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시사평론 - 정론직필을 찾아서
카페 게시글
◈분석관님의 국제정치적 정세분석 스크랩 2014.4.15 베이징 열강국 안보리상임이사국 회의 공동성명
분석관 추천 24 조회 1,273 14.04.29 14:28 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용


세월호 때문에 모두들 마음이 우울하겠지만

지나간 내용이지만 중요한 내용이라서 올립니다.


4.14~15 베이징에서 열린 안보리상임이사국인

5 핵강국의 핵안보회의가  있었죠 공동성명이

북미전략합의의 실행에서 매우 중요한 내용인데

국내뉴스에는  보도가 안되서  검색해서 올립니다.



5 핵열강의 핵안보회의는 5년마다 열리지만,

2010년부터는 해마다 개최되었다는 것을 다른 기사에서 확인했습니다.


세월호의 원혼들이 안타까운, 잔인한 4월을 지나는 우리의 마음도 침울하겠지만

공동성명내용  핵심만 간략히 부연해보겠습니다.




P5 Beijing Conference: Enhancing Strategic Confidence and Working Together to Implement the NPT Review Outcomes



Beijing, 14-15 April 2014


Joint Statement


1. The five Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) nuclear-weapon states, or P5, met in Beijing on 14-15 April 2014, under the chairmanship of the People's Republic of China, to build on the 2009 London, 2011 Paris, 2012 Washington, and 2013 Russian-hosted Geneva P5 conferences. The P5 reviewed progress towards fulfilling the commitments made at the 2010 NPT Review Conference (RevCon), and continued discussions on issues related to all three pillars of the NPT ? disarmament, nonproliferation, and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The P5 also had a useful discussion with representatives of civil society during the Conference.


2. The P5 reviewed significant developments at the 2013 Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the 2015 NPT Review Conference and in the context of the NPT since the 2013 Geneva P5 Conference. The P5 reaffirmed that the NPT remains the essential cornerstone for the nuclear nonproliferation regime and the foundation for the pursuit of nuclear disarmament, and they remain committed to strengthening the NPT. They emphasized the importance of continuing to work together in implementing the Action Plan adopted by consensus at the 2010 NPT Review Conference, and reaffirmed their commitment to the shared goal of nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament as provided for in Article VI of the NPT. The P5 intend to continue to seek progress on the step-by-step approach to nuclear disarmament, which is the only practical path to achieving a world without nuclear weapons and in keeping with our NPT obligations.


2010 NPT 리뷰컨퍼런스의 액션플랜 실행의 중요성을 다시 강조하고

완전한 비핵화군축을 재확인한다.


3. The P5 intend to strengthen P5 engagement to advance progress on NPT obligations and 2010 NPT Review Conference Action Plan commitments. The P5 advanced their previous discussions on the issues of transparency, confidence-building, and verification, and welcomed the achievement under France’s leadership of P5 consensus on a reporting framework. They introduced to each other their national reports consistent with this reporting framework and Actions 5, 20, and 21 of the 2010 NPT RevCon Final Document, with a view to reporting to the 2014 PrepCom. They encourage other NPT States Party to submit reports, consistent with Action 20 of the NPT RevCon Final Document.


!!!여기서 말하는 2010 NPT준비회의 액션플랜은

비핵화, 비확산, 핵이용, 그리고 중동비핵화에 대한 행동을 규정한 합의를 말합니다!!!


5대핵강국은 NPT의무사항(5대핵강국은 비핵화를 위한 핵군축의무) 실행하고

2010 NPT 액션플랜 최종결정을 이행할 것이다.


4. The P5 reviewed the work carried out by the Working Group on the Glossary of Key Nuclear Terms under China's leadership, and in this regard, noted the success of the Second Experts' Meeting of the Working Group held on 26-27 September 2013, in Beijing, which established milestones for the completion of the first phase of the Glossary effort for the 2015 RevCon. The progress made in this effort provides a solid foundation for the Working Group to submit its outcome on the terms currently under discussion to the 2015 NPT Review Conference. The P5 stressed again the importance of this work, which is increasing mutual understanding and will facilitate further P5 discussions beyond 2015 on nuclear issues.


핵관련 용어사전을 표준화했다.


5. The P5 had an exchange of views on their nuclear doctrines, strategic stability, and international security from their individual country perspectives to gain better understanding and build strategic trust. They also discussed the importance of verification in achieving progress towards further disarmament and ensuring the success of nonproliferation efforts. The P5 welcomed briefings by the Russian Federation and the United States on aspects of the New START Treaty’s implementation, as well as on implementation of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation Concerning the Disposition of Highly-Enriched Uranium Extracted From Nuclear Weapons, signed in Washington, D.C. on 18 February 1993, and its related Protocol on HEU Transparency Arrangements. The P5 shared further information on their respective experiences in verification and resolved to continue such exchanges.


5대핵강국은 서로의 핵정책, 전략안정, 국젱나보에 대한 견해를  교환해왔고

-러의 핵감축의 경험을 참고한다.



6. The P5 visited the Chinese National Data Centre for the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), as an endeavor to enhance transparency and mutual understanding. They recalled their commitment in the 2010 NPT RevCon Final Document to promote and take concrete steps towards early entry into force of the CTBT and its universalization. They called upon all States to uphold their national moratoria on nuclear weapons-test explosions or any other nuclear explosions, and to refrain from acts that would defeat the object and purpose of the treaty pending its entry into force. The P5 intend to continue their cooperative work to strengthen the CTBT verification regime. The P5 confirmed their support for the ad referendum arrangement for collaborative work by their CTBT technical experts towards improved critical on-site inspection techniques and technology.


핵시험감시조약을 실행하기 위한 구체적인 조치를 취한다.


7. The P5 supported efforts to revitalize the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and continue to be concerned with the impasse at the CD. They discussed efforts to find a way forward in the CD and reiterated their support for a comprehensive program of work, which includes the immediate start of negotiations in the CD on a legally binding, verifiable international ban on the production of fissile material (Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty or FMCT) for use in nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices on the basis of CD/1299 and the mandate contained therein. The P5 participated fully in the first session of the UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on FMCT, established in UNGA/A/RES/67/53, and look forward to further engagement in this group.


핵무기에 사용되는 핵물질을   법적 구속력있게 검증가능한

금지를 추진하는 군축회의를 재개한다.


8. In reaffirming the historic contribution of the pragmatic, step-by-step process to nuclear disarmament and stressing the continued validity of this proven route, the P5 also emphasized their shared understanding of the severe consequences of nuclear weapon use and their resolve to continue to give the highest priority to avoiding such contingencies,which is in the interests of all nations.


현실적, 단계적인 비핵화진행에 있어 경험적 중요성을 함께 확인하면서

핵사용의  긴급사항을 피하는 최우선 정책적 우선 순위임을 서로 확인한다.



9. The P5 shared their views on topical proliferation issues and remain concerned about serious challenges to the nonproliferation regime. They pledged to continue their efforts in different formats and at various international fora to find peaceful diplomatic solutions to the outstanding issues faced by the nonproliferation regime. As they did previously, and looking ahead to the 2014 PrepCom, they called on the states concerned to fulfill without delay their international obligations under the appropriate UN Security Council resolutions, undertakings with the IAEA and other appropriate international commitments.

(아마도 , 이란 , 이스라엘) 4.28~5.8 NPT 준비회의에 앞서 IAEA의무, 안보리결의안들을 실천할 것을 요구한다.


!!!이는 지금 펼쳐지는 무력겁박 국면과 세계비핵화 과정이 매듭지어지면,

 이후에 북과 이란이 IAEA, NPT복귀가 선언될

것으로 보입니다!!!


10. The P5 shared their views on how to prevent abuse of NPT withdrawal (Article X). They resolved to make efforts to broaden consensus among NPT States Party on the withdrawal issue at the 2014 PrepCom, thus making a further contribution to the NPT Review Process.

NPT 탈퇴를 불가능하게 한다

!!!당연히 세계비핵화 이후에는 NPT가입은 의무조항, 탈퇴불가로 전환되겠죠!!!


11. The P5 reviewed their efforts to bring about the entry into force of the relevant legally binding protocols of nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties as soon as possible. They also reiterated their support for the early convening of a conference, to be attended by all the States of the Middle East, on the establishment of the Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction, on the basis of arrangements freely arrived at by the states of the region.

법적 구속력이 있는 비핵지대화 도입.

예외없는 중동 비핵지대화 수립.


!!!중동평화협정이 체결되면 동시에 이란 핵협상이 중동비핵지대화 완결로 이어지게 됩니다.!!!


12. The P5 discussed issues related to strengthening the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards system. They stressed the need for strengthening IAEA safeguards including through the promotion of the universal adoption of the Additional Protocol and the development of approaches to IAEA safeguards implementation based on objective state factors. The P5 also discussed the role of the nuclear-weapon-states, in conformity with the provisions of the NPT, in assisting the IAEA in cases involving possible detection of nuclear weapon programs in non-nuclear weapon states.


IAEA감시 시스템을 강화한다.


13. The P5 noted that they are now more engaged than ever in regular interactions on disarmament, arms control, and nonproliferation issues. The P5 pledged to continue to meet at all appropriate levels on nuclear issues to further promote dialogue and mutual confidence. In addition to meeting at all appropriate levels, the P5 intend to hold a sixth P5 conference. The P5 welcomed the offer by the United Kingdom to host this conference in London in 2015.


내년에 5대핵강국 핵안보회의는 런던에서 열린다.


!!!원래 5대핵강국 핵안보회의는 5년마다 열렸지만

2010년부터 해마다 열리고 있죠. 300수준에서 완전비핵화로 가는 과정이 내년에

시작될 것으로 봅니다.  4.15일 5대 핵강국 핵안보회의의 결과는 4.28~5.9에 열리는 

NPT 준비회의와 결합되어 세계비핵화에 대한 법적 구속력 있는 제반 합의를 선언할겠죠.   !!!



