Although these statements gave information of technical interest, they are perhaps more important for the information they did not give: information on the existence of radiofrequency weapons that directly affect the human brain and nervous system.
This technology did not spring up overnight. It has a long history of development and denials of development-by the US Government and probably half of the other governments of the world as well.
We know that the former Soviet Union was actively engaged in this type of research. In a previous article we reported that during the 1970s the Soviet KGB developed a Psychotronic Influence System (PIS) that was used to turn soldiers into programmable 'human weapons'. The system employed a combination of highfrequency radiowaves and hypnosis. The PIS project was begun in response to a similar training scheme launched in the US by President Carter, according to Yuri Malin, former security adviser to USSR President Gorbachev.
In my Electromagnetic Weapons Timeline I covered a period of 60 years of interest and development in EM weaponsóinformation gathered from the many articles and news clippings sent in by readers of Resonance. In my article on synthetic telepathy I traced the development of the 'voice in your head' technology dating back to 1961, all my references coming from the open scientific literature.
Jan Wiesemann has written an apt description of the situation which now exists in the United States, about the 'forces that be' and how the situation came about:
"During the Cold War the United States not only engaged in a relatively open nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union, but also engaged in a secret race developing unconventional weapons. As the intelligence agencies (which prior to the Second World War had merely played a supporting role within the government) continued to increase their power, so did the funds spent on developing techniques designed to outsmart each other.
"And as the US intelligence community began to grow, a secret culture sprang about which enabled the intelligence players to implement the various developed techniques to cleverly circumvent the democratic processes and institutions...
"Like many other democracies, the US Government is made up of two basic parts the elected constituency, i.e., the various governors, judges, congressmen and the President; and the unelected bureaucracies, as represented by the numerous federal agencies.
"In a well-balanced and correctly functioning democracy, the elected part of the government is in charge of its unelected bureaucratic part, giving the people a real voice in the agenda set by their government.
"While a significant part of the US Government no doubt follows this democratic principle, a considerable portion of the US Government operates in complete secrecy and follows its own unaccountable agenda which, unacknowledged, very often is quite different from the public agenda."
Jan goes on to quote one of the United States' most popular war heroes: Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces during World War II and was later elected 34th President of the United States. In his farewell address to the nation in 1961, President Eisenhower said:
"...we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defence establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence-economic, political, even spiritual-is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. We recognise the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military -industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or our democratic processes."
The United Nations was established in 1945 with the aim of "saving succeeding generations from the scourge of war". In 1975 the General Assembly considered a draft first proposed by the Soviet Union: "Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons".
In 1979 the Soviet Union added a list of some types of potential weapons of mass destruction:
1) Radiological weapons (using radioactive materials) which could produce harmful effects similar to those of a nuclear explosion;
2) Particle beam weapons, based on charged or neutral particles, to affect biological targets;
3) Infrasonic acoustic radiation weapons;
4) Electromagnetic weapons operating at certain radio-frequency radiations which could have injurious effects on human organs.
In response, the US and other Western nations stalled. They gave a long, convoluted reason, but the result was the same.
In an article entitled "Non-Lethal Weapons May Violate Treaties", the author notes that the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention covers many of the non-conventional weapons; "those that utilize infrasound or electromagnetic energy (including lasers, microwave or radiofrequency radiation, or visible light pulsed at brainwave frequency) for their effects."
Harlan Girard, Managing Director of the International Committee Against Offensive Microwave Weapons, told me he believes the strategy behind the government's recent push for less-than-lethal weapons is a subterfuge. The ones that are now getting all the publicity are put up for scrutiny to get the public's approval. The electromagnetic mind-altering technologies are not mentioned, but would be brought in later under the umbrella of less-than- lethal weapons.
These weapons were recently transferred from the Department of Defense over to the Department of Justice. Why? Because there are several international treaties that specifically limit or exclude weapons of this nature from being used in international warfare.
In other words, weapons that are barred from use against our country's worst enemies (not withstanding the fact that the US did use this weapon against Iraqi troops!) can now be used against our own citizens by the local police departments against such groups as peaceful protestors of US nuclear policies.
The secrecy involved in the development of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology reflects the tremendous power that is inherent in it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men-all men.
There is evidence that the US Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries. This can be accomplished, is being accomplished, by utilising the nearly completed HAARP Project for overseas areas and the GWEN network now in place in the US. The US Government denies all this.
Dr Michael Persinger is a Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada. You have met him before in the pages of Resonance where we reported on his findings that strong electromagnetic fields can affect a person's brain.
"Temporal lobe stimulation," he said, "can evoke the feeling of a presence, disorientation, and perceptual irregularities. It can activate images stored in the subject's memory, including nightmares and monsters that are normally suppressed."
Dr Persinger wrote an article a few years ago, titled "On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorithms". The abstract reads:
"Contemporary neuroscience suggests the existence of fundamental algorithms by which all sensory transduction is translated into an intrinsic, brain-specific code. Direct stimulation of these codes within the human temporal or limbic cortices by applied electromagnetic patterns may require energy levels which are within the range of both geomagnetic activity and contemporary communication networks. A process which is coupled to the narrow band of brain temperature could allow all normal human brains to be. affected by a subharmonic whose frequency range at about 10 Hz would only vary by 0. 1 Hz."
He concludes the article with this:
"Within the last two decades a potential has emerged which was improbable, but which is now marginally feasible. This potential is the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human species, without mediation through classical sensory modalities, by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed.
"The historical emergence of such possibilities, which have ranged from gunpowder to atomic fission, have resulted in major changes in the social evolution that occurred inordinately quickly after the implementation. Reduction of the risk of the inappropriate application of these technologies requires the continued and open discussion of their realistic feasibility and implications within the scientific and public domain."
It doesn't get any plainer than that. And we do not have open discussion because the US Government has totally denied the existence of this technology.
I would like to give special thanks to: Jan Wiesemann for sending the Silent Sounds? statement and patents which were the keystone of this article; Mike Coyle, whose computer search turned up many more related patents; Harlan Girard, who has provided numerous official government documents; and to the many who have provided newsclippings and articles, moral and financial support to Resonance, without which we'd have ceased publication long ago.
About the Author:
Judy Wall is Editor and Publisher of Resonance, the Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group. Pages 11-13 and 15-16.
<부록: 미 특허 #5,159,703, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System" >
( 1 of 1 ) |
United States Patent | 5,159,703 |
Lowery | October 27, 1992 |
Silent subliminal presentation system
A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.
Inventors: | Lowery; Oliver M. (5188 Falconwood Ct., Norcross, GA 30071) |
Appl. No.: | 458339 |
Filed: | December 28, 1989 |
Current U.S. Class: | 455/42; 381/73.1; 455/46; 455/67.11; 455/67.13; 455/67.16; 607/56 |
Intern'l Class: | H04B 007/00; H04R 025/00; H04R 003/02 |
Field of Search: | 455/46,47,66,109,110,42-43 381/73.1,105,124 358/141-143 600/28 128/420.5 380/38 |
References Cited [Referenced By]
U.S. Patent Documents
3060795 | Oct., 1962 | Corrigan et al. | 352/131. |
3278676 | Oct., 1966 | Becker | 358/142. |
3393279 | Jul., 1968 | Flanagan | 128/420. |
3712292 | Jan., 1973 | Zentmeyer, Jr. | 600/28. |
4141344 | Feb., 1979 | Barbara | 600/28. |
4395600 | Jul., 1983 | Lundy et al. | 381/73. |
4463392 | Jul., 1984 | Fischer et al. | 360/30. |
4777529 | Oct., 1988 | Schultz et al. | 381/73. |
4834701 | May., 1989 | Masaki | 600/28. |
4877027 | Oct., 1989 | Brunkan | 128/420. |
Primary Examiner: Eisenzopf; Reinhard J.
Assistant Examiner: Faile; Andrew
What is claimed:
1. A silent communications system, comprising:
(a) amplitude modulated carrier means for generating signals located in non-aural portions of the audio and in the lower portion of the ultrasonic frequency spectrum said signals modulated with information to be perceived by a listener's brain and,
(b) acoustic and ultrasonic transducer means for propagating said signals, for inducement into the brain, of the listener, and,
(c) recording means for storing said modulated signals on mechanical, magnetic and optical media for delayed or repeated transmissions to the listener.
2. A silent communications system, comprising:
(a) frequency modulated carrier means for generating signals located in non-aural portions of the audio and in the lower portion of the ultrasonic frequency spectrum, said signals modulated with information to be perceived by a listener's brain, and;
(b) acoustic and ultrasonic transducer means for propagating said signals, for inducement into the brain of the listener, and;
(c) recording means for storing said modulated signals on mechanical, magnetic and optical media for delayed or repeated transmissions to the listener.
3. A silent communications system, comprising:
(a) a combination of amplitude and frequency modulated carrier means for generating signals located in non-aural portions of the audio and in the lower portion of the ultrasonic frequency spectrum, said signals modulated with information to be perceived by a listener's brain, and
(b) acoustic and ultrasonic transducer means for propagating said signals, for inducement into the brain of the listener;
(c) recording means for storing said modulated signals on mechanical, magnetic and optical media for delayed or repeated transmissions to the listener.
This invention relates in general to electronic audio signal processing and, in particular, to subliminal presentation techniques.
Subliminal learning enjoys wide use today and subliminal tapes are being manufactured by a number of companies in the United States alone. Several decades of scientific study indicate that subliminal messages can influence a human's attitudes and behavior. Subliminal, in these discussions, can be defined as "below the threshold of audibility to the conscious mind." To be effective however, the subliminally transmitted information (called affirmations by those in the profession) must be presented to the listener's ear in such a fashion that they can be perceived and "decoded" by the listener's subconscious mind. We are referring to audio information in this discussion, however, information could be inputted into the subject's subconscious mind through any of the body's sensors, such as touch, smell, sight or hearing. As an example, early development work in the subliminal field utilized motion pictures and slide projections as the medium. Early research into visual and auditory subliminal stimulation effects is exemplified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,060,795 of Corrigan, et al. and 3,278,676 of Becker. U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,600 of Lundy and Tyler is representative of later developments in today's subliminal message techniques.
The majority of the audio subliminal tapes available today are prepared using one basic technique. That is, the verbal affirmations are mixed with, and recorded at a lower level than, a "foreground" of music or sounds of ocean surf or a bubbling mountain brook or other similar "masking" sounds. The affirmations are generally recorded 5 decibels (db) or so below the "foreground" programming and regenerative automatic gain control is usually applied to permit the affirmations to change their recorded amplitude in direct proportion to the short term averaged amplitude of the continually varying "foreground" material. In other words, the volume of the affirmations will follow or track the volume changes of the "foreground" programming, but at a lower volume level. Circuit provisions are also usually included to "gate" the affirmations off when the music amplitude is low or zero. This insures that the affirmations cannot be heard during quiet program periods. Thus, today's subliminal affirmations can be characterized as being "masked" by music or other sounds, of constantly changing amplitude and of being reduced or cut off entirely during periods of low or quiet "foreground" programming.
One of the principal, and most widely objected to, deficiencies in available subliminal tape presentation techniques is that the presence of the "foreground" material is intrusive to both the listener and to anyone else in the immediate area. No matter what "foreground" material is chosen, the fact remains that this material can be heard by anyone within its range and presents a definite distraction to other activities such as conversation, thought, desire to listen to other programming such as radio or television, need to concentrate, etc. Additionally, and because the tapes are used repeatedly by the same listener, any "foreground" music or material eventually becomes monotonously tiring to that listener.
It is the purpose of the following described invention to eliminate or greatly reduce all of the above deficiencies. Although its application to the magnetic tape medium is described in the following discussion, the technique is equally applicable to most other desired transmission mediums, such as Compact Disc, videocassettes, digital tape recorders, Public Address (PA) systems, background music installations, computer software programs, random access memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), "live", real time applications and other mediums now in existence or to be developed in the future.
Implemented on tape cassettes, for example, the subliminal presentation described here is inaudible i.e., high audio or ultrasonic frequencies, the affirmations are presented at a constant, high amplitude level, and they occupy their own "clear channel", non-masked frequency allocations. If desired, the previously described "foreground" music or other material can be added to the tape through use of an audio mixer. The "silent" recordings are inaudible to the user or by others present and are therefore very effective for use during periods of sleep or when in the presence of others. Additionally, the basic requirements of subliminal stimulation are met. That is, the affirmations are efficiently transmitted to the ear and, while undetected by the conscious mind, are perceived by and efficiently decoded by the subconscious mind.
Accordingly, several objects and advantages of my invention are:
(a) to provide a technique for producing a subliminal presentation which is inaudible to the listeners(s), yet is perceived and demodulated (decoded) by the ear for use by the subconscious mind.
(b) to provide a technique for transmitting inaudible subliminal information to the listener(s) at a constant, high level of signal strength and on a clear band of frequencies.
(c) to provide a technique for producing inaudible subliminal presentations to which music or other "foreground" programming may be added, if desired.
Still further objects and advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the ensuing description and drawings.
In the drawings, the first digit of each component number also refers to the figure number where that component can be located.
FIG. 1 represents the block diagram of a suitable system which will generate a frequency modulated (FM) signal at 14,500 Hz.
FIG. 2 represents an approximation of the frequency response curve of the human ear and the signal decoding process.
FIG. 3 represents the block diagram of a suitable system which will generate a single sideband, suppressed carrier, amplitude modulated (AM) signal at 14,500 Hz.
11 microphone or other
14 low distortion
audio input signal
audio oscillator
12 audio preamplifier
15 high pass or band
if required pass audio filter
13 frequency modulation
16 output to tape
circuit recorder or other device
21 point on low freq end
25 midpoint on curve
response curve between points 23 and 24
22 point on low freq end
26 speaker output of FIG. 1 to
of ear response curve
23 point on high freq end
27 demodulated subliminal
of ear response curve
audio inputted to ear
24 point on high freq end
31 microphone
of ear response curve
32 speech amplifier
33 balanced modulator
34 carrier oscillator
35 filter
(455 KHz)
36 mixer 37 heterodyne oscillator
(469.5 KHz)
38 bandpass filter
39 output signal
Please refer now to FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, which are drawings of a preferred implementation of the invention.
The principle of operation of the silent subliminal presentation system is as follows:
An audio signal in the upper frequency region of the audio spectrum (for example, 14,500 Hz) is modulated with the desired information. The type of modulation may be any type suitable for subliminal applications; frequency modulation (FM), phase modulation (PM), upper single sideband with suppressed carrier, amplitude modulation (AM), tone modulation, etc.
For broadest application, the high audio frequency selected as the carrier frequency must meet two basic criteria:
(1) be high enough in the audio spectrum that its presence to the human ear is essentially unnoticed or undetectable (without the listener being informed that the signal is actually present) and,
(2) be low enough in the audio spectrum that it (and its modulation content) can produce a useful output power from home entertainment type cassette or reel-to-reel magnetic recorders.
This would also include, of course, small portable and automobile tape decks.
Alternatively, the output of the system can be fed directly into an audio amplifier and its speaker/earphone system, Public Address system, etc.
FIG. 1 provides the block diagram of an example of a system capable of generating the desired silent frequency modulated carrier.
The modulation information is inputted into the microphone 11. Other suitable input devices may be substituted for microphone 11, such as a tape recorder or a radio. The microphone 11 is connected to the preamplifier 12 and should have provisions for adjusting its gain in order that the optimum modulation index can be set in the frequency modulator 13. The frequency modulator 13 modulates the frequency of oscillator 14 which has been adjusted for an output of 14,500 Hz as described above. The output of oscillator 14 is fed through a suitable bandpass filter 15 into the tape recorder or directly into a suitable amplifier/speaker system. It is the purpose of the bandpass filter to remove or attenuate audible products of the modulation process in order to maintain as audibly silent an output as practical.
On the receiving end, FIG. 2 represents an approximate and idealized frequency response curve of the human ear. The frequency modulated carrier (centered at 14,500 Hz), as generated above and played through a tape recorder or amplifier/speaker system, is shown on FIG. 2 as speaker output 26, impinging upon the upper slope of the ear's response curve at point 25. The frequency modulated excursions of the speaker output 26 swing between points 23 and 24 on the ear's upper response curve. Because the response curve between points 23 and 25 is relatively linear, this action results in a relatively linear demodulation of the original modulation intelligence, which is passed on subliminally to the inner ear. The amplitude of the demodulated output is not high enough to be detected by the conscious mind but is sufficient in amplitude to be detected by the subconscious mind. In the field of communications engineering design, the above demodulation process in known as slope detection and was used in early FM receiver design. In those receivers, the response curve was formed by the action of a tuned (inductive/capacitance) circuit. In our case, the response curve is formed by the natural response curve of the human ear. The same slope detection technique can be performed at the low frequency end of the human ear response curve. This region is indicated on FIG. 2 as between points 21 and 22. This region, however, has a much smaller available bandwidth and is therefore more restricted as to the amount of information that can be transmitted in an inaudible manner.
In practice, the listener adjusts the volume control of the tape recorder or amplifier to a level just below that at which the listener hears an audible sound or noise from the speaker of the tape recorder. If the recording process is properly done, a spectrum analyzer or a calibrated sound level meter will reveal a strong signal emanating from the tape recorder speaker. A calibrated sound level meter, at a distance of 1 meter (with C weighting and referenced to the standard of 0.0002 micro bar) will typically indicate a silent power output of from 60 to 70 decibels. This is equivalent to the audio power of a loud conversation, yet, in the described system, is inaudible or unnoticed by the listener.
FIG. 3 illustrates a system which generates a suitable amplitude modulated (AM) signal, instead of the frequency modulated (FM) system described above. The output is a modulated, single sideband (SSB), suppressed carrier (AM) signal at 14,500 Hz.
The block diagram represents a common scheme for generating an SSB signal and will be briefly described.
The desired subliminal information is spoken into microphone 31. This signal is amplified by speech amplifier 32 and injected into one port of balanced modulator 33. A continuous wave signal of 455 KHz is generated by carrier oscillator 34 and is injected into the second port of balanced modulator 33. The output of balanced modulator 33 is a double sideband, suppressed carrier signal at 455 KHz. This signal is fed through filter 35, causing one of the two sidebands to be removed. This signal is fed into one port of mixer 36. A continuous wave signal at a frequency of 469.5 KHz from hetrodyne oscillator 37 is fed into the other port of mixer 36, resulting in an output of the original subliminal audio information but translated 14,500 Hz higher in frequency. The bandpass filter 38 attenuates signals and noise outside of the frequencies of interest. The amplitude modulated audio output signal is shown as output 39.
Thus, as stated earlier, my invention provides a new system for subliminal presentations which is:
(a) silent,
(b) outputs a constant, high level modulated signal and,
(c) occupies a band of clear channel frequencies.
The foregoing description of the preferred embodiment of the invention has been presented for the purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. Many modifications and variations are possible in light of the above discussions. It is intended that the scope of the invention be limited not only by this detailed description, but rather by the claims appended hereto.
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