. Online Bible Study on Tuesday 1/21
kenya Time: at noon / korea 6:00pm
India Time: 7:00 PM / korea 10:30pm
New Life Church in Seoul, Korea
Most churches today teach a mixture of the Bible and human doctrines, so church members do not realize the way to salvation.
Pastors who teach human doctrines are under the power of Satan, and following Satan's thoughts, they love money and fame more than God.
When those who have received God's blessings use them for the kingdom of God, they will receive more grace and blessings from God.
But when he receives a lot of money and power and uses it for his own flesh, he is cursed and goes to hell.
In the word of God, you must honor your parents and do good deeds.
Doing good deeds outside the word of God is ultimately to boast about yourself, and is arrogant.
We must be healthy, wealthy, and well in the words of Jesus.
Trying to be wealthy and healthy outside of Jesus is greed and the path to destruction.
Those who manage their physical strength and make their bodies beautiful outside of Jesus may suddenly lose their health.
Do not get tattoos on your body, the Lord does not like such things.
Worship the Lord. Worshiping the Lord means obeying the Lord’s words and submitting ourselves to the Lord’s will.
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
What are the vain things in the church today?
They are human doctrines, false gifts and signs, and false prophecies.
False gifts and prophecies confuse many churches and believers.
Those who cannot discern spirits cannot discern truth from lies.
False prophets perform many miracles and signs with the power of Satan.
There is a gift of abnormal laughter given by Satan. These people laugh continuously for no reason.
They laugh at home, on the street, on buses and at work, and for no reason.
Those who belong to Satan call this painful and strange laughter the holy laughter of the Holy Spirit.
Many pastors and church members are caught up in these false gifts of Satan.
Isaiah 43:8
Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf.
Pastors who are spiritually blind cannot lead anyone to heaven. They are like those who walk along a path without knowing their destination.
An insect uses its antennae to discern its path, but pastors whose spiritual eyes are dark do not know the way to salvation.
Pastors who teach human doctrines preach to their congregations that they have already been saved. However, the Lord says that those who obey to the end will be saved.
Such pastors are immersed in money, fame, and worldly pleasures, and are not interested in saving souls.
Some pastors think that the people God has entrusted to them are their property. No, all the people belong to Jesus.
It was not the pastor who shed the blood of atonement for mankind, but Jesus.
Jehovah Almighty came to the world, the Word came in the flesh, and that God is Jesus (John 1:14).
When we preach that Jehovah came as Jesus, those who do not understand the Bible treat us as heretics.
There is no doctrine of the Trinity in the Bible.
Jesus said to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which means that one God has three roles.
Jesus said that anyone who has seen me has seen God the Father.
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18-21). The Holy Spirit is Jehovah, and Jehovah came as Jesus.
Jehovah God is the Word. The Word came to the world in the flesh.
However, many people do not understand this Word and cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood.
When they speak Greek and Hebrew, people say that their preaching is right.
Those who are intellectual love and accept human knowledge. There is no salvation in human knowledge, but there is salvation in the Word of God.
The people of God must eat the Holy Spirit to live. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). The Spirit of God is life.
Jesus was destined to come to this earth, and those who are in Jesus were destined to be saved (Eph 1:4,5).
The Jews who believed in Jehovah and were saved in the Old Testament must now believe in Jesus to be saved. All those who do not believe in Jesus will go to hell.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.(Gal 3:28).
Only the name of Jesus is the greatest in heaven and on earth and in all places.
Acts 4:12, Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
However, many churches today are putting aside the name of Jesus and exalting Augustine, Calvin, and Luther, or following the doctrine of Catholicism.
Do not follow the words of famous theologians, pastors, or philosophers, but follow the complete word of salvation. The word of salvation is in the Bible.
What value is there in the words of famous philosophers that do not fit the Bible?
Science is the basic principle of God's creation. When God wants, God works beyond science. God's power is not limited to science, but also works outside of science.
Even if you know all the knowledge in the world, if you do not know God, you cannot find the path to life.
Even if you have all the knowledge and power in the world, if you do not believe in the word of God, such a person is very foolish.
Everything is recorded in the Bible. God created the heavens and the earth, Jesus saved mankind, heaven and hell are in which.
When Jesus comes again to this world, those who have believed in Jesus well will be lifted up into the air, see the Lord, and enter heaven to live forever.
However, those who cannot go to heaven will be thrown into eternal hell. This world and the universe will turn into hell and burn those who do not repent forever.
By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.(2 Peter 3:7).
During the flood of Noah, the world was judged and destroyed by and flood (Genesis 7:11),
but when the Lord comes again, all mankind will be destroyed by fire.
Almighty God created all things and rules according to His will.
The Lord also created heaven and hell and rules them.
Those who obey and repent are sent to heaven to live happily forever. However, those who disobey and do not repent are thrown into hell and punished forever.
Many Christians today have turned away from Jesus and are living according to the ways of the world.
No one keeps God's will completely, everyone is lacking, but those who strive to obey and repent of their sins will be forgiven and go to heaven.
We witness many cases where people believed in Jesus for a long time, but later gave up on a life of repentance and obedience, and so they go to hell.
These people went to hell because they accepted human doctrines, abandoned the Word of God, and lived a life of false faith.
Among those who believed in God and prayed with us, there are those who followed gifts, money, fame, and worldly pleasures and were abandoned by the Lord.
All the gifts, power, money, and fame given to us should be used to spread the word of Jesus.
All the things given to us have value when they are used for Jesus.
However, the money and fame given by the Lord are rarely used for Jesus, and many people use them for themselves.
Don't try to use it for yourself, use it for the name of Jesus, and the Lord will continue to pour out His grace upon you.
God’s people do not really believe that the Lord’s words will come true.
That is why they hate, envy, fight, and cannot forgive each other, and they become enemies of each other.
God tells us not to fight, yet many church members fight at home, fight on the streets, and hate and fight at work.
They do not try to understand each other’s circumstances, but only look after their own pride and benefit.
True peace is achieved when we lower our pride and yield our own benefit to others.
Everyone lives in this world for a short time. We must live according to the Lord’s words, receive the Lord’s grace and protection, and enter heaven when we leave this world.
Romans 6:12-13
Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness,
but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.
The word of God was given to pastors and believers, and this word is the sword that defeats Satan.
Hebrews 4:12, For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Human words have no power, but the word of God has infinite power.
Therefore, pastors must use the sword of the word of God to defeat Satan and save souls from sin.
The reason soldiers must have weapons is to defeat the enemy and protect the lives of the people.
Just as soldiers cannot fight the enemy if they throw away their weapons, pastors cannot defeat the devil and protect the believers if they throw away the word of God.
Human doctrines have no power of salvation at all. The sword of God's word and the sword of human words are incomparable.
All humans die because of their own sins, and the blood of a sinner cannot forgive the sins of another sinner, nor can it save them.
Jehovah came to this earth to shed his blood to forgive the sins of mankind.
Jesus died as a lamb of atonement (John 1:29) and came as a priest for mankind (Hebrews 6:20),
Because Jesus died on the cross, he became a peace offering and a sin offering.
As a result, the way to heaven was opened wide for all mankind (Hebrews 10:20).
So, anyone who believes in Jesus and repents will enter heaven.
Like in the Old Testament, there is no need for a lamb sacrifice or human priests now, but only those who believe in Jesus and repent will be saved.
Jesus himself became the eternal sacrifice and priest (Hebrews 6:20).
In the Old Testament, human priests had a weakness: they could not continue to serve as priests because all humans die.
(for kenya)
(for India)