귀순병, 기생충, 숙주, JSA, MDL, DMZ, NLL
Defector's Condition Indicates Serious Health Issues in North Korea

Parasitic worms found in a North Korean soldier, critically injured during a desperate defection, highlight nutrition and hygiene problems that experts say have plagued the isolated country for decades.
At a briefing Wednesday, lead surgeon Lee Cook-jong displayed photos showing dozens of flesh-colored parasites, including one 27 cm (10.6 in) long, removed from the wounded soldier’s digestive tract during a series of surgeries to save his life.
※ Parasite(기생충(寄生蟲), 식객(食客)) vs. Host(주인(主人), 숙주(宿主))
※ JSA(the Joint Security Area: 공동경비구역)
※ MDL(the Military Demarcation Line: 군사분계선)
※ DMZ(the Demilitarized Zone: 비무장지대)
※ NLL(the Northern Limit Line: 북방한계선)
※ 전통문법: 삽입구문/ 생성문법: successive cyclicity-
『김박사 영문법 길들이기: 핵심정리』- p. 653 cf: SPEC of CP
