Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (148) Book 9. The Role of Nations in Realizing World Peace CHAPTER 2. God’s Plan Centered on the United States
4. Americans need to awaken to the Will of God - 1
The American people must not think that the blessings of God that have created the United States of today are only for America. They need to come to the profound realization that these blessings are for the world. They have to realize that the United States must not be a nation that exists for its own sake, but that it exists for all the world’s people. Americans must not refuse any sacrifices or crosses they are asked to bear for the salvation of the world.
Since you have learned that Israel, the Roman Empire and England received the Will of God and did not fulfill their missions, you must make the United States a nation that can fulfill the Will of God. Because it is a nation made up of people of all races, the United States is in the most advantageous position to save the world. Never before in history has there been a nation where the five races have lived together.
If not for the divine protection of God, it would already have become divided through racial war and eventually would have perished. Therefore, the fact that it has, on the contrary, been blessed and continued to thrive can be attributed to the amazing Will of God. The American people must now awaken and know the meaning of God’s blessings.
Since the United States has reached the height of its spiritual and material civilization, it can become a nation that can await the returning Lord, just as the First Israel yearned for the Messiah, as the representative nation made ready according to God’s Will. Upon receiving the Lord, it can realize the united world where the ideal of creation is achieved.
It was God who brought about the victories of the First and Second World Wars, and it was the Will of God that guided the United States to organize the United Nations. Originally, the UN was to have become the headquarters where nations of the world, centered on Christianity, could come together in solidarity. The admission of communist nations to the UN was absolutely not God’s Will.
The United States did not manage things well after winning the war. It had the responsibility to protect and supervise both the Allies that won the Second World War and the nations connected with those Allies. So if the United States had understood the Will of God, it would have boldly taken over the Soviet Union, a nation on Satan’s side.
It would have brought together the free nations of the world to join the democratic realm, thus restoring the entire world centering on God’s Will. That moment in time was a good opportunity for this to have happened.
However, at the time, the United States essentially handed over the dependent nations in Asia and Eastern Europe to the communist realm and brought about the partition of Korea and Germany.