God initiated and drove the movement of reform and openness. After reforming and opening the periods of history, all the ideologies and world views of the world, and religions, God will unite them with one heart which never existed in the human world before. God is working to abolish the world of illicit relationships, because the humanity today is the result of the fallen relationship.
Therefore, in the last days, my parents, my children, that is, the parent-child relationship, will become my enemies just as Jesus advocated in the past. He also said, your husband and wife, your family itself will become your enemy. Look at the situation of our society today from the viewpoint of the family as the unit. The parent-child relationship is breaking down. Isn't it so? Parents killing their children, a child killing the parent, and the fidelity of the conjugal relationship breaking down. The fundamental family relationship itself is breaking down. Ethics and morality which humanity advocated are breaking down. Religious doctrines are breaking down. Consequently, we are arriving at an age when we no longer can recognize which is which. Everything is shaken.
In this chaotic situation where most people are confused, depressed and lamenting, a people who pray "Father, please hasten the coming of that age," should come forward among the thirty million people of this nation. Heavenly sons and daughters who pray likewise should come forward.
The declared words of Jesus are being realized automatically in its external form. Why did Jesus speak these words? Because it is the history which is bound to pass by and it is the illicit emotional foundation which is bound to fade away. For these reasons, Jesus said, "I am the son of God." He was the son of God who came with heavenly heart and love, not with the human heart and love. He said that he is the bridegroom representing the heavenly heart and love and the believers are his bride. Representing heavenly heart and love, he called the believers "the brothers and sisters." He said it all.
What then should all of humanity feel at this age of the last days? God has reformed and opened history, the religions, and even our family foundation by waging the movement of reform. We should now look for the one standard that can unify all this.
God gave the blessing of dominating all things to the humanity. He promised that all the things He created would be in the domain of human subjugation. For that reason, the world is moving toward the global formation that humanity can dominate. This is happening externally.
We said we will restore God's will. Restoration does not start from God, but from an individual. We then should restore our brothers and sisters and our parents in the family level restoration.
The time has come for you to long for yourself to be able to represent Jesus, to be able to connect the words of Jesus with your heart. Your self is the problem. No matter how many people are here, the one whom God loves the most cannot be two persons. Two people cannot rule the world of heart and love. The problem is the one person, who can represent God's ideology and the world view, and the people, who can represent today's Christianity, the changing social history, and everything of history, the age, and religion. God has been resolving everything that is scattered all over, and He needs to set one center there.
Just as Jesus came with the representative mission to resolve the scattered four-thousand-year history, the Lord of the Second Advent comes to resolve everything of the six-thousand-year history. What ideology or world view would he bring? He brings the ideology of heart. Historically, there was the age of truth before the age of ideology. It meant that society was guided by a certain philosophical foundation or standard of knowledge. Through that process, humanity has arrived at the age of ideology today. When things change upon the philosophical foundation, they are criticized in the realm of ideology.
When the age of ideology passes away, the final age, which humanity demands, is the age of heart. It is the age of heart which is connected to the heavenly heart and love, not that of the human heart. We need to think about that age. No matter how great a problem-solver anyone may claim to be, history will be resolved only when such an age comes.
If the time of the global last day is indeed coming, Christianity out of all the world level religions saw that reality through most accurately. What then is the heartistic foundation of Christianity? It is the ideology that establishes the horizontal bridegroom and bride relationship, which pronounces that "I am your bridegroom and you are my bride." It is the ideology that enabled the relationship of father and son, which pronounced God as "my Father" and I as "His son." It is the ideology that can connect all people of the world in brotherhood, which pronounced all people as "my brother." It is not the ideology in the realm of thought, but is the ideology of heart which transcends the conscience. That age is the age of the cosmic ideology which can connect with the heavenly heart and love.
God destroys everything that is false to find one thing which is untainted and perfect. Just as a new revolution emerges out of corruption, the world will become internally unified out of division. We should understand these principles. Such a world will surely come; that world is coming as a whole and as an individual. The problem is not in the whole, but in the individual. Therefore, the concept that respects the individual is the problem. Where are you now? God will ask what ideology, what religion, what historical trend, and what situation do you have?
You should become a person who can reply "Oh, Father, I came not to bring peace but to bring the sword," just as Jesus did toward the chosen people of Israel, and who can say with confidence and courage, "Love God more than anyone else," just as Jesus did. You should become a person who fulfills that responsibility.
Therefore, we should liberate everything. We should liberate history, religion, and the world of heart. We should have a new ideology, instead of past ideologies and world views; have a new power of life, instead of the one we had in our past life environment; and have a new heart that can enjoy our new ideology and the new power of life.
Jesus was not welcomed in his time for he came to the fallen world. He did not have any friend or comrade. He was persecuted in his time and died on the cross in utter loneliness. He came representing God; but before he came to the enemy Satan's world, he was the enemy of the world. Can the enemy be welcomed? It would be a lie.
If a certain representative in the democratic society who opposes that society appears, if someone in the communist society appears with an ideology that opposes that society, if someone in Christian society appears with an ideology that may be opposed by Christian doctrine, and if someone brings a certain ideology of the world of heart, then all people would be drawn to take interest. We should know that such a time has come.
The thing that can resolve history, the present age, and the future is not the existing world form. It has got to be a new form which opposes the established one, a content which can transcend our conscience and connect with the heart, and a content which can transcend human morality and connect with the heavenly law. It is not existing logic which defends the existing point of view. It has got to be an ideology which contains a new logical content that can unite and harmonize the existing logical arguments. If such words, such an ideology is introduced to the millions of conscientious people, it could change the direction of their conscience 180 degrees and cause a revolution in their minds.
That ideology would not stop at bringing a revolution in conscience, but it could bring the heavenly heart and love that will pierce our mind and cause the heartistic relationship that will not break for eternity. If that ideology appears, then it is the last age.
Jesus taught "I am your bridegroom and you are my bride" to teach the ignorant people these things. The bridegroom and bride which Jesus talked about are the relationships that transcend the mundane concept of a loving relationship between a man and a woman. You should understand that history moves toward a new world through the new door, only from the position where the direction of the conscience and the action of the heart may move toward God. The work of God will be completed only if the openness is progressed to that extent.
In the process of human history, the revolution does not exist in the heartistic matter. However, Jesus asserted two thousand years ago that "he who loves parents or children more than me is not worthy of me." It is an amazing statement.
Jesus said "love him more than anyone." What is that content? That content was not found, for Jesus was killed. Therefore, we should realize that when we desire to find that content, that is the time of our hope and the time of the Second Coming. The words were given, but the content or the ideology which can connect with the heart of those words did not appear. When that appears, it will be the day of world peace.
The center of our mind is our conscience. God, however, cannot subjugate the person with the conscience. God cannot command you to go here or go there, even if you are a good person of conscience. However, if you make a heartistic loving relationship with God, then He can command you without restriction.
Humankind did not lose the conscience by the fall. Not being able to make the heartistic loving relationship with God was the fall. Therefore, we must go beyond our conscience and make the heartistic loving relationship with God. Only then will God's aching pain and resentment disappear and the restorational dispensation end. Only by emergence of that standard, can humanity represent God. Only when that ideology, world view, and teaching of religion are practiced, can God move freely upon the realm of all things.
We, therefore, must drive out the denominational conflict in and between religions. There were numerous religions before the advent of the Unification Church. We must peel off the denominational mask and eliminate the formal church. God is longing for the family church and the individual church. God is longing to move about freely, even to the realm of all things, by them becoming the temple of goodness and the holy of the holies. God is hoping for that kind of garden.
The fall was the loss of the relationship that was created out of the unity between the human heart and God's heart; therefore, trying to re-establish that relationship is God's restorational dispensation and the standard of human hope. For that reason, Jesus who came as the representative of that dispensation and that hope called himself "the bridegroom" and us "the bride." What should we do to cross over to that state? We must have the direct experience of emotion, shock, admiration, and the heart of yearning, centering on God, that transcends that of the bridegroom and bride. Without that, we cannot go forward.
What is God about to show to humanity, whom He liberated and opened thus far? History until now was filled with the word "human love." God's dispensation of restoration is the breaking of that and refilling that space with the word called "God's love."
Is there anyone who experienced God's love? If there are people among you who experienced God's love in its mysterious state, you would have felt that loving feeling is the comprehensive and unifying emotion of the whole existential world. Human love is not such a love; however, at that moment when you feel God's love, you can feel that comprehensive and unifying emotion of the whole existential world. God's love holds such value.
Therefore, the state of God's love can be described as the state where the individual and the whole are completely connected. The spiritual world is the supernatural world of recognition based upon such a love. Therefore, that world is not limited by time and space.
Just as all things admire the sunlight and move according to the sun, all people will bow their heads if someone appears, who possesses the foundation of God's heart and love, which the human original nature desires. That time must surely come.
Jesus came to present such conditions; he, however, could not bring out the standard of such a heartistic and loving relationship because he was killed. This is the lamentation of God and the aching pain and resentment of God for six thousand years and of Jesus for two thousand years. We should realize that God persevered through the six thousand years of dispensational history to see the day when his pain and resentment are comforted and liberated.
When the time demands this and God's will to unify the movement of reform and openness exists, we should pray, "Oh, God! Where is Your love? Where are Your loving denomination, Your loving servant, Your loving sons and daughters?" If that person exists, he would be the one most persecuted by this world. God said He is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end will come with the same appearance, although there may be a difference in its size.
A true human being, who can feel the sorrow God felt when He lost Adam and Eve, must come. He is the representative of God. He should be the owner of heart who can embrace the sorrowful God, who cried for all people throughout the historical course and for the chosen people of Israel, and cry for God in place of history. The people who felt God's heart as their own, who prayed sorrowfully to God when they saw humanity lost and confused in the realm of death, and who struggled without concern for their dignity when they saw the flock of true sheep being trampled upon, were not welcomed in their time.
In the age of the last days, no matter how desperate the heart is to connect with God's heart, it cannot connect all at once, just as is God's work often. We have to think of what kind of process took place when humankind lost that heart. We lost God's words and lost our body, which God created, by not keeping God's words. We lost God's love after losing our body. We, therefore, must go through the process of restoration.
Today, we need the words that can penetrate into our mind and body, into our original nature, into our original emotion, even into our heart which is hidden deeply in our conscience, and move us for all eternity. We need the words that have the internal power to influence our conscience and our heart to make us yearn for God's love. We need the words that can instantly break down any ideology, any world view, any conceptual understanding of the past, and make us determine to do God's work by generating a new heart. Religions of today, especially Christianity, should do this work. This is the work that Jesus will do by coming again.
#We need the words that can make us attach to God's eternal words for eternity. We, therefore, should become the substantiation that harmonizes with those words. With respect to our lifestyle and our heartistic standard, we can build the character of which God will be happy, when we make relationship only with God's eternal world and not with the satanic world. Wouldn't God love us then? Do you think God will love what is not good?
Jesus spoke of the bridegroom and the bride. Those words were external, like a letter. Religion until now was the religion of conscience. It was not the religion of the heart. It set the heartistic target, yet did not have the heartistic content. Therefore, his words were a form of conscience and a letter of a promise. Thus, we need to find the words of heart by which we can relate to the content of that letter. We need to look for the words of heart in which I can be eternally intoxicated, for which I long, with which I can rejoice, with which I can love, and with which I can live together. Next, we should become the substantiation of our Father's words. We should become the substantiation which God will not deny and which Jesus will recognize as his bride. Only then, can we become the heavenly person.
From now on you should not say that you do not know the Bible which you believe in very well; that you do not know who is really Jesus; that you know him only by words, but not heartistically; and that you know Jesus conceptually, but not experientially. If you are like this, you have nothing to do with Jesus.
It was said that now is the time "to find," "to seek," and "to knock." We visited the fancy brick houses and great doors and looked for tens of years, yet we did not find anything. We should, therefore, look in the opposite direction. God is pushing us from behind. God is bringing the good people and driving them into the evil world. We should know that God's new dispensation starts from the people who are persecuted. That does not necessarily mean that such people are the Unification Church members. The people who came here for the first time may think, "Oh, look at this Unification Church. How could they do this." but think as you will.
In this world, this period of last days, a certain ideology or world view, which communism and democracy both oppose, should appear in the future. It must come. When a ideology or world view, which communism and democracy want to drive out in their concerted effort and which all kinds of denominations, so and so Presbyterian church, the Methodist church, the Holiness church, forty-odd denominations, want to drive out, should appear; only then will a new history begin.
If such an ideology or world view appears, then the feeling of wanting to go there, to be there, and to live there would spring in your mind. The place where the feelings of wanting to see, to move, to speak, and to live emerges would be the final destination point of human history. A person of character who opens everything that was tangled, who unifies everything again, and connects everything to one heart, one ideology, and one life, should appear. An ideology or world view that can harmonize the whole cosmos should appear. Only then will God's total will, which worked to open everything, be resolved. God can then rest. All people can rest because God is resting. History can find the stabilizing point and start a new age.
Father, we now understand that Your historical course was the course of disentanglement. We know that in our body and our mind, there are desires for food, sex, material and sleep. When we think how much You struggled in the historical course to work with the people who have these desires, we realize that we are indeed the unforgivable sinners. Please forgive us.
We understand that countless satans work to entangle, even as You untangle, the historical course. It was described as the history of disentanglement; however, from the opposite world the work of entanglement is continuing to block and prevent progress toward a new place.
We stand in the crossroads between the history of sorrow for entanglement and the history of joy for disentanglement. We are in the realm of lamentation for our body longs for the entanglement and our mind longs for the disentanglement. We are looking at the final destination of the sorrowful history where our mind should strike our body and bring the joyful time of mind subjugating over body. Please make us never forget that we are in such a situation. Please make us never forget that we are in the realm of heavenly fortune, and in the process of restorational providence where we can liberate God's heart.
Oh, loving Father! You have suffered too long. How much have You toiled to weave us, centering on one ideology? How much have You worked to move the people of this nation by foretelling one ideology? As You established this externally, You established religion internally to connect with the standard of living goodness behind history. How many people have You sacrificed in the process of moving religion? As we hear and understand how much You have suffered and how many people You have sacrificed internally and externally, we cannot lift our heads and can feel only gratitude.
Father, we, the sinners, realize that You, the Original Substant-iation itself, have pioneered resentful history. We are truly embarrassed to ask for Your forgiveness. Being ignorant of these circumstances, we have so often betrayed You and so often tied the knot You wished to untangle. We are bound to repeat the same mistakes today and tomorrow. Father, please forgive us.
To what do you wish the minds of Your sons and daughters, who are gathered here, to be tied? To what do you wish their body to be tied? Among the people who do not know You, some want to tie themselves to an ideology or world view, or want their conscience and body to be tied to human morality and ethics. In their original nature, however, they can realize that they are in the miserable environment where they cannot stand in front of You.
There are many within humanity who feel the heart of anxiety, insecurity and misery in the face of their future course; yet there is no one who can stop it. Father, who will take the responsibility for humanity who cannot rejoice with history, the age, and the ideology, who struggles without knowing the principle of life, the direction of life, the course of life, and the purpose of life?
Father, please call true young people and present them in front of the thirty million people. We now understand the preciousness of being persecuted. We know that the blood stains of history remain in Your hands of dispensation, which drove us to a peculiar course, and in Your hands of suffering. We, therefore, must go through the position of historical sorrow and must go beyond the historical valley of death. We know that it is the time for us to fulfill the words Jesus spoke to us: "He that takes not his cross and follows me, is not worthy of me." "He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it."
Father! Today, we are walking the path which others avoid. Receiving the persecution and blows and overcoming numerous walls that block us, we kneel in front of You. If we have the relationship with the heavenly heart which knows how to hold the sorrowful heart and situation, please make us nurture the respectful and caring mind for each other through that relationship, so it will become the greatest heavenly relationship which is too big for this world to hold. We know that relationship should be the first that this world has ever seen.
We should untangle each other. The principle of restoration is to untangle wherever the tangled knot exists. Jesus became the person worthy of building the garden of thaw which untangles the enemy world, for he tried to untangle the enemy relationship when he could have shown the heart of resentment toward his enemy.
We know that You rejoiced over this and You established Jesus in the position of resurrection. Even if we receive rejection from the people of this nation and even if they turn into our enemies, please prevent us from hating those people. Father, we sincerely ask You to make us the leader of heavenly life, the sovereign of the life, and the owner of the heavenly heart, who do not have resentment toward the world, even if the world opposes us and who can transcend the heart of the enemy to leave behind only the open-minded heavenly heart.
Please make Your children who are gathered here today have the heart that seeks the standard of the historical thawing of resentment, instead of feeling the historical sorrow. Please make them sing the glorious grace, the glorious life, the glorious ideology, the glorious love, and the value of whole cosmos. Please make them respect their individuality which represents God in the world of ideology.
I sincerely ask You to enable Your children to proudly show their glorious value, their absolute value in sight of all things and Satan. I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.