 따라 브러이언트는 필연적으로 감소된 공격 역할을 맡아야 할 것이지만, 본인이 그렇게 하기를 꺼려할 것이다. 스티브 내쉬와 드와이트 하워드의 영입은 이런 논란을 가중시키킬 수밖에 없다. 이제 코비 아이솔레이션은 내쉬 픽앤롤과 가솔 to 하워드 하이 로우 옵션 다음의 세번째 베스트 옵션으로 보인다.
물론 브라이언트는 여전히 수치를 쌓을 수 있고 꽤 효율적이다. 장거리 2점슛에서 경기 당 11 개를 넘게 던지며 (!) 41.4 퍼센트를 꽂아 넣었고, 림 구역에서는 66.2 퍼센트를 넣었으며 각종 샷 페이크들에 힘입어 필드골 시도 셋 당 하나의 자유투를 얻어내고 있다 (슈팅가드들 중 12 위). 레이커스는 샷을 창출해낼 수 있는 퍼리미터 플레이어를 하나 - 브라이언트 - 보유하고 있기에 포스트 게임이 말을 듣지 않으면 그가 만들어낼 필요가 있다 .
그렇지만 자원의 분배에 대해선 조금에 미쳤다. 브라이언트는 퓨어 포인트 레이팅에서 61 슈팅 가드들 중 51 위로 마감했고, 그의 높은 턴오버 레이쇼우는 예전 커리어에 비해 그가 얼마나 자주 타이트한 지역에서 임하는지를 보여준다 - 대부분 미드레인지 포스트업.
또한 아이솔레이션 3점슛에도 자제할 필요가 있다. 브라이언트는 캐치를 통해 3점슛을 쏠 수 있고 다음 시즌에는 그런 기회를 더 많이 가지게 될 것이다. 그러나 2011-12 시즌에는 경기 당 다섯 개에 가까운 3점슛을 던졌고 이 중 30.3 퍼센트만 성공시켰다.
브라이언트가 해마다 올 디펜스 팀에 뽑혔다는 사실은 감독들이 제대로 투표한다라는 생각을 조롱하게 만든다. 그는 자기 자리를 가리고 뛰어난 윙들을 맡아야하는 경우가 드물었다. 아무도 그를 리그의 엘리트 스타퍼 자리에 올리지 않을 것이다. 이렇게 말했지만, 그는 여전히 효과적이다. 레이커스는 그가 코트에 있을 때 100 포제션당 2.7 득점을 덜 내줬고 상대방 슈팅 가드들은 12.8 PER을 기록했다. 또한 그는 슈팅 가드들 중 상위권에 랭크된 강력한 리바운더이며 매우 낮은 파울 레이트를 기록하면서 블럭과 스틸에서 좋은 레이트를 기록할 수 있었다. |
METTA WORLD PEACE, SF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
하지만 이 메타[meta 변신] 과정에서 (sorry), 실질적으로는 결국 그의 2010-11 시즌과 동일한 스탯으로 마감을 했다. 이런 점이 가장 중요한 의미를 지니는 곳은 언제나 그렇듯이 수비에 있었다. 강력한 Synergy 수치를 남겼고, 상대방 스몰 포워드를 11.8 PER로 묶었으며, 레이커스는 그가 코트에 있을 때 1.9 득점을 덜 내줬다.
공격에서는 그러나 우려할만한 이유가 있다. 월드피스는 시즌동안 3점슛에서 29.6 퍼센트만 적중시켰고, 시즌 막판의 맹활약동안에도 이 부문에서는 계속 부침을 겪었다. 페인트 존에서의 60.1 퍼센트 적중률은 고무적이지만 - 과거에는 이곳에서의 피니셔로서는 부진했다 - 그의 가장 중요한 역할은 코너 3점슛터이며, 여기에 대해서는 실패를 하고 말았다.
Lowest Average Assist Quality, 2011-12
월드피스는 교활함을 지닌 좋은 볼핸들러로 퓨어 포인트 레이팅에서 스몰 포워드들 중 4 위에 랭크되기도 했지만, 눈에 보이는 것보다 실질적으로는 떨어지는 것이 있었다. 어시스트 퀄리티에 대한 나의 조사에 따르면, 월드피스의 어시스트들은 100 개 이상의 어시스트를 기록한 선수들 중 가장 낮은 가치를 가졌다. 레이커스의 손익 계산서에 평균 .566 포인트만 더했다. |
PAU GASOL, PF | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
가솔은 경기 당 여섯 개가 넘은 장거리 2점슛을 던졌고 10 피트 내에서는 더 적은 샷을 가졌다. 심지어는 28 번의 시도에 달하는 코너 3점슛에도 손을 대봤다. 그 장거리 2점슛에서 44.2 퍼센트를 적중시켰다는 점은 칭찬할 만 하지만 - 뛰어난 퍼센테이지 - 이러한 점퍼에 대한 대가로 자신의 전체적인 슈팅 퍼센테이지 하락은 불가피했다. 또한 경기 당 자유투 시도도 커리어 로우를 기록했다.
그렇지만 가솔은 뛰어난 하이 로우 패서로 퓨어 포인트 레이팅에서 파워 포워드들 중 4 위에 랭크되기도 했다. 그리고 바이넘은 가솔이 저런 스킬들을 계속하여 선보여 줄 수 있도록 해줬다. 가솔이 드와이트 하워드와 저런 세트 플레이를 펼칠 것이라 상상해 보는 것은 당연한 일이다. 그러나 이것은 가솔의 재능을 써먹는 것 중 부가적인 것이고 레이커스의 트레이드에 대한 추측이 그에게 쏠린 이유 중 하나였다.
가솔의 덜 알려진 재능은 그가 항상 플로어에 있다는 점이다. 그보다 더 낮은 파울 레이트를 지닌 선수는 하나밖에 없고, 가솔은 좋은 스태미너를 갖추고 있다. 이때문에 그는 네 시즌 연속으로 경기 당 37 분을 넘게 플레이할 수 있었다 - 1 년 전 LA의 종잇장같이 얇았던 프론트 코트 뎁쓰를 생각하면 정말 중요했다. 레이커스 소속으로 뛴 네번의 풀 시즌동안 단 19 경기만 결장했다.
수비에서의 가솔은 프론트 코트 양 포지션 중 어디에도 마음 편하진 않지만 4 번 자리가 더 편하다. 예외라면 볼을 다룰 수 있는 페이스업 4 번을 막을 때다. 알 해링턴같은 친구들은 그를 제대로 괴롭힌다. 그의 온코트 vs. 오프코트 차이가 큰 것은 LA가 보유한 백업 자원을 생각하면 그리 놀라운 것도 아니지만, Synergy는 그에게 좋은 점수를 줬고 82games.com에 있는 상대방 데이터도 마찬가지다. 나의 개인적인 생각으로는 그를 4 번에 두면 그의 신체길이가 더욱더 플러스되고 근력 부족은 덜 문제가 되리라 보며, 대부분의 상대방들에 대해 대처할 수 있는 손재주가 있다고 본다. |
DWIGHT HOWARD, C | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
또한 하워드는 수비 라바운드 레이트에서 NBA 선두였고 전체 리바운드에서는 2 위로 마감했다. 그가 레지 에반스나 마커스 캠비같은 이 부문의 스페셜리스트는 아니라는 점을 생각한다면 꽤 놀라운성취다.
Defensive Rebound Rate Leaders, 2011-12
좌측 포스트 플레이어 하워드는 이전보다 훨씬 더 슈터들을 찾아 내 포스트 밖으로 패스를 뿌려줬고 턴오버 레이쇼우도 커리어 로우를 기록했다. 다만 퓨어 포인트 레이팅은 여전히 리그 꼴찌들 중 하나다. 아, 하지만 그의 자유투 슈팅은 여전히 큰 약점으로 남아있다. 하워드는 리그 최고의 자유투 레이트 중 하나를 기록했지만 이들 중 49.1 퍼센트만 집어넣으며 자신의 TS%를 깎아 먹었다.
파울을 당하지 않을 때의 하워드는 림에서 74.4 퍼센트를 적중시키는 위력을 보여줬다. 3~9 피트 범위에서도 비슷한 양의 시도로 던졌고 41.5 퍼센트의 괜찮은 기록을 남겼다. 아직도 그는 우아한 포스트 플레이어는 아니며, 혹자는 그에게 더블 팀을 붙이는 것은 그에게 놀아나는 것이라 주장할 수도 있겠지만, 저런 훅과 뱅크 샷들에 대해 서서히 제대로 감을 익히고 있다. |
JODIE MEEKS, G | ||||||||||||||||
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그러나 스페셜리스트치고 믹스는 다른 것들을 꽤 잘한다. 그의 46.8 퍼센트 2점슛 성공률은 자기 포지션에서 평균 위이고, 파울을 어느정도 끌어내며 리바운드도 형편없지 않다. 수비에서도 그는 괜찮다. 2 번치고는 단신이지만, 82games.com 에 따르면 식서스는 그가 코트에 있을 때 100 포제션 당 1.8 득점을 덜 내줬고 상대 슈팅 가드들은 그를 상대로 11.1 PER만 가져갔다. Synergy 또한 믹스를 평균 위의 수비수로 점수를 줬다. |
JORDAN HILL, C | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
Analysis 운동능력을 살려 리바운드를 잡는 것에 집중하여 센터들 중 전체 리바운드 레이트에서 8 위에 오르고 수비 리바운드 레이트에선 7 위에 오르는 놀라운 성적을 거두며 힐은 세번째 시즌에 도약을 누렸다. 세컨드 샷은 공격쪽에서 힘이 돼줬다: 혼자의 힘으로 바스켓으로 향할 수 없고 바스켓 지역 밖에서의 샷에서 부진하지만 (지난 시즌 37.0 퍼센트) 풋백과 자유투를 충분할 만큼 얻어냈고 괜찮은 슈팅 퍼센테이지를 기록했다.
힐은 여전히 파울을 너무 많이 하지만 - 7.8 분 당 하나 꼴 - 이전 첫 두시즌때보다 큰 개선을 이뤘고, 경기마다 겪는 힘에서의 불리함에 대처하는 요령을 더 잘 익힌 듯 보인다. 하지만 더 큰 선수들에게 몸싸움에서 밀려날 수 있고 그의 종합적은 수비 수치들은 여전히 보기 안좋다. 82games.com 에 따르면 상대방 센터들은 그에게서 20.3 PER을 챙겨갔고, 휴스턴은 그가 코트에 있을 때 100 포제션 당 3.1 득점을 더 내줬다 (지난 시즌 힐의 정규 시즌 시간은 거의 로켓츠에서 나왔다).
수비쪽 부족함이 있어도 지난 시즌에 했던대로 리바운드한다면 힐은 쓸모있는 선수이며, 12~15 피트 점퍼에 더 일관성있도록 익혀 둔다면 한단계 더 발전할 수 있다. 이 거리에서의 샷을 40 퍼센트 정도 성공시킬 수 있다면 공격에서 스페이싱을 어느정도 제공해주게 될 것이고, 리그의 백업 5 번들 중 우위에 서는 선수 중 하나가 될 것이다. |
ANTAWN JAMISON, PF | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
하지만 유감스럽게도 그의 미드레인지 점퍼는 제대로 하강했다. 10 피트 밖에서의 2점슛에서 그는 겨우 28.5 퍼센트만 성공시켰다 - 경기 당 다섯개를 넘는 시도. 이런 퍼센테이지의 하락에 의해 제이미슨은 TS%에서 파워 포워드들 중 62 위밖에 못했으며 2점슈팅에서 61 위에 그쳤다.
그리고 그는 수비에서 정말 처량하기 때문에라도 정상급 공격수가 돼야 한다. 제이미슨은 파울은 안하지만, 이것은 그가 시도 자체를 안해서다. 그만큼 위크 사이드에 있을 경우 반응이 없는 빅맨은 거의 없다. Synergy에서 제이미슨은 리그 평균 아래에 매겨졌고, 82games.com에 따르면 상대방 파워 포워드들에게 18.0 PER을 허용했다. 그리고 자기 포지션에서 최악의 리바운드 레이트들 중 하나를 기록했다.
그러나 그의 진정한 엉망진창은 팀 디펜스에 있다. 그의 시큰둥함과 카이리 어빙의 경험부족이 합해진 탓에 캡스는 최악의 픽앤롤 수비를 가질 수밖에 없었다. 클리블랜드는 지난 시즌 제이미슨이 코트에 있을 때 100 포제션 당 10.0 득점을 더 내줬었다. 이런 경향은 몇년동안 계속돼 온 것이다. |
DEVIN EBANKS, SF | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
레이커스는 이뱅스를 18~20 피트 거리의 코너 2점슛을 위해 스팟업 배치시켰는데, 이 거리에서는 어느정도 성공을 보여줬다. 그러나 그렇게 해도 가치가 낮은 샷이며, 거리를 확장시켜야 플로어에 머물 만큼 공격을 제공해 줄 것이다. 이렇게 해낸다면 장점이 확실해 진다: 리바운드 해주고 탄탄하고 끈덕진 수비를 해주는 운동능력있는 윙. |
STEVE BLAKE, PG | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
이번에도 블레이크는 공격에서 사실상 아무론 존재감을 주지 못했다. 자유투 시도는 27 개에 그쳤고 전체 시즌동안 바스켓 지역에서 여덟 개의 - 맞다 여덟 - 샷을 적중시켰다. 이럼에도 그는 너무나 턴오버 프론이었다. 포인트 가들 중 턴오버 레이쇼우에서 55 위에 그쳤는데, 특히 트랩에 약점을 보였다. 이런 비극에 더하여 그는 리그에서 최악의 리바운드 레이트들 중 하나를 기록했다.
수비에서 블레이크의 신체길이는 도움이 됐다. 특히나 레이커스의 도박을 걸지 않는, '우리 머리 위로 슛해' 시스템에서는. 상대방 포인트 가드들은 그를 상대로 13.8 PER을 기록했고, 레이커스는 블레이크가 코트에 있을 때 살짝 더 수비를 잘했다. |
CHRIS DUHON, PG | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
듀혼은 3점슛에서 42.0 퍼센트를 적중시켰지만, 시도 횟수가 너무 드물어서 40 분 당 7.7 득점만 기록했다. 그러니까 유별난 3점슛 기록이 있다해도 그는 최악의 공격수였다.
수비에서는 괜찮은 가로 움직임과 테크닉과 경험의 우위를 토대로 어느정도 가치를 가진다. Synergy는 그를 평균 이상에 매겼고, 매직은 그가 코트에 있을 때 100 포제션 당 5.1 득점을 덜 내줬다. 82games.com 에 따르면 상대방 포인트 가드들은 그를 상대하며 12.9 PER만 기록했다. 수비로 인해 그는 쿼터 마지막 스페셜리스트로서 가치를 약간이나마 얻었지만, 소속 팀을 괴롭게 만드는 공격쪽 대참사를 상쇄시킬 만한 것은 아니다. |
EARL CLARK, F | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
누군가는 이 점에 대해 어느정도는 드와이트 하워드 효과때문이라 생각할 수 있겠지만 - 클락은 하워드와 같이 플레이하는 경우가 거의 없었다 - NBA.com의 심화 스탯 툴에 따르면, 실제로 클락은 하워드의 온코트 수치를 더 안좋게 만들었다. 내 생각에는 클락이 그의 수치보다는 좋은 선수라고 말하고 싶다 - 분 당 블럭에서 파워 포워드들 중 4 위다 - 하지만 그가 지난 시즌 꽤 좋았다고 말하기엔 무리가 따른다.
그리고 그가 수비를 못한다면, 그는 플레이할 수 없다. 왜냐하면 공격에서는 처참함 그 자체이기 때문이다. 클락은 바스켓 구역 밖에서 27.0 퍼센트를 기록했는데, 이 구역에서 그의 샷 대부분이 나온다. 파워 포워드들 중에서 그는 2점슛 퍼센테이지에서, 필드골 퍼센테이지, TS%와 PER에서 바닥에 있다. 또한 자기 포지션 중 가장 안좋은 턴오버 레이쇼우 중 하나를 기록했다. |
ANDREW GOUDELOUCK, G | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
가우들락은 수비에서도 특별한 게 없음이 밝혀졌다. 제한된 시간을 뛰어서 명확한 결론을 내리긴 힘들지만, 내 생각에 그는 포인트 가드치고 좀 느리고 2 번치고는 언더사이즈로 보였다. 이것도 그가 공격에서 더 창출해내지 못하면 아무런 의미가 없을 것이다. 선수로서 그가 내세울 주요 사항이 장거리 슈팅에 있기 때문이다. 리그에서 살아 남기 위해서는 다운타운에서 40 대 퍼센트로 적중시키고 한 경기 당 최소 한번은 림으로 돌파할 필요가 있을 것이다. |
DARIUS MORRIS, PG | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
그래도 샘플의 크기가 작다는 점, 그리고 루키의 높은 턴오버 레이쇼우는 종종 큰 발전을 앞두고 거치는 선행과정이기 때문에 앞으로 어떻게 나아가는지 계속 지켜볼 가치는 있다. 플로어에 스페이싱을 해주지 못하며 40 분 당 10.9 득점에 그치는 것은 받아들이기 힘들기 때문에 그는 슛을 더 잘해야 한다. 그런데 무엇보다도 턴오버를 줄여야 한다. 170 분만 뛰었는데도 19 개, 달리 말하면 성공시킨 바스켓보다 많은 수치다. 모리스는 늦게 포인트 가드로 전환했고 아직 겨우 21 세다. 따라서 우리가 성급히 판단을 내려선 안되겠지만, 2 년차에는 어느정도 발전을 보여줄 필요가 있다. |
DARIUS JOHNSON-ODOM, G | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
그 외에는 성장할 폭이 낮다. 마치 "존 말코비치 되기"처럼 낮다. 그는 포인트를 볼 수 없는 언더사이즈의 2 번이며, 다른 언더사이즈 윙들의 엘리트 득점 스킬도 없고 대학 선수 시절에 나온 운동능력 쪽의 수치도 그리 재미가 없다 - 예를 들어 블럭이 거의 없고 리바운드 레이트도 빈약하다. 하지만 감독들은 이런 친구들을 벤치 끝에 두길 좋아하기 때문에 5 년 정도는 로스터에 이름을 올릴 것이다. |
ROBERT SACRE, C | ||||||||||||||||
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Scouting report
Analysis |
원문은 아래 더보기 클릭
Scouting report
+ Genius pick-and-roll operator who shreds defenses with passes from either hand.
+ One of the best outside shooters in history. Burns any defense playing under screens.
+ Takes charges, but a mediocre defender because of limited lateral quickness.
So, which amazing Nash stat would you like to see first? Let's start with shooting, which remains the most underrated part of his game. Nash led all point guards in true shooting percentage, again, and in 2-point shooting percentage, again, and led the league in shooting on midrange jumpers, again.
He was first from outside 10 feet, but the more amazing feat came in the longest 2s, outside 16 feet. There he shot 53.8 percent (see chart), lapping the rest of the league in this category … even though as a point guard he was taking nearly all these shots off the dribble (the other leaders were all bigger players shooting them off the catch).
Nash shot the ball less and turned it over more than in previous seasons, offering a slight glimpse into the possibility that at age 38 he might be losing effectiveness. Might. He was also fourth in pure point rating, shot 39.0 percent on 3s (a shot he actually should take more, and might, in L.A.) and despite all the worries about his health in 2011-12, Nash missed eight games or fewer for the 11th straight season.
However, he's taking the low-risk thing to extremes at the defensive end. Nash had, by far, the lowest foul rate in basketball, committing just 53 the entire season. He also had the lowest steal rate among point guards, and while he takes the occasional charge, he spent most of the season hidden away against non-scorers while Ronnie Price or Grant Hill covered any threatening point guard. Given the personnel in L.A., it will be more difficult for him to take that approach.
Scouting report
+ Devastating post-up guard who makes midrange jumpers over the top of defenses.
+ Excellent ball handler for his size. Sees floor, can create and finish. Natural scorer.
+ Smart defender but his intensity fluctuates. Rarely asked to defend good players.
Bryant led the NBA in usage rate by a wide margin (see chart) and very nearly led it in points per minute as well, finishing a 10th of a point behind Kevin Durant in points per 40 minutes -- an amazing feat for a player age 33. Bryant looked spry coming out of the lockout in particular, racking up four straight 40-point games in January. However, he cooled off considerably the rest of the way, most notably while shooting 38.7 percent in March. He was in the top five in player efficiency rating (PER) in the first half of the season but finished 17th.
All this points to a potential hurdle ahead: As Bryant gets older, he inevitably needs to take on a reduced offensive role, but might be reluctant to do so. The additions of Steve Nash and Dwight Howard only accelerate this discussion; iso-ing Kobe now looks to be the third-best option after a Nash pick-and-roll and a Gasol-to-Howard high-low.
Bryant can still fill it up, of course, and fairly efficiently. He hit 41.4 percent on long 2s while taking more than 11 a game (!), converted 66.2 percent at the rim and still drew a free throw for every three field goal attempts (12th among shooting guards) thanks to all his assorted shot fakes. And in his defense, the Lakers had one perimeter player who could create a shot -- Bryant -- so if the post game broke down, he needed to create.
That said, he could spread the wealth a little more. Bryant finished 51st out of 61 shooting guards in pure point rating, and his high turnover ratio was a sign of how much more often he's working in tight spaces -- mostly on midrange post-ups -- than earlier in his career.
He also needs to chill on the iso 3-pointers. Bryant can make them off the catch and likely will have more opportunities to do so next season, but he took nearly five triples a game in 2011-12 and made only 30.3 percent.
Bryant's annual All-Defense selections make a mockery of the idea that head coaches are actually doing the voting. He picks his spots and rarely has to guard good wings. Nobody would place him among the league's elite stoppers. That said, he's still effective. The Lakers allowed 2.7 fewer points per 100 possessions with him on the court and he held opposing shooting guards to a 12.8 PER. He's also a strong rebounder who ranked in the top quarter of all shooting guards and was able to generate solid rates of blocks and steals while preserving a very low foul rate.
Scouting report
+ Elite one-on-one wing defender with quick hands, superior strength and good feet.
+ Has lost a step and can't jump at all. Struggles chasing through screens.
+ Very poor finisher. Poor shot selection. Can make corner 3s.
It was like two different seasons for World Peace, who had an absolutely brutal start (4.7 ppg on 33.5 percent shooting in first half of the season) before a very strong finishing kick in which he averaged 14.1 points in April.
But on a meta level (sorry), he ended up with virtually identical stats to his 2010-11 campaign. The most important of those, as always, were on the defensive end -- he had strong Synergy numbers, held opposing small forwards to an 11.8 PER, and the Lakers gave up 1.9 fewer points per 100 possessions with him on the court.
Offensively, there's more reason for concern. World Peace made only 29.6 percent of his 3s on the season, and even in his late-season surge he still struggled from deep. While his 60.1 percent mark in the paint is encouraging -- he's struggled as a finisher there in the past -- his most important role is as a corner 3-point shooter, and he failed in that.
World Peace is a sneaky good ball handler who ranked fourth among small forwards in pure point rating, but there might be less here than meets the eye. According to my research on assist quality, World Peace's assists were the least valuable of any player who had at least a hundred dimes, adding an average of just .566 points to the Laker bottom line (see chart).
Scouting report
+ Long, highly skilled post scorer with excellent dexterity and 18-foot range.
+ Smart player, sees floor well. Can make jump hook with either hand.
+ Blocks shots but lacks strength and can be bullied on blocks. Good rebounder.
The impression was that the Lakers forgot about Gasol last season as they sought to feed Andrew Bynum, but his usage rate hardly budged. What really happened is Gasol was forced to search out shots from the perimeter since Bynum was in his preferred perch on the left block.
Gasol took more than six long 2s a game and fewer shots inside 10 feet; he even dabbled with the corner 3, compiling 28 tries. To his credit, Gasol hit 44.2 percent of his long 2s -- a stellar percentage -- but the toll of all those J's on his overall shooting percentage was inevitable. He also earned a career-low four free throw attempts per game.
Gasol is a great high-low passer, though, who ranked fourth among power forwards in pure point rating, and Bynum allowed him to show off those skills repeatedly. One can only imagine what he might do with Dwight Howard in those sets. Nonetheless, this is a suboptimal usage of Gasol's talents and was one of the reasons most Laker trade speculation centered on him.
Gasol's less recognized talent is that he's always on the floor. Only one power forward had a lower foul rate, and Gasol has good stamina. As a result, he played more than 37 minutes a game for a fourth straight season -- vital considering how paper-thin L.A.'s frontcourt depth was a year ago. In four full seasons as a Laker, he's missed just 19 games.
Defensively, Gasol isn't quite a natural at either frontcourt spot but is more comfortable at the 4. The exception is when he has to guard face-up 4s who can handle the ball; guys like Al Harrington just kill him. His large on-court vs. off-court differential isn't surprising given the wasteland L.A. had behind him, but he also had a strong Synergy rating and opponent data on 82games.com. Subjectively, his length is more of a plus and his lack of strength less of an issue at the 4, and against most opponents he has the dexterity to play the position.
Scouting report
+ Dominant physical force who overpowers foes with strength and athleticism.
+ Awesome defensive player. Blocks shots, covers pick-and-roll and owns boards.
+ Can make short-range banks and hooks, but post game lacks refinement.
Here's how good Howard is: Even coasting through the season while pushing for a trade and his coach's removal, he was still probably the best center in the league. Clearly his defensive effort was not at its usual level, but he almost can't help but be dominating on that end given his size and mobility. In addition to the blocks and rebounds, he was ninth among centers in steals per minute. Howard still got top-notch grades from Synergy, and the Magic gave up 6.8 fewer points per 100 possessions with him on the court.
Howard also led the NBA in defensive rebound rate and finished second overall, a pretty amazing accomplishment considering he's not a specialist in this category like, say, Reggie Evans or Marcus Camby.
A left-block post player, Howard passed out of the post and found shooters much better than before, resulting in a career-low turnover ratio, although it still yielded one of the worst pure point ratings in basketball. Alas, his foul shooting remains a huge weakness. Howard had one of the highest foul rates in basketball but converted only 49.1 percent from the stripe, dragging down his TS%.
When he wasn't fouled, Howard was a force, shooting 74.4 percent at the rim. He took nearly as many shots from 3 to 9 feet and shot a respectable 41.5 percent from that range. He still isn't a graceful post player, and one can fairly argue that doubling him is just playing into his hands, but he's slowly getting the hang of those little hooks and bank shots.
Scouting report
+ Shooting specialist who excels at trailing for transition 3s. Money from the line.
+ A bit undersized for the 2 and an average athlete but very solid defensively.
+ Good at up-faking for fouls. Rarely fouls on D. Low-mistake specialist.
Meeks had a bit of a setback in his third season, as his 3-point shot wasn't nearly as deadly (36.5 percent) and his free throw rate plummeted. As an offensive specialist, this was not welcome news and resulted in losing his starting job. While Meeks had the lowest turnover ratio of any shooting guard, he wasn't asked to do a whole lot -- only three shooting guards had a lower usage rate -- and that role requires an exceptional TS%. His 55.1 mark didn't cut it.
For a specialist, however, Meeks did the other things pretty well. His 46.8 percent mark on 2s was above the average for his position, he draws some fouls and he's not a bad rebounder. Defensively he was solid, as well. While he's a bit undersized for the 2, the Sixers gave up 1.8 fewer points per 100 possessions with him on the court and opposing shooting guards mustered only an 11.1 PER against him according to 82games.com; Synergy also rated Meeks as an above-average defender.
Scouting report
+ High-energy "4.5" who can make plays near the rim but lacks strength and ball skills.
+ Runs floor well and can make short-range Js. Can score in post in mismatches.
+ Outstanding rebounder. Struggles defensively and fouls too much. Blocks shots.
Hill enjoyed a breakout third season, focusing on using his athleticism to get to the boards and ranking a surprising eighth among centers in overall rebound rate and seventh on the defensive glass. Second shots also helped him on the offensive end; he can't get to the rim on his own steam and struggles to make shots from outside the basket area (37.0 percent last season), but he got enough putbacks and free throws to post a respectable shooting percentage.
Hill still fouls too much -- once every 7.8 minutes last season -- but that represented a big improvement on his first two seasons, and it appears he's learned better how to accommodate for his nightly strength disadvantage. Nonetheless, he can be manhandled by bigger centers and his overall defensive numbers remain fairly ugly -- opposing centers had a 20.3 PER at his expense, according to 82games.com, and Houston gave up 3.1 more points per 100 possessions with him on the court (nearly all Hill's regular-season minutes last season came as a Rocket).
Despite his defensive shortcomings, Hill is a useful player if he rebounds the way he did last season, and can take another step forward by establishing a bit more consistency with his 12- to 15-foot jumper. If he can convert that shot at a 40 percent clip and provide some offensive spacing, he'll be one of the league's better backup 5s.
Scouting report
+ Clever scorer with a quick release off the catch. Rarely dribbles. Has 3-point range.
+ Lazy defender who hardly bothers helping from the weak side. Undersized, too.
+ A tweener size-wise. Rebounding has dwindled. Rarely turns it over.
Apparently Jamison will keep scoring a point every two minutes with a microscopic turnover ratio until he's 90. At age 35 he suffered a career low in shooting percentage, but otherwise you'd have a hard time differentiating last season from any of the previous 10. Jamison shot 62.8 percent in the basket area and 34.1 percent on 3s, both right about where you'd expect, and had some of the best ballhandling numbers of his career -- the fifth-lowest turnover ratio among power forwards and a solid assist ratio.
Unfortunately, his midrange J completely went south. He made only 28.5 percent of his 2s beyond 10 feet and he takes a ton of these -- more than five a game last season. With that dragging down his percentages, Jamison was just 62nd among power forward in TS% and 61st in 2-point shooting.
And he has to be a top-notch offensive player because his defense is just pathetic. Jamison doesn't foul, but that's because he's barely trying; few bigs are as unplugged from the game when on the weak side as he is. Jamison rated below the league average on Synergy and permitted an 18.0 PER to opposing power forwards, according to 82games.com, while having one of the worst rebound rates at his position.
But his real carnage comes in team defense; with his indifference pairing with Kyrie Irving's inexperience, the Cavs were about the worst pick-and-roll defense in captivity. Cleveland gave up 10.0 more points per 100 possessions with Jamison on the court last season, a trend that's been ongoing for several years.
Scouting report
+ Thin, long-armed small forward who can handle the ball. Must add strength.
+ Aggressive, high-IQ performer who willingly defends and rebounds well.
+ Can score near the basket but must improve his outside shot.
Ebanks earned 12 starts last season because of his defensive ability, but to stick as a rotation player, he'll need to show more at the offensive end. Ebanks is athletic enough to finish plays on fast breaks or when fed near the rim, but he made only 16 of his 52 tries outside the basket area, none of which were 3-pointers. He drew fouls at a strong clip, but overall mustered only 8.9 points per 40 minutes with a poor TS%. He'll need to do better to stick in the league.
The Lakers had Ebanks spotting up for 2s from the corner from 18 to 20 feet, and he showed some success in that range. But it's still a low-value shot; if he can extend the shot to the corner, he has better chance of producing enough offense to stay on the floor. If he does so, the positives are clear: He's an athletic wing who rebounds and plays solid, dogged defense.
Scouting report
+ Limited, low-mistake point guard who rarely attacks the paint. Good court vision.
+ Mediocre defender. Tall and competitive, but lacks strength and foot speed.
+ Strictly spots up for 3s offensively. Doesn't push the tempo or draw fouls.
The first one you could write off as a bad season, perhaps. But after two in a row, it's getting increasingly difficult to justify Blake's continued presence in the Lakers' rotation. His main role is as a long-distance sniper, yet his TS% has been below the league average in both seasons in L.A. Last season he averaged just 8.9 points per 40 minutes and hit only 33.5 percent of his 3s -- that just won't get it done.
Again, Blake put virtually no pressure on the defense, earning only 27 free throw attempts and making eight -- yes, eight -- shots in the basket area the entire season. Despite that, he was far too turnover-prone, ranking just 55th among point guards in turnover ratio, with traps being a particular vulnerability. Adding to the misery, he had one of the worst rebound rates in the league.
Defensively, Blake's length made him more helpful, especially in the Lakers' low-risk, shoot-over-the-top-of-us system. Opposing point guards had a 13.8 PER against him, and the Lakers defended slightly better with Blake on the court.
Scouting report
+ Spot-up shooting point guard who mostly plays setup role. Rarely attacks.
+ Struggles mightily against ball pressure. Wildly turnover prone.
+ Solid, low-risk defender. Average at best athletically but gets to right spots.
A point guard in name only, Duhon can scarcely get the ball across half court these days. His turnover ratio was the second-worst among point guards, an incredible achievement given he got only 40 shots at the rim the entire season. In other words, he was staying out of the paint and still couldn't hang on to the ball. One shudders to think what might have happened if he attacked.
Duhon did hit 42.0 percent of his 3s, but he shot so rarely that he averaged only 7.7 points per 40 minutes. Basically, even with a complete outlier on 3-pointers, he was an abysmal offensive player.
He retains some value on defense, with decent lateral movement and technique and the advantage of experience. Synergy rated him above average last season, and the Magic gave up 5.1 fewer points per 100 possessions with him on the court. According to 82games.com, opposing point guards had just a 12.9 PER against him. The defense gives him a smidgen of value as an end-of-quarter specialist, but it doesn't come close to offsetting the carnage he inflicts on his team's offense.
Scouting report
+ Lean, long combo forward with defensive talent. Can run and finish.
+ Good handle for his size but a terrible offensive player. Can't shoot and has bad instincts.
+ Mostly shoots jumpers. Needs to add strength and get to rim. Tweener.
Clark looks like he could be an NBA defender, but he's having trouble converting his potential into results. At times he looked fantastic and he had some great blocks, but in between the highlights there just weren't enough results. Every indicator is strongly negative: Synergy rated him the third-worst defender in the league with at least 200 plays defended, opposing power forwards rang up a 17.3 PER against him according to 82games.com and the Magic gave up 4.1 more points per 100 possessions with him on the court.
One might suspect this is partly a Dwight Howard effect -- Clark almost never played with Howard -- but checking on NBA.com's advanced stats tool, Clark actually made Howard's on-court numbers worse. Subjectively, I'd say Clark is better than his numbers -- he was fourth among power forwards in blocks per minute -- but it strains logic to argue he was particularly good last season.
And if he can't defend, he can't play, because the dude is just brutal offensively. Clark shot 27.0 percent outside the basket area, and that's where most of his shots came from. Among power forwards, he was in the bottom three in 2-point percentage, field goal percentage, TS% and PER. He also had one of the worst turnover ratios at his position.
Scouting report
+ Big point guard with deep shooting range. Struggles to penetrate and create.
+ Defensive liability against quick guards. Size, strength helpful closer to the basket.
Advertised as a point guard coming out of college, Goudelouck mostly played as a spot-up 2 in small lineups for the Lakers. Certainly he can shoot, making 37.1 percent of his 3s, but he wasn't quite deadly enough to offset his other weaknesses. Namely, he just can't create anything on his own. Goudelouck converted only 40.8 percent of his 2s, drew a mere 12 free throws and amazingly had only one basket at the rim the entire season. Additionally, he had a comically low assist ratio for a guard, at just 1.9 per 40 minutes.
Goudelouck proved nothing special at the defensive end, either; while it's tough to draw definite conclusions out of limited minutes, subjectively he seems a bit slow for the point and undersized for the 2. None of which will matter if he can't create more offensively, because his main selling point as a player is his long-range shooting. He'll need to convert in the 40s from downtown and get to the rim at least once a fortnight to stick in the league.
Scouting report
+ Tall point guard with good handle and vision. Still learning his position.
+ Poor outside shooter. Can finish at basket but not an explosive athlete.
+ Slender frame, will need to add strength. Length a plus on defense.
Morris' rookie season was more encouraging than his 5.22 PER suggests, as he showed some NBA-level skills but was undone by a shaky jumper and an absurdly high turnover ratio.
Given the small sample, and the fact that high turnover ratios by rookies often precede great improvement, he's worth keeping an eye on going forward. He has to shoot better, because averaging just 10.9 points per 40 minutes while not spacing the floor isn't acceptable, but mostly he has to cut the turnovers --19 in just 170 minutes, or more than one for every basket he made. Morris was a late convert to the point and is just 21 years old, so we shouldn't rush to judgment, but he'll need to show some progress in Year 2.
Scouting report
+ Long-armed, lefty wing with deep shooting range. Strong, energetic defender.
+ Undersized for a 2 but lacks ball skills for a 1. Not a great finisher or leaper.
Johnson-Odom is potentially a perfect end-of-rotation guy -- he plays extremely hard and competes defensively and he can make an open jump shot, so coaches have no fear about inserting him into a game.
Beyond that, the ceiling gets low. Like, "Being John Malkovich" low. He's an undersized 2 who can't play the point, he doesn't have the elite scoring skills of some other undersized wings and his athletic numbers as a collegian are pretty tame -- he rarely blocks shots, for instance, and has a poor rebound rate. He might stick on a roster for half a decade anyway, however, because coaches love having guys like this at the end of their bench.
Scouting report
+ Long big man who can score around the basket. Poor rebounder for his size.
+ "B" athlete. Slow and needs to add strength. Raw offensive game.
Sacre is old for a rookie at 23 and had a very poor rebound rate for a player of his size, but I'm still talking myself into this pick. He drew a ton of fouls around the basket and shot 76 percent from the line, and his length should make him at least somewhat useful at the defensive end. Those are the glimmers of hope one sorts through at the end of the second round. He might be able to give L.A. 10 good minutes a game off the bench.
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