When the Bible rejects me, I need the wisdom to stop there, catch my soul's breath, and start again.
You must check whether you are united with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as a substitute and are moved by the Holy Spirit.
In the early days of studying Romans, the word of truth is not well accepted, but if you continue to listen to and accept the word, you will ride the same flow as the Bible like water flows.
From then on, the Bible guarantees me and leads me.
The whole world seems at ease.
The most important core of Romans is chapter 8, especially verse 6.
“for to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
Christianity has the principle of changing human thoughts.
Is it Christianity because it teaches Christ or is it Jesus?
Since it is a historical fact to believe in Jesus who came in the flesh, rationality is sufficient.
Only the Holy Spirit teaches and reminds us of the truth, and supplies the life of the Lord to our spirit so that we can change our mind to the spirit.
So, he is the Spirit of life. If the Holy Spirit is with the truth, it is the Spirit of truth, and if the work of life takes place according to the truth, it is the Spirit of life.
The Holy Spirit works first, so that we may hear and believe in Jesus Christ, and is with us, died as Jesus, becoming Christ, becoming our Savior in us, and giving salvation. So let us know that he is working through the word that saves, he indwells us so that we can live by the Spirit of the Lord who saves us.
Romans is divided into three parts: 1-8, 9-11, and after 12.
Chapters 1-8 are about personal salvation.
It is the completion of personal salvation.
To classify the contents, the first is why do humans need to be saved?
Second, how do we get to salvation? It explains the process.
Third, it states what the result of salvation is.
Therefore, no matter who you are, at least in order to preach the gospel, you must achieve the salvation of Romans 1 to 8 to become a powerful evangelist.
No, the ability to appear is second, and there is boldness about the gospel.
Because we have confidence that it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
This process in Romans 1-8 is like a formula that should be applied equally to anyone who needs salvation.
No matter how much grace you receive, you will eventually encounter limitations, so if you are a child of God, you must acquire this principle.
No matter how loudly you shout about the gospel, if you use this standard, your bottom line will soon be revealed.
Therefore, it is a great blessing to learn Romans, John's Gospel, and Hebrews in their entirety as principles and keep them in your mind like pictures.
This is because the faith that is unstable and easily shaken is not the salvation that Romans acknowledges, but it is one's own way of salvation that was made by collecting it from here and there.
One of the most common is topical bible study.
To explain the subject, a Bible verse with a completely different meaning is summoned and sacrificed.
There are many Bible quotations that the Holy Spirit does not agree with in bible study by topic.
When we read the Bible or listen to the Word, there are words that are easily accepted and words that are difficult to accept.
The Word that is easily accepted means that my spiritual state has already reached that point, and the reason why the Word cannot be accepted is that it is not in that state.
At this time, if you just listen to the Word and wait, you will gradually begin to hear and see it.
When I was explaining Romans in 1997, I did not know the difference between the floors as if I was looking at a building with 5 paragraphs in Romans 8, but I preached only with the confidence given by the Holy Spirit.
But now, the content of Romans 8:1-39 has become clearer.
In order to do that, I have been repeating the process in my head from time to time, from Romans 1 to 8, 9-11 and 12 onwards, like a picture, for nearly 30 years.
There will come a time when you will be accepted if you constantly listen to God's Word.
You have to be patient and wait for that time. There is nothing under the sun without patience.
You shouldn't pretend to know in a halfway state.
Even if the words of Romans are not accepted, the truth may be accepted as it is realized when reading other Bibles such as John's Gospel or Ephesians.
Therefore, patience in front of God is very important in studying the Bible.
Again, the book of Romans must be accepted as a systematic principle.
Why do we need to be saved? It is, of course, the question of original sin.
We are saved by participating by believing in the fact that we are united in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross as a substitute.
Then what is the result of being saved?
It is the upward trajectory of salvation unfolding in Romans 8.
Among God's wishes, there are absolute and relative wishes. The absolute wish is to receive God's life and be born again as a child of God, and the relative wish is for His children to grow closer and closer to God's throne.
This is the secret of reaching the perfection of salvation that the book of Hebrews solves.
Even as children of the same God, there is a difference in glory according to the distance from the throne.
Therefore, the christian must always measure how close he is to the throne of grace.
Like David, we live with the Lord always before us (Psalm 16:8).
Through the book of Romans, those who have received salvation from the place of no condemnation in Christ to the freedom to the glory of the sons of God as heirs of God are sanctified with Christ and through His glory come to glory.
Because of this, God works for the good of christians through good luck or misfortune in every journey of life, they are conformed to the image of his Son. (Rom 8:28-29)
Therefore, because of the salvation of Romans, life will never be boring, and it will be a happy journey that is renewed every day.
Written by Ptr. Yohan Kim.
Translated by Nancy Chung