Dear CIA, Central Intelligence Agency ( person in charge) 안녕하세요? CIA 담당자님
→ 해당 기관의 정확한 이름을 기입합니다, 항의서한 견본은 CIA 를 대상으로 하였습니다.
I appreciate you for your valuable, and best website 먼저 훌륭하고 가치있는 최고의 웹사이트를 운영하는 당신에게 존경을 표합니다.
I am a student and a member of VANK living in South Korea. VANK is a non-governmental organization and also a voluntary organization. VANK consists of elementary, middle and high school students who provide correct information about Korea to international textbook publishing companies and publishers. 저는 반크 회원으로 한국에 살고 있는 학생입니다. 반크는 비정부기구로서 외국 교과서와 출판사를 대상으로 한국에 대한 바른 정보를 전하고자 초.중.고 학생들로 구성된 자원봉사 단체입니다.
I just want to let you know about your website which has a serious potential problem which may cause serious diplomatic crisis. 저는 이번에 귀사가 운영하는 웹사이트에 한국의 이미지를 심각하게 왜곡시키고 양국간 외교문제까지 발전될 수 있는 문제가 있음을 알려드리고자 합니다
We, Korean, were quite surprised to find your website describe Korean island "Tokdo" as "Liancourt Rocks (Takeshima/Tokdo) disputed with Japan" which is incorrect. 우리 한국인은 당신의 웹사이트에서 한국의 섬 독도를 일본과의 분쟁지역(Takeshima/Tokdo) 라 소개한 내용을 보고 정말 놀랬습니다
Please refer the following in your website 당신 사이트의 다음 부분을 참고해주세요
→ 해당 사이트별로 다케시마로 표시한 주소를 기입합니다.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transnational Issues Korea, South Liancourt Rocks (Takeshima/Tokdo) disputed with Japan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
→ 해당 사이트에 다케시마로 표기한 내용을 기입합니다
Korean island "Tokdo" is a clearly Korean territory. 한국의 섬 독도는 분명한 한국의 영토입니다
Let me explain about a historical perspective and in international law, why there is no valid dispute over the ownership of Dokdo. 지금부터 역사적인 관점에서나, 국제법상으로나 독도의 소유권에 대해서는 논쟁할 여지없이 왜 한국의 영토인지를 설명드리겠습니다.
↓ 지금부터는 역사적인 관점에서나 국제법상으로 독도가 왜 한국의 영토인지를 설명합니다. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dokdo is a small rocky island in the middle of the East Sea at north latitude 37° 14’ 18” and east longitude 131° 59’ 22”. It is located about 49 nautical miles from Ulleungdo which is Korean territory and 86 nautical miles from Japanese island of Okishima.
From the 15th century, during the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910), the island was called Usando, and the name was changed to Dokdo in 1883.
Until the early sixth century, Dokdo and Ulleungdo were called Usan-guk (The country of Usan). Usan-guk was incorporated into the Silla Kingdom (57 B.C-A.D. 935) in 512, the 13th year of the monarch, Jijeungwang (r. 500-514). Since this time it has been Korean territory.
This is confirmed by an entry in the Samguksagi (History of the three Kingdoms) published in 1145.
In addition, many other ancient records and documents, such as the Sejong Sillok Jiriji (Geographical Appendix to the Veritable Records of King Sejong) published in 1432, the Goryeosa Jiriji (Geographical Appendix to the History of Goryeo), published in the mid-15th century and the Sukjong Sillok (Veritable Record of King Sukjong), among others, state that Usando (Dokdo) became part of the territory of the Silla Kingdom. Thus, from 512 until the present, Dokdo has been an integral part of Korean territory.
The first ancient Japanese record which mentions Dokdo is the Onshu shicho goki (What Was Seen or Heard About Onshu) published in 1667. What is significant about this document is that it states that Dokdo and Ulleungdo are part of the territory of the Goryeo Kingdom (918-1392) and that the island of Okishima is japan’s farthest northwestern border. Thus, even the very first Japanese record which mentions Dokdo acknowledges that it is Korean territory.
The Sankoku setsujo chizu (A Territorial Map of Three Nations), made by the famous Japanese scholar Kohei Hayashi in 1785, indicated the territory of Korea and Japan in different colors so as to clearly show the borders between the two countries. On this map, Joseon was depicted in yellow and Japan in green. Ulleungdo and Dokdo which were accurately located were colored yellow, indicating that they were part of Joseon territory. Moreover, there was writing next to the two islands stating that they are Joseon territory. All the Japanese Army and Navy maps during the Meiji Government period repeated confirmed that the two islands were a part of Joseon territory.
During the Japanese occupation of Korea, Dokdo became Japanese territory, as did all of Korea. With Japan’s unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945, Korea was liberated from Japan. In “SCAPIN-677, Governmental and Administrative Separation of Certain Outlying Areas from Japan” which was Annex I to Directive (No. 677) of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers to the Japanese Government to Implement the Instrument of Surrender and which was dated January 29, 1946, Dokdo was acknowledged as being excluded from Japanese territory and thus as Korean territory.
In addition, on June 22, 1946, in order No. 1033, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers prohibited the entry of Japanese fishing ships and other ships within 12 nautical miles of Dokdo.
As a result, Dokdo was completely reclaimed as Korean territory.
In a diplomatic document dated January 28, 1952 and sent to the Republic of Korea in protest against the proclamation of the Peace Line, Japan began claiming ownership of Dokdo.
This was the beginning of the dispute with Japan over the ownership of Dokdo. All documents and records unequivocally prove that Dokdo has been Korean territory since 512.
For this reason, all Korean, and members of VANK does not recognize that Dokdo is an area in dispute.
Japan lacks any evidence for its claim because it is completely unfounded.
Therefore from a historical perspective and in international law, there is no valid dispute over the ownership of Dokdo. Dokdo is clearly Korean territory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ↑ 독도에 대한 역사적인 관점과 국제법상의 사실을 설명하는 부분을 여기서 끝냅니다.
So, as a member of VANK, I urge you to delete "Takeshima" in all your documents and website. 그래서 반크 회원의 한사람으로서 저는 당신의 기관에서 사용하는 모든 출판물과 웹사이트에서 "다케시마" 를 삭제할 것을 요구합니다
We would be grateful for your explanation. 여기에 대한 당신의 입장을 들을 수 있기를 바랍니다.
Yours very truly, VANK, Cyber Civilian Diplomat in Korea, consisted of 10,000 Korean voluntary people. 사이버 외교사절단 반크 mailto:
→ 여러분 개인 이메일 주소를 기입합니다.
Thank you, and we would appreciate your favorable consideration.
"Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches." - [Matthew] -
→ 상대 기관에 대해 답변이 올 경우 반크 에서 후속조치가 가능하도록 반크에 대한 단체 설명을 합니다
VANK stands for - ‘Voluntary Agency Network of Korea’, a civilian international exchange association in Korea. We work for the promotion of Korea's image all over the world by Internet. VANK was established in 1999 by volunteers, and now has over 12,000 members. Using email or internet we serve as cyber travel guides to overseas Koreans and foreigners so that they can understand Korean culture and language better, and at the same time we hope we build international friendships. VANK is a great chance for those who are interested in Korean language, arts, cultural education, history, geography, social studies, sciences to learn about our country, and we also welcome with open arms anyone just wanting to make Korean friends!
(1) reference
1) Their claim that the East Sea has some historical precedent worked, as some major book and map publishers, educational web sites and other reference materials now include the East Sea name along with the Sea of Japan. -
2) On historical perspective and in international law, why there is no valid dispute over the ownership of Dokdo.
3)Truth in scholarship
→ 독도 표기에 대한 이해를 높일수 있는 한국 학자들의 자세한 배경 자료와 관련 운동에 대한 외국 유명 기관의 입장을 소개합니다. |