Your dentist may be able to relieve chronic headaches caused by TMJ
February 1, 2011
Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problem. Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, and the TMJ headache is a tension type of headache. It is often described as a feeling of wearing a hat two sizes too small, with pain in a ring around the head, or as a migraine headache.
두통은 턱관절문제의 가장 흔한 증상의 하나
긴장성 두통은 두통의 가장 흔한 형태임. 그리고 턱관절 두통은 두통의 긴장형 형태의 하나임.
마치 너무 작은 모자를 쓴것과같은 통증을 호소함.
There are a few TMJ-related causes for tension headaches. Constant contraction of muscle fibers within a muscle creates tension, pressure or a tight feeling in the face and head. Constant tight muscle fibers prevent or reduce blood flow to that area. The body sends more blood to the areas and this can result an increase in general blood pressure to the muscles and head, sometimes referred to as vascular headaches. Clenching and grinding the teeth, which are both TMJ symptoms, produce pain from the muscles in the head, resulting in a headache.
지속적인 근수축으로 긴장을 만들고 얼굴과 머리에 압력 또는 압박감을 느낌.
근섬유의 지속적인 긴장은 혈류를 막음.
몸은 혈류를 더 보내고 혈압을 높이는데 이를 혈관성 두통이라고 함.
이를 악물거나 이갈이는 모두 턱관절 증상이고 근육통을 일으키고 결국 두통을 야기함
Unfortunately, these headaches can be so frequent or severe that they are frequently misdiagnosed and treated as migraine headaches. We've seen patients who've suffered for months or even years without realizing that a properly trained dentist could alleviate their headache pain.
불행하게도 이러한 두통은 너무 흔하고 심해서 흔히 오진단되고 편두통으로 치료됨.
잘 교육된 치과의사가 환자의 두통을 줄일수 있는데 몇개월 또는 몇년씩 통증으로 고생하는 환자를 보는 것임.
In many cases, only headache therapy provided by your neuromuscular dentist ensures the muscles are happy because they do not have to work hard positioning the teeth to a strained bite.
By putting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) back into alignment and placing the jaw into its optimal position, your neuromuscular dentist can alleviate most headache problems related to TMJ, muscle, nerve and joint disorders.
턱관절 장치를 끼워넣어 턱의 정렬을 정상위치로 맞추면 .. 턱관절문제로 인한 대부분의 두통을 치료할 수 있음.
Neuromuscular dentistry helps align the jaw and bite and can help alleviate severe headaches-including migraines, neck and shoulder pain, clicking or popping of the jaw and even tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
턱과 물기의 정렬을 맞추면 심한 두통뿐만 아니라 편두통, 목, 어깨통증, 소리나는 턱의 통증을 치료할 수 있고 심지어 이명까지도 치료할 수 있음.
At First Choice Dental, Dr. Gary Conger utilizes special advanced technology and techniques to determine if the jaw and bite are in alignment. If they are not, he will bring the jaw back into alignment.
"Headache therapy and neuromuscular dentistry use state-of-the-art technology to alleviate headache pain. With proper headache therapy, you can be free of pain and enjoy your life again," says Dr. Conger.
두통치료의 3단계
Three Steps Involved in Headache Therapy Conger says that headache therapy will typically follow three steps.
Relieve muscle spasm and pain. The immediate concern for neuromuscular dentists is to provide relief of your symptoms. We use a technology called ULF-TENS to help with pain relief by stimulating the body's production of endorphins, the body's natural anesthetic.
Stabilize the bite. Often, a temporary device, known as an orthotic, is worn over the teeth, which allows us to make easy adjustments to the plastic without adjusting the teeth until the bite is stabilized. Once symptoms are relieved and the bite has been stabilized, your headache therapy dentist will move on to the next step and permanently adjust your bite to the correct position.
Long-term management. Once the first two steps above have been achieved, your neuromuscular dentist, or headache therapy dentist, will likely take one a few possible paths for long-term treatment. These possible treatment paths could include smoothing and reshaping the enamel of the teeth to correct the bite (called Coronoplasty), or reconstruction or orthodontics in more severe cases where extensive long-term treatment is needed.