호주 정부는 결과적으로 '대규모 뇌물부패 고위공무원의 자산을 거꾸로 지키는 중대한 범죄'를 저지르고 있다
2024년2월 호주정부가 출자한 은행장의 뇌물부패사건을 나는 최초로 신고했고 이와 관련한 민사재판에서 2024년 6월에 승소하였다.
외국인이라서 승소금의 10분의 1을 호주정부가 예탁하게 하여 이를 완료한 2024년11월초에 나의 승소한 재판종결 절차에 관한 비용을 The banking supervision bureau 등에 물었다. 그래서 그들로부터 명확한 답변을 받고 다음과 같이 납부하였다.
① The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$23,600 for handling the case (Payable on November 22, 2024)
② The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$25,860 for closing the case (Payable on November 22, 2024)
③ US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau (Payable on November 22, 2024)
그런데 호주 정부가 뇌물부패사건의 피의자인 자국 고위공무원 은행장의 환율 차이를 원고인 내가 물어주게 하는 조치를 함에 따라, 그 돈을 내가 마련한다고 한 달 동안 노력했고 다음과 같이 납부하였다.
④ The trial plaintiff paid the trial defendant the exchange rate difference of 258,633 USD. (Paid at 24th Dec 2024)
⑤ The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$12,800 for an execution fee (Payable on December 24, 2024)
그런데 이번에는 호주 정부가 국제법에 반하는 Double jeopardy를 전혀 다른 이 재판과 위법으로 연관시키며 승소한 재판원고인 나에게 또 다시 돈을 요구하여, 내가 서호주 법무장관에게 이게 마지막 비용이냐고 (대리인을 통하여) 찾아가서 물었다.
그러자 Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley는 적반하장격으로 여기에 2가지 추가 비용을 얹어서 'This is absolutely final fees'라고 정부문서로 25년1월6일에 약속하였다.
그래서 내 목숨을 담보로 돈을 구하여 다음과 같이 내었는데, 이 때 서호주 법무장관은 이 3가지 비용 외에 비용 하나를 더 요구하는 '반인륜적 행위'를 하였으나 참고 나는 비용을 다음과 같이 지불했다.
⑥ the freezing procedure fee of US$ 189,823 of the Banking Supervision Bureau (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑦ the General Administration of Finance remitted US$ 38,960 to Stamp charge (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑧ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 12,800 US dollars for an execution fee, again (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑨ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 5,780 US dollars for a certificate fee (paid on 17 January 2025)
그런데 돈 받고 몇 일 지나지 않아 는 이 전 문서 약속을 지키지 않고, 이미 24년11월에 낸 송금료를 거액으로 뻥튀기하여 이중청구하였고 기한 내에 내지않으면 거액의 지체료가 발생되고 24년2월20일자로 나의 모든 권리를 박탈하겠다고 조폭처럼 갑자기 위협하며 강행했다.
재판원고가 승소자임에도 호주 법무부의 권력 만행 앞에는 약자인 처지이라 어쩔 수 없이, 24년 2월 20일 결국 다음과 같이 돈을 내었다.
⑩ pay the late payment fee of 108,570 dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑪ pay an extension fee of 53,800 US dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑫ US$ 62,630 has been included in the reduction of handling fee ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
문제는 전혀 돈이 없는 거지가 된 내가 지난주 낸 62,630USD 송금료만큼만 보상금을 받고 나머지를 포기하겠다고, 어제 Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley에 애걸하였으나, 그는 (자신의 공권력 만행과 잘못에 대한 반성은 0.1%도 없이) 나의 모든 권리를 박탈하겠다는 말만 되풀이했다.
만약 그렇게 되면, 결과적으로 2024년2월 호주정부가 출자한 은행장의 뇌물부패사건의 천문학적인 범죄자산을 거꾸로 호주 정부가 지켜주는 이중범죄를 저지르게 되는 것이다.
더구나 나는 이 범죄자금 중 일부인 18m USD를 호주 국고에 귀속시킨 공헌자이다. 호주 정부는 그 돈도 벌고, 그동안 내가 낸 막대한 수수료도 다 쳐먹고, 더 나아가 다음과 같은 국가 범죄자가 되는 것이다.
호주 정부는 결과적으로 '대규모 뇌물부패 고위공무원의 자산을 거꾸로 지키는 중대한 범죄'를 저지르고 있다.
지난주 수요일 현지 나의 대리인은 내기 전에 '금융부패방지총국'을 방문하여 상담하였고 이번에 보상금을 지급하지 않으면 강제할 수 있다는 답변을 받고 지난주 목요일 다시 추가로 그 내역을 신고했습니다.
어제 오후 금융 부패 방지 총국으로부터 이와 관련한 서호주 법무부와 은행감독국에 대한 소환장이 발부되었습니다. 부패 방지국은 법무부와 은행 감독국의 고발은 금융 관리 규정법에 따라 시행되었으며 추가 비용이 없다고 말했습니다. 앞으로 남은 수수료를 지불하고 규정된 기간 내에 보상을 받지 못하면 부패 방지국이 금융 부패 방지 조치를 취할 것이라고 통지되었습니다.
그런데 문제는 선의의 재판승소자이자 재판원고인 제가 3차례 이상 Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley와 The banking supervision bureau의 군화발에 연속적으로 짓밟히며, 파산했다는 점입니다.
국가 범죄자인 호주 정부의 만행에 대해 이야기합니다.
The Auz government is committing 'a serious crime of large-scale bribery and corruption and protecting the criminal assets of high-ranking public officials.'
As a result, the Australian government is committing 'a serious crime of large-scale bribery and corruption and protecting the assets of high-ranking public officials.'
In February 2024, I was the first to report the bribery corruption case of the president of a bank invested by the Australian government and won the related civil trial in June 2024.
Since I am a foreigner, I had the Australian government deposit 1/10th of the winning amount, and when it was completed in early November 2024, I asked The Banking Supervision Bureau, etc. for the costs related to the procedure for concluding the trial in my favor. So, I received a clear answer from them and paid as follows.
① The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$23,600 for handling the case (Payable on November 22, 2024)
② The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$25,860 for closing the case (Payable on November 22, 2024)
③ US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau (Payable on November 22, 2024)
However, as the Australian government took measures to require me, the plaintiff, to pay for the exchange rate difference between the bank president, a high-ranking government official in the country who was a suspect in a bribery and corruption case, I tried to raise the money for a month and paid it as follows.
④ The trial plaintiff paid the trial defendant the exchange rate difference of 258,633 USD. (Paid at 24th Dec 2024)
⑤ The Ministry of Justice needs to charge US$12,800 for an execution fee (Payable on December 24, 2024)
However, this time, the Australian government illegally linked Double Jeopardy, which is against international law, to this completely different trial and again demanded money from me, the plaintiff in the winning trial, so I went to the Attorney General of Western Australia (through my agent) and asked if this was the final cost.
Then, Western Australia's Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, added two additional fees as a red flag and promised in a government document on January 6, 2025 that 'This is absolutely final fees'.
So, I risked my life to get money and paid it as follows. At this time, the Attorney General of Western Australia committed an 'act against humanity' by demanding one more cost in addition to these three costs, but I paid the fee as follows.
⑥ the freezing procedure fee of US$ 189,823 of the Banking Supervision Bureau (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑦ the General Administration of Finance remitted US$ 38,960 to Stamp charge (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑧ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 12,800 US dollars for an execution fee, again (paid on 17 January 2025)
⑨ the Ministry of Justice needs to charge 5,780 US dollars for a certificate fee (paid on 17 January 2025)
However, just a few days after receiving the money, Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley and the banking supervision bureaus did not keep their promise in the previous document, double billed me for the remittance fee I had already paid in November 24 by exaggerating a large amount, and suddenly threatened like a gangster that if I did not pay by the deadline, a large late fee would be incurred and all my rights would be revoked as of February 20, 2024.
Even though the trial plaintiff was the winner, he was the weak one in front of the power brutality of the Australian Ministry of Justice, so he had no choice but to pay the money as follows on February 20, 2024.
⑩ pay the late payment fee of 108,570 dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑪ pay an extension fee of 53,800 US dollars ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
⑫ US$ 62,630 has been included in the reduction of handling fee ( paid on 20 Feb 2025)
The problem is that, as a beggar with no money at all, I begged the Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley yesterday that I would only receive compensation equivalent to the 62,630 USD remittance fee I paid last week and give up the rest, but he only repeated that he would deprive me of all my rights (without even 0.1% of reflection on the brutality and mistakes of his public power).
If that happens, the result will be a double crime in which the Australian government protects the astronomical criminal assets of the bank president's bribery corruption case funded by the Australian government in February 2024.
Moreover, I am a contributor to the transfer of 18m USD, a portion of these criminal funds, to the Australian treasury. The Australian government makes that money, eats up all the huge fees I have paid, and furthermore, becomes a state criminal like the following.
As a result, the Australian government is committing 'a serious crime of large-scale bribery and corruption and protecting the assets of high-ranking public officials.'
Last Wednesday, my local agent visited and consulted with the General Administration of Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau before making the bet. After receiving the reply that compensation could be forced if I did not pay it, I reported the details again last Thursday.
Yesterday afternoon, a summons was issued by the General Administration of Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau to the charges of the Attorney General and the Banking Supervision Bureau in this regard. The Anti-Corruption Bureau told me that the charges of the Ministry of Justice and the Banking Supervision Bureau were implemented in accordance with the Financial Management Regulations Law, and there was no additional charge. At the same time, it also told that if all the fees were paid and no compensation was received within the prescribed time, the Anti-Corruption Bureau would take financial anti-corruption measures.
However, the problem is that I, a good-intentioned trial winner and trial plaintiff, was trampled by the boots of Attorney General WA, Hon John Quigley, and The Banking Supervision Bureau in succession, and went bankrupt.
It talks about the atrocities of the Australian government, which is a national criminal.
The Goliath Australian government will lose a lot due to the 'victory of bribery and corruption among its own high-ranking officials'
The Goliath Auz government has a lot to lose from the victory of corruption and bribery. Justice to David Zheng! (David and Goliath 2025 Real Story)
The Australian government was unfairly subjected to public violence three times in a row, and the 'true story of trial plaintiff Zheng, who was the first to report large-scale corruption among high-ranking Australian government officials, contributing 18 million USD to the Australian government's treasury and winning a civil trial in June 2024, became a beggar' is no longer a story that is only talked about quietly in some parts of Western Australia.
As time passes, it will become known throughout Australia and Asia, and will inevitably become known in the United States and Europe as well. 'The story of corruption and bribery in the Australian government is not simple, and the problem is that the structure is still ongoing and consequently protected by the Australian government,' so it seems likely that it will develop into a fairly large issue.
The Goliath Australian government will lose a lot as a result of 'corruption and bribery committed by its own high-ranking public officials turning the first reporter in good faith into a beggar and protecting the criminal assets of bribed public officials.'
This shameful mistreatment of the Australian government can be prevented very easily at this point.
'The problem is that last November, when I asked the banking supervision bureau about the costs associated with concluding my trial, it clearly be stated US$6,000 for defreezing fees and remittance fees of the Banking Supervision Bureau. There is evidence of this conversation. (Posted on November 22, 2024)'
I Ask the Australian authorities to investigate this with the same intensity they are investigating now.
The problem is that the Goliath Australian government neither acknowledges nor investigates its own mistakes and wrongdoings, and through the hypocrisy and coercion of its large physique, it insists on unreasonable logic in order to rob the weaponless trial plaintiff of his winning survival assets and clings only to the execution of internationally shameful atrocities by public power, such as double punishment and double billing.
I even went so far as to say that I would only receive compensation within the amount of the $60,000 remittance fee paid last week and would give up the remaining compensation, so I asked the Attorney General of Western Australia to request an end to the trial. (The Attorney General of Western Australia rejected my pathetic proposal. There is evidence such as remittance fees several times in the conversation, but what the Australian government's Ministry of Justice and the banking supervision bureau have in common is that they do not admit their mistakes at all.)
I'm just sick of the lies from the disgusting Australian attorney general.
To sum up the whole situation now, ‘justice belongs to David Zheng.’
(David and Goliath) The duplicity of Auz govern resulting in large-scale bribery and corruption of high-ranking Auz government official.
(David and Goliath) The duplicity of the Auz govern, which ultimately helps high-ranking Auz govern official who is criminal in large-scale bribery cases.
The Australian government, which does not hesitate to impose double punishment on others, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence).
This duplicity of the Australian government ultimately helps high-ranking Australian government officials who are criminals in large-scale bribery cases.
The story of David and Goliath in the Bible features Goliath, who has a huge physique and is heavily armed with thick armor.
Australia, a country and a continent, is similar to Goliath in that it is huge.
And there are two more things in common.
One is that he wears thick armor in that he refuses to admit any wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence).
In other words, Perth in Western Australia is the only large city, and as such, it is 'the only entity that persistently criticizes others' without any institutions to check abuse of public power.
Second, as soon as I received a notice asking me to pay again on January 23, 2025 (just a few days after the Attorney General of Western Australia received the money as collateral for his life on January 17, believing in the promise of 'This is absolutely final fees' in a government document dated January 6, 2025), I rely solely on email to harshly point out the unfairness of it. 'I am dealing with Goliath like David in the Bible,' he said.
In Australia, a huge country, the capital and large cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are all located towards the east.
But on the other side, in Western Australia, why were so many high-ranking Australian government officials able to commit so many bribery cases?
And even though I, the victim of the high-ranking public official in the bribery case and the first reporter, am the plaintiff in the civil trial, won the trial in June 2024, I become a beggar due to the Australian government's violation of its written promise/double punishment/double billing during the trial's conclusion. Conversely, will a high-ranking Australian government official who is a criminal in a large-scale bribery case take the money back and the Australian government ultimately helps?
The key point is that 'the Australian government, which does not hesitate to punish others without even a single speck of double punishment, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence) at all.'
To put it another way, 'the Australian government, which does not hesitate to double punishment for others, does not admit its own wrongdoing (for which there is clear evidence) and is only focused on making money (even if it means helping a high-ranking Australian government official who is a criminal in a large-scale bribery case') and is giving up even the minimum of international common sense and humanity.'
The core entity is the banking supervision bureau and its helper, the Australian Attorney General, who arbitrarily control the finances without principle.
Among the Goliath territory of the huge country of Australia, let's take a look at what kind of 'criminal violence by the Australian government, which is extremely contrary to international common sense, continues three times in a row' in Western Australia.
And let's take a look at whether 'I, the informant of the bribery case of the highest-ranking public official in Australia, which brought 18 million won in treasury income to the Australian government', has been fighting like David, relying only on email for the past month.
Now, the Attorney General of Western Australia and the Banking Supervision Bureau are requesting that the government stop assaulting public authorities by allowing high-ranking Australian public officials in large-scale bribery cases, who are ultimately criminals, to take back the money for 'Procedural reasons (self-made, ignoring international standard procedures)' and exercise 'a minimum of conscience based on international common sense' to save 'the dying David, unlike the Bible.'
The Auz government is robbing ‘public interest informant who provided 18m USD to the Auz government by reporting corruption of high-ranking Auz government officials’. (The unconscionability and duplicity of the Australian government is beyond imagination.)