최근 박판사 자작극 설이 회원간에 있어서 혹시나 싶어서 석궁관련 논문을 찾았습니다.
꽤 의미있는 사실을 알게 되어서 또 중요한 사안인것 같아서 글을 올립니다.
외국논문 19편과 국내 논문 1편입니다.
전문을 찾지 못하고 일단 초록만 검색했습니다.
대학 의학 도서관 사이트에 접속해서 crossbow, bow, arrow, injury등의 단어를 각각 또는 조합해서 검색했습니다.
제가 학교에 있지 않는 관계로 본문을 구하지 못했지만 대학에 계신 분을 통하든지 하면 도서관에서 (뜻밖에 쉽게?) 찾을 수 있을 것입니다.
저도 나름대로 방법을 찾아보겠습니다.
내용을 보면
1. 석궁 사고는 전세계적으로 굉장히 드문 경우의 손상이고 법의학자들도 잘 접하지 못하는 사고이다
2. 석궁사고의 경우 화살의 관통력때문에 운동에너지가 적어도(<100j), 속도가 낮아도 대부분 깊고(17-60cm) 중대한 손상을 가져온다. (두개골을 뚫고 사망한 사고도 몇
례 있고 가슴 배 어디 할것없이 석궁을 통한 상처는 깊고 심장이나 장기의 관통을 통한사망율이 높았다는 것입니다.) 2번,8번,7번 논문
특히 7번 논문을 보면 거리가 짧아도 두개골을 관통할 수 있다고 나옵니다.
3. 살해 당한 경우도 있지만 자살(!)한 경우도 있어서 가까운 거리에서도 충분히 살상능력이 있다.
4. 석궁사고의 경우 상처를 보면 확실히 판별이 가능하고 상처의 모양에 따라 화살 종류까지 판별이 가능하다. (3번 논문)
5. 8번 논문을 보면 제가 원했던 실험이 논문으로 나옵니다. 어느거리에서 돼지고기에 몇발을 쐈을때 어떤결과가 나오더라...(굉장히 중요한 자료일듯합니다)
6. 2번 논문을 보면 석궁은 가까운 거리면 연습없이도 희생자를 사냥(?)할 수 있고 소리가 나지 않기에 살인마에게 적절한(ideal) 무기이다.라고 나와있는데요 그래서
살인의 의도로 석궁을 들고 갔다는 자료가 될 수도 있지만 거꾸로 연습없이도 쉽게 성공할 수 있는 석궁을 들고 왜 넘어지고 자빠지고 잡히고 했을까 하는 것은 쏠 생각
이 없었다고 밖에는 볼 수 없습니다.
7. 국내 논문은 한편 밖에 찾지 못했는데요 western-style arrow를 통한 두부손상에 대한 case report입니다.
위의 논문을 통해
1. 국내엔 석궁에 대한 법의학 전문가가 없을 수 있다. (국내 법의학자의 의견보다도 외국저널이 권위 있을 수 있다는 거지요)
2. 아무리 가깝고 우발적이라도 1.5cm 상처는 불가능하다 (?)는 어떤 심증적 결론에 도달했습니다.
3. 만약 복부에 석궁을 맞고 1.5cm 상처라면 전 세계적으로 유래없는 희귀한(?) 사건으로 학회보고가 가능한 사건일 것이라는 생각이 듭니다.
4. 그렇지 않다면 - 일차로 벽면이나 지면에 맞은 화살이 튕겼다, 또는 아주 얕은 각도로 스치기만 했다라고 생각할 수 있으며 두가지 다 직접적인 상해의 의도는 없었고 우발적인 사고 였다는 점을 증명할 수 있을지 모르겠습니다.
판사를 설득할 수 있을지 모르지만 충분히 참고할 가치가 있다고 생각합니다.
부디 꼼꼼히 읽어보시고 변호사님도 확인하시고 대학도서관의 도움을 얻어 본문을 다 구할 수 있으면 초록보다 훨씬 많은 정보. 이를테면 화살의 종류에 따른 복부 상처
사진이라든지. 희생자의 사진이라든지. 석궁 및 화살의 모델이라든지. 통계자료들을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 생각됩니다.
힘드시겠지만 부탁드립니다. 수고하십시요.
1: Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2006 Sep;27(3):274-6.
Survived crossbow injuries.
Krukemeyer MG, Grellner W, Gehrke G, Koops E, Puschel K.
Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
The Hamburg University Institute of Legal Medicine presents 2 cases of injuries
of crossbow arrows where the patients survived. Crossbows are used nowadays as
sports and hunting weapons. They are freely obtainable, and since people without
practice can shoot them, there are constant injuries and fatal cases. Crossbow
arrows have a high penetration force and can even pierce bone. Depending on the
tip of the arrow used, they bore or cut through tissue, here damage to the
tissue being restricted to the direct surroundings. Due to the elasticity of the
tissue, the arrow shaft in the wound track may have the effect of an incomplete
tamponade so that major hemorrhaging is prevented. In this condition, the
injured person may be conscious and capacitated. From the medical viewpoint,
crossbow arrows should therefore be invariably left in the wound, secured
against displacement during transport, and only removed in the hospital.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 16936511 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2: Int J Legal Med. 2004 Dec;118(6):332-6. Epub 2004 Sep 4.
Crossbow homicides.
Karger B, Bratzke H, Grass H, Lasczkowski G, Lessig R, Monticelli F, Wiese J,
Zweihoff RF.
Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Munster, Rontgenstrasse 23, 48149
Munster, Germany. karger@uni-muenster.de
A total of eight cases of homicide by crossbow are reported, including six
intentional, assault-like killings and one hired killer. The bolts showed a high
penetration capacity despite the rather low kinetic energy (<100 J): a field-tip
traversed one upper arm and the thorax (36 cm) and two broadheads caused
perforating injuries of the thorax (25-26 cm). This was due to the high
sectional density and the split-like penetration mechanism. Wound morphology was
especially important if the perpetrator had extracted the bolt, which occurred
in half of the cases. The shape of the entrance wound depended on the type of
arrowhead: broadheads produced star-shaped to triangular wounds, field-tips
caused circular, oval or slit-like injuries. Foreign material from the arrowhead
was found inside two injuries. In assaults, the crossbow was used to hunt the
victim down from a short distance which does not require practice but still has
the advantage of a distance weapon. However, immediate incapacitation occurred
rarely so that additional violence was frequently applied. The noiseless
character of the weapon explains why many victims were taken by surprise and why
the corpses initially remained unnoticed. Crossbows can therefore be considered
ideal weapons for man hunting and some were bought for the very purpose of the
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 15351888 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3: Forensic Sci Int. 2004 May 28;142(1):17-23.
Fatal and non-fatal injuries caused by crossbows.
Grellner W, Buhmann D, Giese A, Gehrke G, Koops E, Puschel K.
Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Mainz, Germany.
Today in modern times, traumatic injuries caused by crossbows are a rarity. The
largest collection of cases so far is presented in this study, consisting of
four fatalities (two homicides and two suicides) and two non-fatal injuries
(grievous bodily harm and an accident). All the victims were male having an age
between 31 and 54. The weapons, which were used, were mainly high-performance
precision crossbows with telescopic sights and hunting bolts. The parts of the
body involved were the facial/head area in three of the cases and the thorax in
three of them. There were either deep or total penetration injuries to the
cranium and thorax with the bolt remaining in the wound in four out of six
cases. The persons with non-fatal crossbow injuries exhibited comparatively few
symptoms, despite the sometimes extensive involvement of the interior of the
cranium (cerebrocranial penetration, in one instance). The two cases of suicide
favoured the body areas often found with gun-users. The aetiological
classification of crossbow injuries may be difficult after the removal of the
bolt. The external morphology is strongly dependent on the type of tip used.
Multiple-bladed hunting broadheads produce radiating incised wounds, whereas
conical field tips produce circular to slitlike defects. Correspondingly, the
external injuries can be reminiscent of the effects of a violent attack by sharp
force or of a gunshot wound. The possibility, supported by clinical data, that
the victim might have the ability to act or even to survive for a period of
time, even with penetration of the brain, should be taken into account when the
cause of death is being investigated. Copyright 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 15110069 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
4: Surgery. 2003 Feb;133(2):228-9.
Suicidal crossbow bolt cardiac injury.
Preiss M, Besler K, Zerkowski HR.
Clinic for Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Basel, Kantonsspital,
Spitalstrasse 21, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 12605188 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
5: J Trauma. 2002 May;52(5):1009.
Self-inflicted crossbow injury to the head.
Franklin GA, Lukan JK.
Department of Surgery, University of Louisville, KY, USA.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 12013031 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6: Forensic Sci Int. 2000 Jul 24;112(1):59-64.
Experimental blowgun injuries, ballistic aspects of modern blowguns.
Karlssona T, Stahlingb S.
Department of Forensic Medicine in Stockholm of the National Board of Forensic
Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden.
Slender thin arrows blown through modern blowguns can cause serious injuries. In
this paper we present some data regarding the terminal ballistics of such an
arrow when blown by a young male who had no previous experience with the weapon.
The penetration depth into wood was similar to that of an arrow fired from a
pistol-crossbow. Further, the blowgun arrow could pass through more than 7 mm of
porcine bone. The velocities at a distance of 2 m from the blowgun of three
different types of arrows having weights of 1-1.6 g and diameters between 1 and
5 mm were between 22 and 32 m/s, giving an energy of 0.3 to 0.6 J. When blown
from a blowgun, these slender modern arrows can thus penetrate human skin and
even the cranial bone of a child and cause serious injury.
PMID: 10882831 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
7: Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 1999 Dec;20(4):347-53.
Crossbow suicide: mechanisms of injury and neuropathologic findings.
Byard RW, Koszyca B, James R.
Forensic Science Centre and Department of Pathology, University of Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia. byardr01@forensic.sa.gov.au
Crossbow injuries are rarely reported events in modern times. Two cases of death
due to self-inflicted crossbow injuries to the head are reported in 2 men aged
18 and 27 years, respectively. Despite relatively low velocity and concussive
force, the sharpness and propulsion force of crossbow bolts may be sufficient to
enable penetration of the skull at short range. Due to the relatively low
concussive force of the crossbow bolt, however, death may not be instantaneous
but may occur from intraparenchymal cerebral damage sometime thereafter.
Detailed neuropathologic evaluation of such cases may therefore demonstrate "red
cell" hypoxic injury, as well as axonal injury, not limited to the region of the
missile tract, but widely distributed, even to the point of extensive brain stem
involvement. These changes may result from primary mechanical deformation at the
time of injury, from secondary hypoxic damage, or from a combination of both
factors. Immunohistochemical staining of brains for amyloid precursor protein to
delineate more clearly the pattern of axonal damage may assist in determining
the extent of injury in such cases.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 10624928 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
8: J Trauma. 1998 Sep;45(3):495-501.
Experimental arrow wounds: ballistics and traumatology.
Karger B, Sudhues H, Kneubuehl BP, Brinkmann B.
Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Munster, Germany.
OBJECTIVE: To provide information on the ballistics and the wounding potential
of different arrows or bolts fired from different weapons and to investigate the
suitability of simulant media for experimental arrow wounds. METHODS: A longbow,
a compound bow, and a crossbow were used to fire a variety of modern and ancient
arrows. Fresh corpses of four adult pigs (47 shots) and blocks of gelatin and
soap (48 shots) were used as target media, and the resulting wound tracts were
examined. The range of fire was 8 m and the velocity was recorded at a distance
of 3 m (and 16 m in additional shots) by light screen devices. RESULTS: The mean
velocities recorded ranged from 45 m/s (longbow) to 67 m/s (compound bow). The
excellent exterior ballistics of arrows results in only a small initial decrease
in velocity of O.10 to 0.18 m x s(-1) x m(-1). The penetration depths were
reproducible for the same arrowhead fired into the same simulant medium but
differed considerably when compared with those in soft tissue. In nonbone
tissue, the penetration depth was substantial (17-60 cm) and depended on
velocity and especially on the type of arrowhead. All arrows penetrated deeply
into the large body cavities and injured organs as long as no thick bone had to
be perforated. Flat bones such as ribs were always perforated. Extraction of
arrowheads from thick bone proved to be difficult in some cases. The wounding
mechanism was a combination of incision and puncture, which facilitated deep
penetration of tissue and produced clean-cut wounds. CONCLUSION: Gelatin and
soap are not suitable for experimental arrow wounds. Every arrow wound carries a
lethal potential. The severity of the wound depends primarily on the target area
and the type of arrowhead. Extraction of arrowheads from thick bone has to be
performed carefully.
PMID: 9751539 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
9: J Forensic Sci. 1994 Mar;39(2):428-45. Related Articles, Links
Handling and interpretation of crossbow injuries.
Downs JC, Nichols CA, Scala-Barnett D, Lifschultz BD.
Charleston County Medical Examiners' Office, MUSC, Charleston.
The longbow and crossbow are infrequently encountered by the forensic pathologist. As these weapons become more popular for sport and hunting, more fatalities may be anticipated. Three crossbow deaths (two homicides and one suicide) are presented. Included is the first report of a multiple shot death. The design and physics of the crossbow are described. The proper preservation of evidence, as well as wound analysis and interpretation, in such deaths are detailed.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 8195755 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
10: J Forensic Sci. 1990 Jul;35(4):886-90. Related Articles, Links
Crossbow injuries.
Rogers C, Dowell S, Choi JH, Sathyavagiswaran L.
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner, Los Angeles, CA.
The crossbow is an uncommon source of fatal injury. In Los Angeles County, two crossbow homicides have occurred in the past 20 years. Following the second case, a crossbow was test-fired into a fresh pork thigh, resulting in distinctive wounds. Experimental studies also showed that the vanes of the bolt (arrow) may be a source of trace material found in the wound.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 2391480 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
11: Beitr Gerichtl Med. 1985;43:437-44. Related Articles, Links
[Medical and technical aspects of the weapon effect. I. The bow and crossbow]
[Article in German]
Missliwetz J, Wieser I.
Publication Types:
English Abstract
PMID: 4051995 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
12: J La State Med Soc. 1976 Aug;128(8):231-2. Related Articles, Links
Self-inflicted crossbow arrow injury of the abdomen.
Alessi FJ, David J.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 965802 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
13: Arch Surg. 1973 May;106(5):721. Related Articles, Links
Crossbow arrow injury of the abdomen.
Saw EC, Arbegast NR, Comer TP.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 4701421 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
14: Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2004 Mar;25(1):80-2. Related Articles, Links
Bloodstain pattern analysis in a case of suicide with a compound bow and arrow.
Wilson CI, Altschul S, Mead A, Flannagan LM.
Office of the Medical Examiner, Palm Beach County, Palm Beach, Florida, USA. cwilson690410@yahoo.com
The incidence of human fatalities due to arrow injuries in the medical literature is rare. We report an incident involving a 46-year-old man who was found in his secured apartment with a fatal arrow wound of his chest and abdomen. The initial scene investigation suggested that the victim impaled himself with an arrow attached to a razor-sharp, 4-bladed broad-head hunting tip before collapsing on the floor. However, analysis of the bloodstain patterns suggested that the victim used the compound bow to propel the arrow.When investigating deaths due to bows and arrows, thorough scene investigation along with bloodstain pattern analysis is essential in determining the mechanism of injury and manner of death.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 15075696 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
15: West Afr J Med. 2003 Jun;22(2):106-9. Related Articles, Links
Arrow injuries in North East Nigeria.
Madziga AG.
Department of Surgery, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, P.M.B. 1414, Borno State, Nigeria.
Arrow injuries are an extinct form of injury in most parts of the developed world but constitute 0.1% of emergency admissions in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital annually. This is a retrospective study of arrow injuries carried out over a ten-year period (1989-1999) in order to study the reasons for its continued incidence the presentation and the experiences in the management of these injuries. There were 73 cases of arrow injuries and were all males with a peak age incidence of 31-40 years of age. Majority were farmers, cattle herdsmen and traders from the northeast region of Nigeria and the neighbouring republic of Cameroon, Chad and Niger. The various reasons for the injuries were armed robbery in 41%, communal clashes 20.5%, dispute between farmers and cattle herdsmen 13%, and cattle theft 8%. Majority were clinically stable on presentation with arrows in the head, neck, chest and abdomen this resulted in various surgical procedures in order to remove the arrows and repair damaged viscera. Unstable presentations resulted in mortalities (4.1%) preoperatively. Wound infection was the most common complication in patients who presented late. Improvements in the socio-economic conditions in the region and legislation on the use of these weapons would reduce the incidence of these injuries.
PMID: 14529215 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
16: Acad Emerg Med. 1997 Apr;4(4):287-90. Related Articles, Links
Is closed diagnostic peritoneal lavage contraindicated in patients with previous abdominal surgery?
Moore GP, Alden AW, Rodman GH.
Methodist Hospital of Indiana, Emergency Medicine and Trauma Center, Indianapolis 46202, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the accuracies and complication rates of diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) in trauma patients with and without previous abdominal surgery. METHODS: A retrospective review of DPL accuracy and complication rate was performed using all ED trauma patients who underwent DPL during 1993 as identified by the trauma registry. Care was provided at a Level-1 trauma center, a 1,100-bed, central-city teaching hospital with an annual ED census of 84,000. Records were reviewed for a history of previous surgery, DPL results, complications, mechanism of injury, and location of abdominal scars. DPL was performed using the Seldinger technique with a standard Arrow Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage Kit using an 8-Fr catheter. Rates for patient groups with and without previous abdominal surgery were compared using Fisher's exact test. A "misclassified" DPL was defined as either a positive DPL with negative laparotomy or a negative DPL with subsequent need for laparotomy. "Complications" were defined as iatrogenic injury during the procedure or inability to obtain return of fluid during the lavage. RESULTS: A total of 372 DPLs were performed; 42 in patients with previous surgery and 330 in patients without prior surgery. The groups were similar with respect to proportion with blunt trauma (95% vs 97%), positive DPL (19% vs 19%), misclassified rate (2.4% vs 1.8%), and complication rate (2.4% vs 0.9%); no significant difference was found between groups. The previous abdominal surgeries were appendectomy (n = 20), tubal ligation (n = 5), abdominal hysterectomy (n = 4), cholecystectomy (nonlaparoscopic) (n = 4), pyloric stenosis (n = 1), uterine prolapse (n = 1), undescended testis (n = 1), partial gastrectomy (n = 1), and unknown (n = 5). The analysis had a 90% power of detecting a 10% difference between the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: The complication rate and accuracy of closed DPL in patients with previous abdominal surgery were similar to those for DPL performed in patients without previous abdominal surgery.
Publication Types:
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
PMID: 9107327 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
17: J La State Med Soc. 1976 Aug;128(8):231-2. Related Articles, Links
Self-inflicted crossbow arrow injury of the abdomen.
Alessi FJ, David J.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 965802 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
18: Arch Surg. 1973 May;106(5):721. Related Articles, Links
Crossbow arrow injury of the abdomen.
Saw EC, Arbegast NR, Comer TP.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 4701421 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
19: J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1958 Nov 15;133(10):512-3. Related Articles, Links
Thoracic and abdominal arrow wound in the cat.
PMID: 13598674 [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE]
20: J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2000 Nov;29(11):1538-1541. Korean.
A Case of Penetrating Head Injury by a Western-Style Arrow: A Case Report.
Cho TH, Song JH, Kim MH, Park HK, Kim SH, Shin KM, Park DB.
No abstract available.
첨부파일은 위에 영어부분이니 따로 열어보실 필요 없습니다.
첫댓글 민변에 넘겨 법원제출이돼야 될 거 같습니다.
몇몇 논문에는 교수 메일도 있습니다. 최근 논문을 찾아보면 거기에도 교수 메일이 있을 가능성이 있습니다. 회원님중에 영어잘하시는 분은 1.5cm이 가능한지 자문을 구할 수도 있을듯 합니다.
준이나라님이 단어찾아 떠듬떠듬이라도 하면 또 어떤 분이 거들면 되지 않을 까요? 지성이면 감천이라고 ,저의 아들 ct자료 때도 단어찾어 판사를 반박했는데 답변하지 못하더군요! 단어찾기를 부분적으로나누어도 되는데!!
좋은 자료 감사합니다. 준의나라님의 자료를 가족분들에게 넘겼습니다. 가족분들이 변호사에게 카페의 자료를 계속 넘기고 있습니다.^^
네, 그렇군요. 정말 궁금하고 여쭙고 싶던 점입니다. 카페의 소중한 자료와 의견들이 변호인(또는 소송대리인)에게 전달이 되는 것인지 매우 궁금했거든요.
이걸로 제 맘속에서 35%정도로 잡고 있던 자작극설 가능성이 85%로 올라갔습니다. 좋은 자료 주셔서 감사합니다. 영어자문은 스테파니님(죄송합니다 ^^)이 하실 수 있을 듯 합니다. 해외법의학자면 그 포스를 무시할 수 없습니다.
그러죠. 준의나라님 글에 어느 정도 해석은 되어 있지만, 그리고 제가 법의학전문 번역가는 아니지만 해 보겠습니다. ^^ 이제까지 소피 제르맹님의 노력에 비하면 아무것도 아닌 작업이겠죠. ^^;; 지금 이후에는 컴 못쓰는데... 되도록이면 빨리 해석해서 올리겠습니다. 모두 모두 화이팅~!
감동 감동입니다. 님들이 계셔서 가슴벅찹니다. 대단들 하십니다. (그런데 말이죠! 박홍우가 비명을 질렀나요? 김교수님은 제압(?)당한 채 말없이 반항도 않고 도주할 생각도 않고 마네킹처럼.., 배에 구멍나서(?) 힘도 못쓰는 박홍우한테 잡혀서 가만히 있었을까요? 범의가 있었다면....말입니다.)
아... 제가 운전기사가 비명소리를 듣고 현장에 도착했다고 하는 뉴스를 봤다고 글에 적었는데.. 그 뉴스 쿠키 뉴슨데 모순있습니다. "김씨는 박 부장판사의 비명소리를 듣고 달려온 경비원과 운전기사의 신고로 경찰에 붙잡혔다." 경비원은 비명소릴 들었다는 말은 안했습니다. 그러니 이 기사 지어낸 기삽니다. 따라서 운전기사가 비명소릴 들었다는 것도 확실하지 않군요.
경비원이 지하실에서 식사를 하고 올라오는데 두 사람이 앉아서 안고 있었고, 박홍우가 '붙잡아'라고 하였고, 기사가 차를 대고 오길래 어쩌구저쩌구 했다는 게 경비원의 증언이지요. 절대, 비명소리를 듣고 경비원이 왔다거나, 비명소리를 듣고 기사가 온 것이 아님을 알 수 있는 증언이지요. 박홍우는 '이 자가 나를 쐈어' 라든가 '배를 맞았어'라든가.. 그런 말을 하지 않은 듯 합니다. 화살이 부러졌다고 했지요. 그 부러진 화살을 박홍우가 쥐고 있었다고 했는데, 그 과정에서 부러진 화살에 박홍우 손이 상처나서 피가 났고 그 피가 옷에 묻었고, 그 피를 경비원A와 경비원B가 본 것이 아닐까요?
화살이 부러졌다면 우당탕 넘어지는 와중에 몸에 깔린다든지 해서 부러졌을 가능성은 없을까요? 복부에 1.5cm 상처를 남기면서 부러질 이유도 없고 손으로 부러트릴 수 있나 (?) 화살을 벽에다 대고 쏘면 부러질까요? 초록에 보면 나무도 뚫는 석궁인데 시멘트에는 어떻게 반응할까요 아마 멀리 튕겨나갈것 같은데요... 손으로 부러진 화살을 쥘려면 어떻게 해야될까... 궁금합니다. 글고 석궁이 생각보다 위력이 대단하더군요...
혹시 경비원은 화살의 빨간 날개(?)를 피로 착각하지 않았을까요. http://news.naver.com/tv/read.php?mode=LSS2D§ion_id=115§ion_id2=291&office_id=052&article_id=0000139256&menu_id=115 동영상보기를 클릭하시고.. 31초 정도부터 나옵니다. 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정해서 한말입니다. 죄송합니다.
김명호교수님의 증언을 제가 기억하기로는 김명호교수님이 소송결과이유를 묻자 대답은 안하고 서서 "사람살려~" 했다고 했습니다. (알리바이 만들려고???)
대단한 자료입니다. 집단이성의 힘이 이런 것이겠죠.
"삼겹살 등 고기를 겹쳐 싼 뒤 피해자의 옷을 입혀 1.5m 거리에서 석궁을 쏴 본 결과 관통했다는 것이다." <- 돼지고기실험 끝(?)
정말 쓰레기통 에서 보물을 찾아 내듯이~ 대단한 정열 입니다... 감사 드립니다...
준이나라님께 감사드리며...//석궁의 화살로 그렇게 짧은 거리에서 그렇게 뭉툭한 화살촉이 겨울잠바와 외출복 및 남방과 내의 등을 관통하고 2cm 밖에 뚫고 들어길 수 없다는 것을 과학적으로 증명하여야 합니다.여기서 회원들은 증거를 제시하지 않는 사법부와 검경을 성토하여야 한다고 봅니다.압박에 견디지 못하면 내놓고 내놓지 못하면 김교수의 구속을 풀어야 할 것입니다.감사합니다.
준이나라님 준이나라님! 석궁에 대한 얘기 너무 재미있고 유익한 ----, 교수님이 경비원?에게 잡혀 있는 상태에서 잠바로 갈아입고 나오는 것을 보았다고 교수님이 법정에서 진술한 것으로 기억되기에 이번 증인들의 증언을 주시해 보면----------
내 상식으로 좀 이해가지 않는 부분이 있네요. 사건이 발생하였을 때 맨처음 관심을 갖었던 것이 석궁의 촉부분이었고, 그 걸 확대해보니 끝이 화살촉처럼 뾰족한 것이 아니라, 2단으로 되어 있고, 뾰족하지도 않아 궁금했지요. 준이나라님이 검색한 석궁은 화살촉이 뾰족한 시합용이 아닌지, 그리고 이 사건에 사용된 화살은 표적에 표시만 하는 연습용아닌지.. 만약 연습용이라면 처음부터 살인의도가 없었다고 볼 수 있을텐데..
글 밑에 답글을 달았으니 참조하십시요. 206번글을 찾으시면 밑에 RE)로 붙여놓았습니다. (378번 게시글)