I had a goldfish but they are all death only lived one!
***I thinked, the goldfish was lonely, so I put a dried yellow corvina into the fishglobe.
After 10 minute, the goldfish was killed himself
I thinked that, the goldfish hate the dried yellow corvina.
In cartoon, I saw that, He pumped up a cats' anus.
so the cats' body was a gradual increaseed.
*****I breathed into my dogs' anus by the strow,
but my dog doesn't become larger and had screws.
I concerned about taste of a philopon
****So I rubed flour at a tooth, I felt nausea.
I concerned for the ladies' room.
****My sister had a toy of "MIMI' HOUSE", I opened the ladies'room.
My sister looked at me the corner of Hers' eye.
I concerned for my parents looked at video.
****When my parents went out, I turn on the videoplayer,
a subject was the technique of a couple and there was to attach of every kind.
I knew, my parents was the docking robot.
I concerned for taste of coffee.
****I ate to mix the coffee and rice.......I vomit.
I concerned about felt of birth.
****I put an egg into my anus and I concentrated, so the egg has broken.
...My brother told on my mother so she pounded me by a broom.
I heared about wine of a snake in T.V program.
It was good health!!!
****For my father, I put a earthworm into the foreign wine, catched in playground.
...I wore a trunk, and my mother pounded me in the housetop.
My aunt was delivered of a baby, than she press out of milk.
***I went to my mother with cup and banana. and I said her, to press out of banana milk.
My mother beat me, then happpened the dust~!!!!
kkkkk have a nice day and crazy night~ everyday~!!!!