💢💢無敗(무패) 1969年(년) / John Wayne 映畫(영화) / HD 1080p/ Best Western(베스트 웨스턴) 映畫(영화)💢💢
💢💢Rio Lobo / WESTERN Movie(웨스턴 무비) / John Wayne(존 웨인) / 전체 길이 / HD / 無料(무료) Cowboy(카우보이) 映畫(영화)💢💢
💢💢Tales Of Wells Fargo(테일즈 오브 웰스 파고)-A Time to Kill, S01 E05(죽일 시간), S01 E05, 전체 길이 Episode(에피소드), Classic Western TV(클래식 웨스턴 TV)💢💢
💢💢Tales Of Wells Fargo(테일즈 오브 웰스 파고)-The Hasty Gun(성급한 銃(총), S01 E02- Full Length Episode(전체 길이 에피소드), Classic Western TV(클래식 웨스턴 TV)💢💢
💢💢Barbary Coast(바바리 해안의 불꽃)(1945) John Wayne, Ann Dvorak, Joseph Schildkraut(존 웨인, 앤 드보락 조셉 실드 크라우트),. Musical, Romance, Western(뮤지컬, 로맨스, 웨스턴)💢💢
💢💢JOHN WAYNE : McLintock(존 웨인 : 맥린톡)! (西洋(서양) 映畫
(영화), 전체 길이, 英語(영어) * 無料(무료) 전체 길이 映畫(영화)鑑賞
💢💢The Undefeated無敗(무패) / WESTERN MOVIE(웨스턴 무비) / John Wayne(존 웨인) / HD 1080p / Full Length Classic Western Film(전체 길이 클래식 西洋映畫(서양영화)💢💢
💢💢Rio Lobo:(리오 로보) : JOHN WAYNE WESTERN(존 웨인 웨스턴) / Free Movie(무료 영화) / English(영어) / Full Cowboy Western Movie(전체 카우보이 西部映畫(서부영화)💢💢
💢💢John Wayne filmography(존 웨인 필모그래피)💢💢
💢💢From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(무료 백과 사전, 위키피디아에서)💢💢
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Publicity photo from The Long Voyage Home in 1940
American actor, director, and producer John Wayne (1907–1979) began working on films as an extra, prop man and stuntman, mainly for the Fox Film Corporation. He frequently worked in minor roles with director John Ford and when Raoul Walsh suggested him for the lead in The Big Trail (1930), an epic Western shot in an early widescreen process called Fox Grandeur, Ford vouched for him. Wayne's early period as a star would be brief, as Fox dropped him after only three leads. He then appeared in a string of low-budget action films (mostly Westerns) before garnering more recognition with the 1939 film Stagecoach.
During the 1940s and early 1950s, Wayne starred in Dark Command (1940), Reap the Wild Wind (1942), Wake of the Red Witch (1948), Fort Apache (1948), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949), Rio Grande (1950), and Red River (1948). Some of his more notable war movies include Flying Tigers (1942), The Fighting Seabees (1944), They Were Expendable (1945), and Sands of Iwo Jima (1949), for which he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor.
The 1950s would see Wayne star in an Ireland-set romantic comedy The Quiet Man (1952) and two westerns, The Searchers (1956) and Rio Bravo (1959). Wayne also continued his producing activities during this period, and formed his own production company, Batjac. During the 1960s and 1970s, Wayne starred in more Westerns, such as The Comancheros (1961), The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), and True Grit (1969), in which his role as Rooster Cogburn earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor. He would reprise that role in the 1975 film Rooster Cogburn. He also played in several war films, including The Longest Day (1962) and In Harm's Way (1965).
Wayne starred in his final film, The Shootist in 1976, ending his acting career of 50 years, 169 feature length films, and various other television appearances or voice-overs.아래 飜譯(번역)
1940年(년) The Long Voyage Home[롱 보 야지 홈]의 弘報(홍보)寫眞(사진)
美國(미국) 俳優(배우), 監督(감독),producer(프로듀서)인 존 웨인(John Wayne) (1907年(년) ~ 1979年(년)은 주로 Fox Film Corporation[폭스 필름 코퍼레이션]을 위해 extra(엑스트라), 小品(소품) 및stunt man(스턴트맨)으로 映畫(영화) 作業(작업)을 始作(시작)했습니다. 그는 John Ford(존 포드) 減毒(감독)과 함께 些少(사소)한 役割(역할)을 自主(자주) 遂行(수행)했으며, Raoul Walsh(라울 월시)가 The Big Trail(빅 트레일) (1930年(년)에서 主演(주연)으로 그를 推薦(추천)했을 때 Fox Grandeur(폭스 그랜저)라는 初期(초기) wide screen process(와이드 스크린 프로세스)에서 敍事詩的(서사시적)인 西部(서부) 場面(장면)을 撮影(촬영)했으며 포드(Ford)는 그를 保證(보증)했습니다. Fox(폭스)가 단 세 번의 lead(리드)로 그를 떨어 뜨 렸기 때문에 Wayne(웨인)의 star(스타)로서의 初期(초기) 期間(기간)은 짧을 것입니다. 그런 다음 그는 1939年(년) 映畫(영화) Stagecoach(驛馬車(역마차)로 더 많은 認定(인정)을 받기 前(전)에 底豫算(저예산) action movie(액션 映畫(영화) (大部分(대부분) 西部(서부) 映畫(영화)에 出演(출연)했습니다.
1940年代(년대)와 1950年代(년대) 初(초)에 Wayne(웨인)은 Dark Command(다크 커맨드) (1940年(년), Reap the Wild Wind(거친 바람을 거두십시오) (1942年(년), Wake of the Red Witch(붉은 마녀의 각성) (1948年(년), Fort Apache(포트 아파치) (1948年(년), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon(그녀는 노란 리본을 썼다) (1949年(년), Rio Grande(리오 그란데)에 出演(출연)했습니다. (1950年(년) 및 Red River(붉은 江(강) (1948年(년). 그의 注目(주목)할만한 戰爭(전쟁) 映畫(영화)로는 Flying Tigers(플라잉 타이거스) (1942年(년), The Fighting Seabees(싸우는 바다 벌) (1944年(년), They Were Expendable(그들은 소모품이었다) (1945年(년), Sands of Iwo Jima(이오 지마의 모래) (1949年(년) 等(등)이 있으며, 이 映畫(영화)는 Academy Award(아카데미 賞(상) Best Actor nominee(남우주 연상 候補(후보)에 올랐습니다.
1950年代(년대)에는 Ireland(아일랜드)를 背景(배경)으로 한 romantic comedy(로맨틱 코미디) 인 The Quiet Man (1952)과 두 개의 서부 영화인 The Searchers (1956) 및 Rio Bravo(리오 브라보) (1959年(년)에서 Wayne(웨인) star(스타)가 出演(출연)했습니다. Wayne(웨인)은 또한이 期間(기간) 동안 製作(제작) 活動(활동)을 계속하여 自身(자신)의 製作(제작) 會社(회사) 인 Batjac를 設立(설립)했습니다. 1960年代(년대)와 1970年代(년대)에 Wayne(웨인)은 The Comancheros(코만 체 로스) (1961年(년), The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance(리버티 밸런스를 쏜 男子(남자) (1962年(년), True Grit(사실 그릿) (1969年(년)와 같이 더 많은 西部(서부) 映畫(영화)에서 主演(주연)을 맡았으며, 여기에서 Rooster Cogburn(수탉 코 그번) 役割(역할)을 通(통)해 Academy Award(아카데미 賞(상)을 受賞(수상)했습니다. 最高(최고)의 俳優(배우). 그는 1975年(년) 映畫(영화) 'Rooster Cogburn(수탉 코 그번)'에서 그 役割(역할)을 再現(재현)했습니다. 그는 또한 The Longest Day(가장 긴 날) (1962年(년) 및 In Harm 's Way(해로운 方法(방법)으로 (1965年(년)를 비롯한 여러 戰爭(전쟁) 映畫(영화)에 出演(출연)했습니다.
Wayne(웨인) 은 1976年(년) 最終(최종) 映畫(영화)인 The Shootist(犯人(범인)에 出演(출연)하여 50年(년)의 演技(연기) 經歷(경력), 169編(편)의 長篇(장편) 映畫(영화), 其他(기타) 多樣(다양)한 TV 出演(출연) 또는 音聲(음성) 解說(해설)을 마감했습니다.
Filmography (필모그래피)
John Wayne in The Big Trail 1930年(년).
The Star Packer 1933年(년).
Wayne as "Singin' Sandy" in Riders of Destiny 1933年(년).
George "Gabby" Hayes, Wayne and Eleanor Hunt in Blue Steel 1934年(년).
Betty Fields and Wayne in The Shepherd of the Hills 1941年(년).
Publicity still of Wayne and Nancy Olson for Big Jim McLain 1952年(년).
With Ward Bond in The Searchers 1956年(년).
With Ward Bond in The Searchers 1956年(년).
With Ward Bond in The Searchers (1956年(년).
On the set of In Harm's Way (1964)
As actor(俳優(배우)로서,,,,
Year | Title | Role | Director | Notes | Refs. |
1926 | Brown of Harvard | Yale Football Player | Jack Conway | Uncredited | [3] |
1926 | Bardelys the Magnificent | Guard | King Vidor | Uncredited | [4] |
1926 | The Great K &A Train Robbery | Extra | Lewis Seiler | Uncredited | [5] |
1927 | Annie Laurie | Extra | John S. Robertson | Uncredited | [6] |
1927 | The Draw-Back | Opposing Football Player | Norman Taurog | Short film; uncredited | |
1927 | The Drop Kick | Extra | Millard Webb | Uncredited; aka Glitter (UK title) | [7] |
1927 | Seeing Stars | Tall Boy | Stephen Roberts | Short film; uncredited | |
1928 | Mother Machree | Extra | John Ford | Uncredited[b] | [8] |
1928 | Four Sons | Extra | John Ford | Uncredited[b] | [9] |
1928 | Hangman's House | Horse Race Spectator / Condemned Man | John Ford | Uncredited[c] | [10] |
1928 | A Home-Made Man | Extra | Norman Taurog | Uncredited | [11] |
1928 | Noah's Ark | Flood extra | Michael Curtiz | Uncredited | [12] |
1929 | Speakeasy | Extra | Benjamin Stoloff | Uncredited | [13] |
1929 | The Black Watch | Extra | John Ford | Uncredited[d] | [14] |
1929 | Words and Music | Pete Donahue | James Tinling | Credited as Duke Morrison[e] | [15] |
1929 | Salute | Bill, Midshipman | John Ford | [f] | [16] |
1929 | The Forward Pass | Extra | Eddie Cline | Uncredited | [17] |
1930 | Men Without Women | Radioman on surface | John Ford | Uncredited | [18] |
1930 | Born Reckless | Soldier | John Ford Andrew Bennison | Uncredited | [19] |
1930 | Rough Romance | Lumberjack | A.F. Erickson | Uncredited[d] | [20] |
1930 | Cheer Up and Smile | Bit role | Sidney Lanfield | Uncredited[e] | [21] |
1930 | The Big Trail | Breck Coleman | Raoul Walsh | Wayne's first starring role | [22] [23] |
1931 | Girls Demand Excitement | Peter Brooks | Seymour Felix | [24] | |
1931 | Three Girls Lost | Gordon Wales | Sidney Lanfield | [25] | |
1931 | Arizona | Lt. Bob Denton | George B. Seitz | aka Men Are Like That (alternate US title) and The Virtuous Wife (UK title) | [26] [27] |
1931 | The Deceiver | Reginald Thorpe's corpse | Louis King | [28] | |
1931 | The Range Feud | Clint Turner | D. Ross Lederman | [29] [30] | |
1931 | Maker of Men | Dusty Rhodes | Edward Sedgwick | [31] | |
1932 | The Shadow of the Eagle | Craig McCoy | Ford Beebe | [32] | |
1932 | Texas Cyclone | Steve Pickett | D. Ross Lederman | [33] | |
1932 | Two-Fisted Law | Duke | D. Ross Lederman | [34] [35] | |
1932 | Lady and Gent | Buzz Kinney | Stephen Roberts | [36] | |
1932 | The Hurricane Express | Larry Baker | Armand Schaefer J.P. McGowan | [37] | |
1932 | Ride Him, Cowboy | John Drury | Fred Allen | aka The Hawk (UK title) | [38] [39] |
1932 | That's My Boy | Football Player | Roy William Neill | [40] | |
1932 | The Big Stampede | John Steele | Tenny Wright | [41] [42] | |
1932 | Haunted Gold | John Mason | Mack V. Wright | [43] [44] | |
1933 | The Telegraph Trail | John Trent | Tenny Wright | [45] [46] | |
1933 | The Three Musketeers | Tom Wayne | Armand Schaefer Colbert Clark | [47] | |
1933 | Central Airport | Co-pilot in wreck | William Wellman | Uncredited | [48] |
1933 | Somewhere in Sonora | John Bishop | Mack V. Wright | [49] [50] | |
1933 | His Private Secretary | Dick Wallace | Philip H. Whitman | [51] | |
1933 | The Life of Jimmy Dolan | Smith | Archie Mayo | aka The Kid's Last Fight (UK title) | [52] |
1933 | Baby Face | Jimmy McCoy | Alfred E. Green | [53] | |
1933 | The Man from Monterey | Capt. John Holmes | Mack V. Wright | [54] [55] | |
1933 | Riders of Destiny | Sandy Saunders ("Singing Sandy") | R.N. Bradbury | [56] [57] | |
1933 | The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi | Bit part | Edwin L. Marin | Part was cut from the final print | [58] |
1933 | College Coach | Student | William Wellman | aka Football Coach (UK title) | [59] |
1933 | Sagebrush Trail | John Brant | Armand Schaefer | aka An Innocent Man (UK title) | [60] [61] [62] |
1934 | The Lucky Texan | Jerry Mason | R.N. Bradbury | aka Gold Strike River | [63] [64] [65] |
1934 | West of the Divide | Ted Hayden | R.N. Bradbury | [66] [67] | |
1934 | Blue Steel | John Carruthers | R.N. Bradbury | aka Stolen Goods (UK title).[68] | [69] [70] |
1934 | The Man from Utah | John Westen | R.N. Bradbury | [71] [72] | |
1934 | Randy Rides Alone | Randy Bowers | Harry L. Fraser | [73] [74] | |
1934 | The Star Packer | John Travers | R.N. Bradbury | [75] [76] | |
1934 | The Trail Beyond | Rod Drew | R.N. Bradbury | [77] [78] | |
1934 | The Lawless Frontier | John Tobin | R.N. Bradbury | [79] [80] | |
1934 | 'Neath the Arizona Skies | Chris Morrell | Harry Fraser | [81] [82] | |
1935 | Texas Terror | John Higgins | R.N. Bradbury | [83] [84] | |
1935 | Rainbow Valley | John Martin | R.N. Bradbury | [85] [86] | |
1935 | The Desert Trail | John Scott | Lewis Collins | [87] [88] | |
1935 | The Dawn Rider | John Mason | R.N. Bradbury | aka Cold Vengeance | [89] [90] [91] |
1935 | Paradise Canyon | John Wyatt | Carl Pierson | aka Guns Along The Trail | [92] [93] [94] |
1935 | Westward Ho | John Wyatt | R.N. Bradbury | [95] [96] | |
1935 | The New Frontier | John Dawson | Carl Pierson | [97] | |
1935 | Lawless Range | John Middleton | R.N. Bradbury | [98] [99] | |
1936 | The Oregon Trail | Capt. John Delmont | Scott Pembroke | A lost film; 40 stills were discovered in 2013 | [100] [101] [102] |
1936 | The Lawless Nineties | John Tipton | Joseph Kane | [80] [103] | |
1936 | King of the Pecos | John Clayborn | Joseph Kane | [104] [105] | |
1936 | The Lonely Trail | Captain John Ashley | Joseph Kane | [106] [107] | |
1936 | Winds of the Wasteland | John Blair | Mack V. Wright | aka Stagecoach Run | [108] [109] [110] |
1936 | Sea Spoilers | Bob Randall | Frank R. Strayer | [111] | |
1936 | Conflict | Pat Glendon | David Howard | [112] | |
1937 | California Straight Ahead! | Biff Smith | Arthur Lubin | [113] | |
1937 | I Cover the War | Bob Adams | Arthur Lubin | [114] | |
1937 | Idol of the Crowds | Johnny Hanson | Arthur Lubin | [115] | |
1937 | Adventure's End | Duke Slade | Arthur Lubin | Considered a lost film, as no known prints exist | [116] |
1937 | Born to the West | Dare Rudd | Charles Barton | aka Hell Town (reissue title) | [117] [118] |
1938 | Pals of the Saddle | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | The first of eight films Wayne did in Republic's "Three Mesquiteers" series | [119] [120] |
1938 | Overland Stage Raiders | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | [121] | |
1938 | Santa Fe Stampede | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | [122] | |
1938 | Red River Range | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | [123] | |
1939 | Stagecoach | Henry ("The Ringo Kid") | John Ford | [124] [125] | |
1939 | The Night Riders | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | [126] | |
1939 | Three Texas Steers | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | aka Danger Rides the Range (UK title) | [127] [128] |
1939 | Wyoming Outlaw | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | [129] | |
1939 | New Frontier | Stoney Brooke | George Sherman | aka Frontier Horizon | [130] |
1939 | Allegheny Uprising | Jim Smith | William A. Seiter | aka The First Rebel (UK title) | [131] [132] |
1940 | Dark Command | Bob Seton | Raoul Walsh | [133] [134] | |
1940 | Three Faces West | John Phillips | Bernard Vorhaus | [135] | |
1940 | The Long Voyage Home | Ole Olson | John Ford | [136] | |
1940 | Seven Sinners | Lt. Dan Brent | Tay Garnett | aka Cafe of the Seven Sinners (UK re-issue title) | [137] |
1941 | A Man Betrayed | Lynn Hollister | John H. Auer | aka Citadel of Crime (UK title) and Wheel of Fortune (TV title) | [138] |
1941 | Lady from Louisiana | John Reynolds | Bernard Vorhaus | [139] | |
1941 | The Shepherd of the Hills | Matt Matthews | Henry Hathaway | [140] [141] | |
1942 | Lady for a Night | Jack Morgan | Leigh Jason | [142] | |
1942 | Reap the Wild Wind | Capt. Jack Stuart | Cecil B. DeMille | [143] | |
1942 | The Spoilers | Roy Glennister | Ray Enright | [144] [145] | |
1942 | In Old California | Tom Craig | William C. McGann | [146] [147] | |
1942 | Flying Tigers | Jim Gordon | David Miller | [148] | |
1942 | Reunion in France | Pat Talbot | Jules Dassin | aka Mademoiselle France (UK title) | [149] |
1942 | Pittsburgh | Charles "Pittsburgh" Markham | Lewis Seiler | [150] | |
1943 | A Lady Takes a Chance | Duke Hudkins | William A. Seiter | [151] [152] | |
1943 | In Old Oklahoma | Dan Somers | Al Rogell | aka War of the Wildcats (re-issue title) | [153] [154] |
1944 | The Fighting Seabees | Wedge Donovan | Edward Ludwig | [155] | |
1944 | Tall in the Saddle | Rocklin | Edwin L. Marin | [156] [157] | |
1944 | Flame of Barbary Coast | Duke Fergus | Joseph Kane | [158] [159] | |
1945 | Back to Bataan | Col. Joseph Madden | Edward Dmytryk | [160] | |
1945 | They Were Expendable | Lt. Rusty Ryan | John Ford | [161] | |
1945 | Dakota | John Devlin | Joseph Kane | [162] [163] | |
1946 | Without Reservations | Rusty Thomas | Mervyn LeRoy | [164] | |
1947 | Angel and the Badman | Quirt Evans | James Edward Grant | Also producer | [165] [166] |
1947 | Tycoon | Johnny Munroe | Richard Wallace | [167] | |
1948 | Red River | Thomas Dunson | Howard Hawks | [168] [169] | |
1948 | Fort Apache | Capt. Kirby York | John Ford | [170] [171] | |
1948 | 3 Godfathers | Robert Marmaduke Hightower | John Ford | [172] [173] | |
1948 | Wake of the Red Witch | Capt. Ralls | Edward Ludwig | [174] | |
1949 | The Fighting Kentuckian | John Breen | George Waggner | [175] [176] | |
1949 | She Wore a Yellow Ribbon | Capt. Nathan Brittles | John Ford | [177] [178] | |
1949 | Sands of Iwo Jima | Sgt. John M. Stryker | Allan Dwan | Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor | [179] |
1950 | Rio Grande | Lt. Col. Kirby Yorke | John Ford | [180] [181] | |
1951 | Operation Pacific | "Duke" Gifford | George Waggner | [182] | |
1951 | Flying Leathernecks | Major Dan Kirby | Nicholas Ray | [183] | |
1952 | The Quiet Man | Sean Thornton | John Ford | Also second unit director although he was uncredited | [184] |
1952 | Big Jim McLain | Big Jim McLain | Edward Ludwig | Also producer | [185] |
1953 | Trouble Along the Way | Steve Aloysius Williams | Michael Curtiz | [186] | |
1953 | Island in the Sky | Capt. Dooley | William A. Wellman | Also producer | [187] |
1953 | Hondo | Hondo Lane | John Farrow | Also producer | [188] [189] |
1954 | The High and the Mighty | Dan Roman | William A. Wellman | [190] | |
1955 | The Sea Chase | Capt. Karl Ehrlich | John Farrow | [191] | |
1955 | Screen Directors Playhouse | Mike Cronin | John Ford | TV series (Episode: "Rookie of the Year") | |
1955 | Blood Alley | Captain Tom Wilder | William A. Wellman | Also producer | [192] |
1956 | The Conqueror | Temüjin (Genghis Khan) | Dick Powell | [193] | |
1956 | The Searchers | Ethan Edwards | John Ford | [194] [195] | |
1957 | The Wings of Eagles | Frank "Spig" Wead | John Ford | [196] | |
1957 | Jet Pilot | Colonel Jim Shannon | Josef von Sternberg | [197] | |
1957 | Legend of the Lost | Joe January | Henry Hathaway | [198] | |
1958 | The Barbarian and the Geisha | Townsend Harris | John Huston | [199] | |
1959 | Rio Bravo | John T. Chance | Howard Hawks | [200] [201] | |
1959 | The Horse Soldiers | Col. John Marlowe | John Ford | [202] [203] | |
1960 | The Alamo | Col. David Crockett | Himself | Also producer | [204] [205] |
1960 | North to Alaska | Sam McCord | Henry Hathaway | [206] [207] | |
1960 | Wagon Train | General William Tecumseh Sherman | John Ford | TV series (Episode: "The Colter Craven Story") | |
1961 | The Comancheros | Jake Cutter | Michael Curtiz | [208] [209] | |
1962 | Alcoa Premiere | Marine Sergeant | John Ford | TV series (Episode: "Flashing Spikes"); credited as Marion Morrison | |
1962 | The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance | Tom Doniphon | John Ford | [210] [211] | |
1962 | Hatari! | Sean Mercer | Howard Hawks | [212] | |
1962 | The Longest Day | Lt. Col. Benjamin H. Vandervoort | Ken Annakin Andrew Marton Bernhard Wicki | [213] | |
1962 | How the West Was Won | Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman | John Ford Henry Hathaway George Marshall | [214] [215] | |
1963 | Donovan's Reef | Michael Patrick Donovan | John Ford | [216] | |
1963 | McLintock! | George Washington McLintock | Andrew V. McLaglen | [217] [218] | |
1964 | Circus World | Matt Masters | Henry Hathaway | aka The Magnificent Showman (UK title) | [219] |
1965 | The Greatest Story Ever Told | The Centurion (Longinus) | George Stevens | [220] | |
1965 | In Harm's Way | Capt. Rockwell Torrey | Otto Preminger | [221] | |
1965 | The Sons of Katie Elder | John Elder | Henry Hathaway | [222] [223] | |
1966 | Cast a Giant Shadow | Gen. Mike Randolph | Melville Shavelson | Also uncredited co-executive producer | [224] |
1966 | El Dorado | Cole Thornton | Howard Hawks | [225] [226] | |
1967 | The War Wagon | Taw Jackson | Burt Kennedy | [227] [228] | |
1968 | The Green Berets | Col. Mike Kirby | Himself Ray Kellogg | [229] | |
1968 | Hellfighters | Chance Buckman | Andrew V. McLaglen | [230] | |
1969 | True Grit | Rooster Cogburn | Henry Hathaway | Won the Academy Award for Best Actor | [231] [232] |
1969 | The Undefeated | Col. John Henry Thomas | Andrew V. McLaglen | [233] [234] | |
1970 | No Substitute for Victory | Narrator | Robert F. Slatzer | ||
1970 | Chisum | John Chisum | Andrew V. McLaglen | [235] [236] | |
1970 | Rio Lobo | Col. Cord McNally | Howard Hawks | [237] [238] | |
1970 | Swing Out, Sweet Land | Himself | Stan Harris | ||
1970 | Harry Jackson: A Man and His Art | Narrator | N/A | Short documentary | |
1971 | Big Jake | Jacob McCandles | George Sherman | Also uncredited executive producer | [239] [240] |
1972 | The Cowboys | Wil Andersen | Mark Rydell | [241] [242] | |
1972 | Cancel My Reservation | Himself | Paul Bogart | ||
1973 | The Train Robbers | Lane | Burt Kennedy | Also uncredited executive producer | [243] [244] |
1973 | Cahill, United States Marshal | Deputy U.S. Marshal J.D. Cahill | Andrew V. McLaglen | aka Cahill (UK title); also uncredited executive producer | [245] [246] |
1974 | McQ | Det. Lt. Lon "McQ" McHugh | John Sturges | [247] | |
1975 | Brannigan | Lt. James Brannigan | Douglas Hickox | [248] | |
1975 | Rooster Cogburn | Rooster Cogburn | Stuart Millar | [249] [250] | |
1976 | The Shootist | John Bernard Books | Don Siegel | [251] [252] | |
1977 | Star Wars | Garindian | George Lucas | Uncredited | [253] |
1993 | La Classe américaine | George Abitbol | Michel Hazanavicius Dominique Mézerette | archive footage, released posthumously |
As himself(自身(자신)처럼.....
With Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy, 1955年(년).
Wayne with Lucille Ball on her show The Lucy Show in 1966年(년).
Year | Title | Notes | Refs. |
1932 | The Voice of Hollywood: No. 13 | Short film | [254] |
1932 | Running Hollywood | Two-reel short | |
1932 | The Hollywood Handicap | Two-reel short | [255] |
1940 | Screen Snapshots | Short film | |
1941 | Meet the Stars: Past and Present | Promotional short | |
1944 | Memo for Joe | Short film | |
1949 | Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Rodeo | Short documentary | |
1950 | Screen Snapshots: Hollywood's Famous Feet | Short documentary; uncredited | |
1951 | Screen Snapshots: Reno's Silver Spur Awards | Short documentary | |
1951 | The Screen Director | Promotional short | |
1951 | Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Awards | Short documentary | |
1953 | The Colgate Comedy Hour | TV series (1 episode) | |
1954 | This is Your Life | TV series (Episode: "William Wellman") | |
1955 | Screen Snapshots: The Great Al Jolson | Short documentary | |
1955 | Gunsmoke | TV series (Episode: "Matt Gets It") | |
1955 | Sheilah Graham in Hollywood | TV series (Episode: "John Wayne") | |
1955 | The Milton Berle Show | TV series (1 episode) | |
1955 | I Love Lucy | TV series (Episode: "Lucy and John Wayne") | |
1955 | Producers' Showcase | TV series (Episode: "Dateline II") | |
1955 | Casablanca | TV series (Episode: "Who Holds Tomorrow") | |
1956 | Climax! | TV series (Episode: "The Lovella Parsons Story") | |
1956 | Screen Directors Playhouse | TV series (Episode: "Markheim") | |
1958 | I Married a Woman | Uncredited cameo | [256] |
1958 | The 30th Annual Academy Awards | Presenter | |
1958 | Screen Snapshots: Salute to Hollywood | Short documentary | |
1958 | Wide Wide World | TV series documentary | |
1959 | World's Heavyweight Championship Fight: Floyd Patterson Heavyweight Champion of the World Vs. Ingemar Johansson Heavyweight Champion of Europe | Short documentary; uncredited | |
1959 | The 31st Annual Academy Awards | Presenter | |
1960 | The Spirit of The Alamo | Documentary | |
1960 | The 32nd Annual Academy Awards | Presenter | |
1960 | The Jack Paar Tonight Show | TV series (1 episode) | |
1960 | The Jack Benny Program | TV series (Episode: "The John Wayne Show") | |
1960 | What's My Line? | TV series (Episode: "11-13-1960") | |
1960, 1964 | Cinépanorama | TV series (2 episodes) | |
1960 | The Ed Sullivan Show | TV series (1 episode) | |
1961 | The Challenge of Ideas | Propaganda short | |
1962 | Here's Hollywood | TV series (1 episode) | |
1963 | The Dick Powell Show | TV series (Episode: "The Third Side of a Coin") | |
1965 | The Making of In Harm's Way | Short documentary | |
1966 | The Merv Griffin Show | TV series (Episode: "3-16-1966") | |
1966 | The Lucy Show | TV series (Episode: "Lucy and John Wayne") | |
1966-1969 | The Red Skelton Show | TV series (2 episodes) | |
1967 | The Artist and the American West | Short documentary | |
1967 | A Nation Builds Under Fire | Short documentary | |
1967 | The Beverly Hillbillies | TV series (Episode: "The Indians are Coming") | |
1967 | The Dean Martin Show | TV series (5 episodes) | |
1968 | The Movie Makers | Short documentary | |
1968-1973 | Rowan &Martin's Laugh-In | TV series (10 episodes) | [257] |
1968, 1969 | The Joey Bishop Show | TV series (2 episodes) | |
1969-1971 | The Glenn Campbell Good Time Hour | TV series (2 episodes) | |
1970 | No Substitute for Victory | Short | |
1970 | John Wayne and Chisum | Short documentary | |
1970 | Plimpton! Shoot out at Rio Lobo | TV documentary | |
1970 | The Movie Game | TV series (1 episode) | |
1970 | Swing Out, Sweet Land | TV movie | |
1970 | Raquel! | TV special | |
1970 | The 27th Annual Golden Globe Awards | TV special | |
1970 | The 42nd Annual Academy Awards | Presenter | |
1970 | Harry Jacks: A Man and His Art | Short documentary | |
1971 | Sehnsucht nach dem Wilden Westen | TV movie | |
1971 | The Bob Hope Show | TV series (1 episode) | |
1971 | Directed by John Ford | Documentary | |
1971 | Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jack Benny But Were Afraid to Ask | TV special | |
1971 – 1976 | The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson | TV series (6 episodes) | |
1971 | The American West of John Ford | Documentary | |
1971, 1975 | V.I.P. Schaukel | TV series (2 episodes) | |
1972 | The Breaking of Boys and the Making of Men | Short documentary | |
1972 | Cancel My Reservation | ||
1972 | The 44th Annual Academy Awards | Presenter | |
1972 | The David Frost Show | Short documentary | |
1973 | The Wayne Train | Short documentary | |
1973 | RCA's Opening Night | TV movie | |
1973 | Cavalcade of Champions | Short documentary | |
1974 | McQ: John Wayne in Action | ||
1974 | John Wayne and Glenn Campbell and the Musical West | TV special | |
1974 | The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Bob Hope | TV series (1 episode) | |
1974 | Maude | TV series (Episode: "Maude Meets the Duke") | |
1974 | Parkinson | TV series (1 episode) | |
1974 | AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to James Cagney | ||
1975 | Texaco Presents: A Quarter Century of Bob Hope on Television | TV special | |
1975 | Bob Hope on Campus | TV special | |
1975 | The 17th Annual TV Week Logie Awards | Short documentary | |
1975 | Backstage in Hollywood | TV series (1 episode) | |
1975 | The 47th Annual Academy Awards | Presenter | |
1976 | Backlot USA | TV movie | |
1976 | The Mike Douglas Show | TV series (1 episode) | |
1976 | The 2nd Annual People's Choice Awards | TV special | |
1976 | An All Star Tribute to John Wayne | TV movie | |
1976 | CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years | Documentary | |
1976 | Chesty: A Tribute to a Legend | Documentary | |
1976 | America Salutes Richard Rodgers: The Sound of His Music | TV movie | |
1977 | The 3rd Annual People's Choice Awards | TV special | |
1977 | Home for the Seabees | Documentary | |
1977 | An All-Star Tribute to Elizabeth Taylor | TV special | |
1977 | Super Night at the Super Bowl | TV special | |
1977 | Jimmy Carter's Inaugural Address Gala | TV special | |
1978 | AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Henry Fonda | TV special | |
1978 | ABC's Silver Anniversary Celebration | TV special | |
1978 | Happy Birthday, Bob | TV special | |
1978 | General Electric's All Star Anniversary | TV documentary | |
1978 | Early American Christmas | TV special | |
1979 | The 51st Annual Academy Awards | Presenter | |
1979 | The Barbara Walters Summer Special | TV special |
As producer only(프로듀서로만)
See also: Batjac Productions
Year | Title | Notes | Refs. |
1950 | The Dangerous Stranger | Short; uncredited | |
1951 | The Bullfighter and the Lady | ||
1951 | Santa and the Fairy Snow Queen | Short; uncredited | |
1953 | Plunder of the Sun | Uncredited | |
1954 | Ring of Fear | Uncredited | |
1956 | Track of the Cat | Uncredited | [258] |
1956 | Goodbye, My Lady | Uncredited | |
1956 | Seven Men From Now | Uncredited | [259] |
1956 | Gun the Man Down | Uncredited | [260] |
1956 | Man in the Vault | Uncredited | |
1958 | China Doll | Uncredited | |
1959 | Escort West | Uncredited; also uncredited producer | [261] |
1967 | Hondo and the Apaches | TV film; uncredited | |
1967 | Hondo | Executive producer; TV series (17 episodes); uncredited |
Box office popularity(박스 오피스 人氣(인기)
Results from Quigley's Motion Picture Herald annual poll of film exhibitors would determine the year's "Top Ten Stars". John Wayne appeared on the list every time between 1949 and 1973 with one exception – 1958 – indicating that he was one of cinema's most durable stars. 아래 飜譯(번역).
Quigley의 Motion Picture Herald 年間(연간) 映畫(영화) 上映(상영) 業體(업체) 設問(설문) 照査(조사) 結果(결과)가 올해의 'Top Ten Stars'를 決定(결정)합니다. John Wayne은 1949年(년)에서 1973年(년) 사이에 每番(매번) 1958年(년)에 한 가지 例外(예외)를 除外(제외)하고 目錄(목록)에 올랐습니다. 이는 그가 映畫(영화)에서 가장 耐久性(내구성)있는 star(스타) 中(중) 한 명이라는 것을 나타냅니다.
Place | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 |
1 | Bob Hope | John Wayne | John Wayne | Martin &Lewis | Gary Cooper |
2 | Bing Crosby | Bob Hope | Martin &Lewis | Gary Cooper | Martin &Lewis |
3 | Abbott &Costello | Bing Crosby | Betty Grable | John Wayne | John Wayne |
4 | John Wayne | Betty Grable | Abbott &Costello | Bing Crosby | Alan Ladd |
5 | Gary Cooper | James Stewart | Bing Crosby | Bob Hope | Gary Cooper |
6 | Cary Grant | Abbott &Costello | Bob Hope | James Stewart | Marlon Brando |
7 | Betty Grable | Clifton Webb | Randolph Scott | Doris Day | Martin &Lewis |
8 | Esther Williams | Esther Williams | Gary Cooper | Gregory Peck | Humphrey Bogart |
9 | Humphrey Bogart | Spencer Tracy | Doris Day | Susan Hayward | June Allyson |
10 | Clark Gable | Randolph Scott | Spencer Tracy | Randolph Scott | Clark Gable |
Place | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 |
1 | John Wayne | James Stewart | William Holden | Rock Hudson | Glenn Ford |
2 | Martin &Lewis | Grace Kelly | John Wayne | John Wayne | Elizabeth Taylor |
3 | Gary Cooper | John Wayne | James Stewart | Pat Boone | Jerry Lewis |
4 | James Stewart | William Holden | Burt Lancaster | Elvis Presley | Marlon Brando |
5 | Glenn Ford | Bing Crosby | Marilyn Monroe | Frank Sinatra | Rock Hudson |
6 | Martin &Lewis | Marilyn Monroe | Alan Ladd | Gary Cooper | William Holden |
7 | Gary Cooper | James Stewart | William Holden | William Holden | Brigitte Bardot |
8 | Marilyn Monroe | Bob Hope | Bing Crosby | James Stewart | Yul Brynner |
9 | Kim Novak | Susan Hayward | Jane Wyman | Jerry Lewis | James Stewart |
10 | Frank Sinatra | Randolph Scott | Marlon Brando | Yul Brynner | Frank Sinatra |
Place | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 |
1 | Rock Hudson | Doris Day | Elizabeth Taylor | Doris Day | Doris Day |
2 | Cary Grant | Rock Hudson | Rock Hudson | Rock Hudson | John Wayne |
3 | James Stewart | Cary Grant | Doris Day | Cary Grant | Rock Hudson |
4 | Doris Day | Elizabeth Taylor | John Wayne | John Wayne | Jack Lemmon |
5 | Debbie Reynolds | Debbie Reynolds | Cary Grant | Elvis Presley | Cary Grant |
6 | Glenn Ford | Tony Curtis | Sandra Dee | Elizabeth Taylor | Elizabeth Taylor |
7 | Frank Sinatra | Sandra Dee | Jerry Lewis | Jerry Lewis | Elvis Presley |
8 | John Wayne | Frank Sinatra | William Holden | Frank Sinatra | Sandra Dee |
9 | Jerry Lewis | Jack Lemmon | Tony Curtis | Sandra Dee | Paul Newman |
10 | Susan Hayward | John Wayne | Elvis Presley | Burt Lancaster | Jerry Lewis |
Place | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 |
1 | Doris Day | Sean Connery | Julie Andrews | Julie Andrews | Sidney Poitier |
2 | Jack Lemmon | John Wayne | Sean Connery | Lee Marvin | Paul Newman |
3 | Rock Hudson | Doris Day | Elizabeth Taylor | Paul Newman | Julie Andrews |
4 | John Wayne | Julie Andrews | Jack Lemmon | Dean Martin | John Wayne |
5 | Cary Grant | Jack Lemmon | Richard Burton | Sean Connery | Clint Eastwood |
6 | Elvis Presley | Elvis Presley | Cary Grant | Elizabeth Taylor | Dean Martin |
7 | Shirley MacLaine | Cary Grant | John Wayne | Sidney Poitier | Dustin Hoffman |
8 | Ann-Margret | James Stewart | Doris Day | John Wayne | Jack Lemmon |
9 | Paul Newman | Elizabeth Taylor | Paul Newman | Richard Burton | Lee Marvin |
10 | Richard Burton | Richard Burton | Elvis Presley | Steve McQueen | Elizabeth Taylor |
Place | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 |
1 | Paul Newman | Paul Newman | John Wayne | Clint Eastwood | Clint Eastwood |
2 | John Wayne | Clint Eastwood | Clint Eastwood | George C. Scott | Ryan O'Neal |
3 | Steve McQueen | Steve McQueen | Paul Newman | Gene Hackman | Steve McQueen |
4 | Dustin Hoffman | John Wayne | Steve McQueen | John Wayne | Burt Reynolds |
5 | Clint Eastwood | Elliott Gould | George C. Scott | Barbra Streisand | Robert Redford |
6 | Sidney Poitier | Dustin Hoffman | Dustin Hoffman | Marlon Brando | Barbra Streisand |
7 | Lee Marvin | Lee Marvin | Walter Matthau | Paul Newman | Paul Newman |
8 | Jack Lemmon | Jack Lemmon | Ali MacGraw | Steve McQueen | Charles Bronson |
9 | Katharine Hepburn | Barbra Streisand | Sean Connery | Dustin Hoffman | John Wayne |
10 | Barbra Streisand | Walter Matthau | Lee Marvin | Goldie Hawn | Marlon Brando |
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