Making one God into three is the doctrine of the Trinity, and it is the starting point of pluralism.
The Almighty God Himself is always filled with the Holy Spirit in the entire universe.
The Almighty Creator Himself appeared to the world in human flesh, and that God is Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is both inside Jesus’ body and outside his body, and in the universe, and there is no place where He is not.
There are those who claim to be the Son of God or the Holy Spirit, and this is the result of not understanding the Bible.
These people are heretics and bitter roots that have entered the church.
Because of these people, many churches have fallen and become chaotic, and the Lord’s wrath has come.
When they receive God’s discipline, they must quickly realize their mistakes and return to the Lord’s words in order to live.
There are many rich and knowledgeable church members and pastors today.
However, only those among them who realize the truth, obey, and repent will go to heaven.
We must abandon worldly knowledge and have God’s knowledge.
God said that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6
God’s knowledge is not memorizing God’s word, but practicing God’s word.
We must realize who God is through God’s word, not human knowledge.
The Jews were Bible doctors. They read the Bible a lot, but they did not understand the meaning of the Bible.
That is why they crucified Jesus, who is God.
We must understand God’s word well and live a life of obedience.
The purpose of God giving us the Ten Commandments is to make us realize our sins and repent through them.
All who repent of their sins receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit’s strong power guides us,
so we become more obedient and achieve more complete repentance.
When we sin in our lives, the Holy Spirit directly rebukes us, so we cannot endure without repenting.
When we sin, our hearts are so distressed and painful, so we repent and receive the Lord’s peace again.
When we should preach the gospel, if we do not preach the gospel, our hearts are distressed and have no peace.
This is the Holy Spirit rebuking our laziness and wrong thinking.
The most urgent thing for us is not making a lot of money, but knowing Jesus!
Having money and power in the world is good. However, those who misuse them will quickly perish.
The Lord said, “You will not be the tail, but the head” (Deut. 28:13).
This means that God’s people will be rich and have high honor in all areas, and will be in a position to rule over others.
He gives many materials to those who serve and obey God, so that they can glorify the Lord and spread the gospel to the world.
Humans do not have their own things, and everything comes to us from the Lord.
Our children, money, honor, workplace, and business are God’s and are entrusted to each of us. We are all merely stewards of God.
We can see that when people have a lot of money, their greed for money becomes even worse.
The Lord warns those who are greedy to give up their pride and greed.
Those who have received a lot of money, power, and honor from the Lord should be more careful not to fall.
The Lord's servants should point out their sins without delay and teach them to be humble.
When they continue to be proud and do not return to the Lord, the pastor should warn them.
If they still do not listen, the pastor should drive them out of the church.
When the pastor disciplines them in this way, it means handing them over to Satan (1 Corinthians 5:5).
After some time, his business will collapse, his body will become sick, and various pains will come to him.
If he does not continue to repent, he will face death.
If he finally realizes his mistakes and repents when the last moment comes, his body will die, but his soul will be saved.
Those who do not repent until the end when death comes will go to hell.
There are those who barely realize their sins in the face of death, repent, and are saved.
The Bible refers to these people as those who are saved in fire (1 Corinthians 3:15).
Money and material things are resources for doing good things.
However, when people use money for evil things, money becomes an evil tool.
When this money and material things are used to spread the kingdom of God, they become good tools.
Material things used for physical pleasure are used for evil things.
When God gives you great material blessings, you must remember this word well and practice it.
If you entrust it to yourself and there are rejections, listen to this word well.
Those who strongly desire to receive a lot of material blessings are usually greedy.
We must practice restraining our fleshly thoughts and desires.
When we strive to obey, God exalts us above others.
At this time, we must be careful not to be arrogant, and use the grace we have received from the Lord for the Lord’s kingdom.
We must acknowledge what God has given us, be thankful to the Lord, and do what the Lord is pleased with.
When we mismanage the money and material things we have received from the Lord, everyone will perish.
Use those materials to help the poor, the sick, and the marginalized.
Those who use the material things and power they have received from the Lord to oppress others and boast about themselves will be judged.
The biblical principle is that the greater should serve and care for the lesser.
Since there is no being greater than God, God swore by His own name and blessed Abraham.
(Hebrews 6:13,14).
That is why the great should volunteer to be the friend of the small, and the learned should strive to be the friend of the ignorant.
Doing this is to humble oneself before the Lord and obey His will.
However, Satan prevents us from obeying and continues to put arrogant thoughts into us.
Satan tries harder to corrupt those whom God has blessed.
In order to believe in Jesus in a convenient way, there are those who do not attend Sunday services or keep prayer times.
No matter how much God has blessed them, if they miss the prayer line, their faith will gradually weaken and they will become filled with greed.
When greed has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is full-grown, it brings forth death (James 1:15).
What is greed? It is the desire to make everything your own.
The desire to covet and take away what belongs to others is an evil desire.
Such people cannot yield to others, cannot show love, and cannot achieve harmony.
There are many shepherds who only feed themselves (Jude 1:12). The possessions of such pastors rot.
We must have faith to share what we have received from the Lord with the powerless, the poor, and the weak.
What do you have for your wealth? Wealth that is not used to fulfill the Lord’s will is worthless.
In the last days, many people accumulate wealth for their own flesh (James 5:3), and this is a sin.
If a person with ability does not care for the difficulties of others, his heart is evil.
When the Holy Spirit gives us the thought of sharing with others, we must immediately put it into practice.
If we keep what should be shared with others in our own storehouse, it will rot and become poison that harms us.
When such a sermon is given on the pulpit, all the congregation listens together, but some are tempted.
These people do not need to attend our church.
Those who do not want to hear the word of the Lord do not belong to the Lord.
Those who hear the word of God must realize their own mistakes and repent.
The seeds sown along the path are eaten by birds.
Those who do not receive the word of the Lord are like seeds that fall along the path.
When a person does not accept the word of God, Satan takes the word away.
What does it mean that Satan takes the word away?
During the sermon, Satan gives them worldly thoughts so that they cannot concentrate and listen to the word of God.
Those who hear the word of God and fall into temptation will have their souls killed.
Falling into temptation when hearing the word of God means that their sins have been revealed but they do not want to repent.
If your sins have been revealed through the sermon, repent without delay. Lord, I was wrong. Please forgive my sins.
Oh, Lord, thank you for making me realize my sins through today’s sermon.
When you realize your sins and repent, your sins will be forgiven and you will receive the Lord’s love.
When your sins are revealed through the sermon, do not think that the pastor is preaching because he hates you.
Those who think this way do not repent and fall into Satan’s temptation.
Such people cannot understand the words of Jesus and are always captives of Satan.