.Only those who keep the Lord's New Covenant and repent of their sins are qualified to become citizens of heaven.
The New Covenant is to strive to obey Jesus, to be at peace with our neighbors, and to always repent of our shortcomings.
Go to church and worship, but if you believe in Jesus according to human thoughts, you cannot go to heaven.
Such believers are like fish caught in a net and thrown out because they are classified as bad fish.
The fish that are classified as good fish are put into a vessel and taken to the fisherman's house.
The good fish symbolize the saints who have achieved obedience and repentance and are taken to heaven.
Fulfilling the will of the Lord means being in harmony with your neighbors and being thankful for the grace of the Lord.
In order to be in harmony with others, you must forgive their faults, do good deeds, and have a good influence.
Those who do not live perfectly but strive to obey and always repent are like fish that entered the net and are returned to their home in a bowl.
Those who repent and obey are carried to heaven by angels when they die.
Today, many people only go to church and do not want to repent and obey. It is difficult for lukewarm faith to enter heaven.
The Lord said that He would separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into hell.
Pay attention to the words that He would separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into hell.
Those who clearly understand the meaning of these words are interpreting the Bible correctly.
When we first receive Jesus as our Savior and repent of our sins, the Lord recognizes and considers us as righteous.
There are many who have become God's people but live according to the lusts of the flesh and do not repent of their sins.
These people are classified as wicked among the righteous.
They are like those who enter the fisherman's net but are classified as bad fish and are thrown out on the ground.
These people will not be able to enter heaven on the last day and will be abandoned by the world.
It is like a fisherman who drags his net to the shore, puts the good fish in a bowl, takes them home, and throws the bad fish on the shore.
There are many fish in the sea, but the fish that are caught in the net are the believers who have entered the church.
Not everyone who goes to church will enter heaven. Only those who repent and obey through spiritual training will enter heaven.
If you believe in Jesus, you will be trained to enter heaven from that time on.
While you live on this earth, you are by no means confirmed as a citizen of heaven.
When our body on this earth dies, our soul comes out of our body.
At that time, some will receive the resurrection of life and enter heaven, while others will receive the resurrection of judgment and go to hell.
Those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven or hell depending on how they served God and their neighbors.
At the end of our lives on this earth, it is decided whether each person will go to heaven or hell.
However, many church members think that if they believe in Jesus once, they will definitely enter heaven.
Pastors and church members who believe that they have already become citizens of heaven believe in human doctrines.
Such people do not want to receive training to enter heaven, do not repent, and do not obey, so they go to hell.
Students entering school does not mean that they have already graduated from that school.
If a student hates going to school and studying, their grades will be too low to graduate from school.
In this way, if church members disobey the Lord's words and do not repent of their sins, they will fall off the path to heaven.
We must live a life of faith worthy of the Lord’s calling.
Those who have become children of God must diligently receive training to love God and their neighbors and forgive others from that time on.
Those who devote their hearts and bodies to spiritual training have living faith.
Those who believe in Jesus in a formal manner and do not want to receive training all have dead faith.
Children of God must always strive to be reconciled wherever they go.
We must illuminate the dark places of the world through good lives and broad understanding.
Understanding and loving others is the light that illuminates the world.
However, we cannot achieve perfect goodness like Jesus, so we must always repent of our shortcomings.
Striving to fulfill the Lord’s will and repenting is the faith that leads to heaven.
Going to church without striving to repent and obey is like fish being thrown away as useless fish in a net.
There are many such believers in every church now. They are all chaff believers.
The fish that are caught in the net but are thrown onto the beach are believers who believe in Jesus and are headed to hell.
matthew 13: 52
He said to them, "Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old."
The teachers of the law in the Old Testament era refer to pastors and servants of the Lord who teach the word of God today.
Just as the master brings out old and new things from the storehouse, pastors must teach the people through the Old and New Testaments.
The words of the Old and New Testaments are paired words. Those who understand the paired words have a firm faith and are not shaken by human doctrines.
Those who discover and realize the complementary words in the Bible have a stronger hope for heaven.
God made many promises in the Old Testament and fulfilled them in the New Testament.
The birth of Jesus and his work of salvation fulfilled what was prophesied in the Old Testament.
The birth of John the Baptist was also a fulfillment of the promise made in the Old Testament,
and the descent of the Holy Spirit into Mark’s attic was also a fulfillment of the promise made in the Old Testament.
When they came out of Egypt, they put the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts of their houses,
because of this, the angels of death passed over the houses of the children of Israel, but all the Egyptians lost their firstborn sons.
This foreshadows that in the future, the blood of Jesus will forgive the sins of mankind and save them.
The blood of Jesus overcomes the curses, diseases, and death that come as the price of sin.
Those who understand the words of the Old and New Testaments equally stand on the truth and can surely defeat sin and Satan.
Pastors, who are the scribes of the New Testament, must first clearly understand the words of the Old and New Testaments.
When pastors understand the truth of the Bible and preach, many believers will understand the truth, repent, and be saved.
When we understand the will of God, we gain faith and go to heaven.
matthew 13: 41-42
The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.
They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Who causes God's people to stumble?
Pastors who teach human doctrines cause their congregations to stumble.
And Satan deceives pastors into teaching human doctrines.
Legalists, charismatics, and false prophets are all servants of Satan. These servants of the Lord corrupt the people.
False prophets deceive congregations into following human doctrines rather than the Bible.
Those who are deceived by Satan do not repent of their sins and do not obey the will of the Lord.
Pastors who cause their congregations to stumble and the congregation deceived by them are thrown into the fiery furnace together.
God gave the Bible to everyone. However, there are many who follow human doctrines even with the Bible.
Such people will go to hell. They cannot blame others. This is because God gave them the Bible, but they themselves loved the fake more than the truth.
matthew 13:44
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
A man was walking through a field and found a precious jewel hidden in it, but the field was not his but someone else's.
He quietly covered the jewel with dirt, went home, sold all his possessions, and bought the field.
The way to enter heaven is similar to this.
Those who have realized for sure that there is heaven do not spare worldly things.
They sacrifice all their worldly possessions, health, and honor to go to heaven, and live only to enter heaven.
Those who have found Jesus and heaven have a completely different purpose in living in the world.
There is no jewel or anything in the world that can compare to heaven.
That is why they sacrifice the rest of their lives and all their possessions, but they obey the Lord's words only to enter heaven.
When we believe for sure that there is heaven and hell, we realize that everything in the world is worthless.
Those who realize how severe the suffering of hell is will sacrifice everything to avoid going to hell.
Those who realize the joy and peace of heaven will never be attached to worldly things in order to go to heaven on the last day.
The pain of death is great, but those who realize heaven and hell willingly go the way of martyrdom.
Because they do not know the reality of heaven and hell clearly, many pastors and church members love worldly things more than heaven.
Those who love life and property on this earth more than going to heaven are those who do not believe in God clearly.
When we repent and strive to obey, the Holy Spirit lets us know heaven, hell, and the deep spiritual world.
The most valuable thing we can gain on this earth is the faith to enter heaven.