(시청 코드는 한 ID당 1개만 지급됩니다.)
- 해당 코드의 자세한 위치 및 사용 방법은 MyMusicTaste 내 'FAQ'게시판을 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
(FAQ 주소 : https://mmt.fans/izOu)
- 각 판매처별 티켓 판매 마감 시간이 상이하오니 이 부분 확인하여 구매해주시기 바랍니다
- MD 결합 상품은 한정수량으로 조기 매진될 수 있습니다.
- MD 배송은 11월 초부터 배송 예정입니다. 배송 시작 시 트위터 @ATEEZstaff를 통해 알려드릴 예정입니다.
- 공연 특성상 식사 서포트를 포함한 화환은 별도 수령하지 않습니다. 이 점 양해 부탁드립니다.
- 티켓 예매와 관련한 문의사항은 각 예매처에 문의하시기 바랍니다.
This is KQ Entertainment.
In order to celebrate ATEEZ’s second debut anniversary, online concert ATEEZ 2ND ANNIVERSARY CONCERT <PORT OF CALL> will be held on Saturday, October 24, 2020.
Please find more information below about how to purchase fanclub tickets and early bird tickets.
*More info for general tickets will be announced on Tuesday, September 29, 2020.
- Date : At 3PM (KST) on Saturday, October 24, 2020
- Concert streaming Platform : MyMusicTaste
- Ticket purchase & details :
- MyMusicTaste / YES24
[Ticketing schedule and price]
The 1st ATEEZ Official Fanclub ATINY Members Tickets
Ticketing vendor : Only in YES24
Ticketing period : From September 29, 2020 (Tue) 15:00 to October 22, 2020 (Thursday) 11:00 (KST)
Price : LIVE + VOD - ₩35,000 won / $29.99
LIVE + VOD + MD (3 types for 1SET) - ₩50,000 won / $42.99
- The 1st ATEEZ Official Fanclub ATINY Members’ Special benefits: For ATEEZ Official Fanclub ATINY’s First Members who made reservation through YES24, we will be sending a special gift.
✔ Photo Invitation with ATEEZ's affectionate message
✔ A special ATEEZ selfie
✔ Video message with ATEEZ's thoughts
(We will announce it through the @ateezstaff account, after the benefits are sent.)
Early Bird Ticket
Ticketing vendor : MyMusicTaste / YES24 / SKIYAKI
Schedule : September 29, 2020 (Tue) 15:00 to October 5, 2020 (Monday) 14:59 (KST)
Price : LIVE + VOD - ₩35,000 won / $29.99 / ¥3200
LIVE + VOD + MD (3 types for 1SET) - ₩50,000 / $42.99 / ¥4,500
General Ticket , Ticket redeem code info
Ticketing vendor : MyMusicTaste / YES24 / SKIYAKI
Schedule and price: Detailed info to be announced on September 29 (Tue.)
[Cautions for Ticketing]
- This concert will be held online and will be streamed via MyMusicTaste.
- ATEEZ Official Fanclub ATINY First Members’ ticketing is available only on YES24.
(However, you must purchase it with the YES24 ID that you used to join the 1st ATEEZ Official Fanclub ATINY.)
- Please double-check the email address you signed up for the benefits.
(Check My Page on YES24.))
- On purchase via YES24, a redeem code will be issued to watch the online concert on MyMusicTaste
(only one redeem code per one ID).
- Please check the FAQ in MyMusicTaste for detailed instructions on how to use this code.
(You can check it after ticketing starts on September 29.)
- Ticket sales closing time differs for each vendor, so please check the closing time before the purchase.
- MD combined products can be sold out early due to the limited quantity.
- MDs are scheduled to be delivered from early November. We will notify you via Twitter @ATEEZstaff when the shipping starts
- Due to the nature of the performance, no wreaths and meal support will be received. We ask for your understanding.
- If you have any questions regarding ticketing, please contact each ticketing vendor.
- General ticket information will be announced on September 29.
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